Published on: March 21, 2016
March 20-26 is National Poison Prevention Week. Every third week in March, the Poison Prevention Week Council holds this event to highlight the dangers of poisonings and how to prevent them and ensure the safety of children and adults.
Pesticides are a common types of poison that are found in many people's homes. Poisoning can happen when pesticides are not stored correctly and/or disposed of properly. Here are a few tips for keeping people and pets safe:
- Products should be kept tightly capped in a locked cabinet, out of the reach of children and pets.
- Always keep pesticides in their original container.
- Never dispose of unwanted pesticides in the trash.
The only legal way to dispose of unused pesticides in California is through a household hazardous waste site. For information on how to find a collection site near you, and for more tips on storage and disposal of pesticides, visit the UC IPM Pesticide Storage and Disposal page.
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