- Author: Anne Schellman
- Author: Karey Windbiel Rojas
Topics addressed in these workshops include:
- Invasive Pests
- Asian citrus psyllid and Huanglongbing disease
- Pesitcides Abiotic Plant Problems
Workshop participants were provided many “goodies” and informational materials at the training, including information from groups such as the Citrus Pest & Disease Prevention Program and PlantRight. Attendees also gained exclusive access to training materials presented during the workshop to assist them in sharing the information with others.
UC IPM plans to offer more retail nursery and garden center trainings the Fall of 2016 and Winter 2017 in other parts of the state. If you are a retail nursery or garden center owner, manager, or employee, subscribe to the Retail Nursery & Garden Center IPM Newsletter to keep informed about upcoming workshops.
Read the full article about the Ontario workshop in the March 2016 issue of the Retail IPM newsletter.
![An invasive adult female polyphagous shothole borer insect. [A.Eskalen] An invasive adult female polyphagous shothole borer insect. [A.Eskalen]](https://ucanr.edu/blogs/UCIPMurbanpests/blogfiles/35335.jpg)
![Rose leaves turning brown from drought stress. [J.K.Clark] Rose leaves turning brown from drought stress. [J.K.Clark]](https://ucanr.edu/blogs/UCIPMurbanpests/blogfiles/35336.jpg)
for the seminar with garden retailers. This has been a long time in coming. Garden center retailers are merchants and succeed by selling their products. The IPM
programs will go a long way in helping the retailers to truth in running their businesses. Best wishes for the continuance of the effort.