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Strawberries and Caneberries - <span style='font-size:0.5em;'>Share</span>
University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources Agriculture and Natural Resources Blogs
THU, JUL 18 2024
by Mark Shimozaki
on February 10, 2010 at 7:38 AM
Mark was there any feeding attractants used in this study. What form of Malathion was used 8 or 5 ?
by Mark Bolda
on February 10, 2010 at 8:00 AM
The malathion formulation was Aquamul 8. No feeding attractants were used in the study- I am not clear either to which materials you are referring. Remember that one of the suggested adjuvants, Nulure, which has not yet been tried here, is a feeding STIMULANT, meaning the flies are not drawn to it as with a bait, rather they feed on the material once they land on it.
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