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Seasonal observations of the UCCE Master Gardeners
by Tom Rogers
on July 16, 2021 at 2:36 PM
Crepe myrtle not blooming. Thanks. Mine have a lot of shade.
by Michael Reandeau
on June 20, 2022 at 12:16 PM
Great examples of breaking down the 'what's wrong' analysis into easy steps. Loved that you follow up your own assessments with additional offline research. I now have several next steps to understand why some of our crape myrtles don't bloom.
by Jeff williams
on August 30, 2022 at 3:35 PM
We have very large crape myrtle trees that bloom all summer. They are too close to our pool and dump blooms everywhere. Is there a way to stop them from blooming? We love the trees but hate the mess and clean up.
by Kerry
on September 11, 2022 at 1:33 PM
Have a crepe myrtle in my front yard. Was planted in 19 when the house was built. Full sun, natural area 3 foot circumference around it. From 19-early spring 21 we had a company the aerated, fertilized, etc…with no effect whatsoever on our grass, so I canceled the service. Tree has NEVER bloomed! Grass does not “grow”. It’s that centipede crap that builders use. It turns green in spring and summer but we only need to mow because of weeds. Tree is in the middle of this yard. What could be the problem? Also, we live about 7 miles inland on the east coast in NC.
Reply by Jennifer Baumbach
on September 14, 2022 at 12:50 PM
Kerry-I would contact your local master gardener program for help. If you can tell me the county, I might be able to connect you to someone in NC. Thanks,Jennifer
by Karen Hanks
on July 11, 2023 at 3:27 PM
Plenty of sun warmer daily but maybe need to let water run slowly on it, rose of Sharon looks sick no blooms either?
by Jack Hudson
on July 17, 2024 at 7:44 AM
I have an 8 ft. Crepe Myrtle Tree in a 15 gallon planter on my patio. Purchased from a garden center about 2 years ago. It appears healthy with lush green foilage and is in full sun most of the day. The tag from the garden center said it was the Sioux variety which showed pink blossoms. However, it has yet to show any blooms in this second summer of ownership. I also make sure it stays well hydrated during the spring and summer months. We live in coastal Virginia growing Zone 7. Pls. Advise. Thank you.
by Betsy Buxton
on July 19, 2024 at 12:15 PM
My response is that the Lagerstroemia indicia may not bloom well in Sunset zone 7, if that's what you mean by "zone. A better choice might be the Lagerstroemia fauriei ( Japanese crape myrtle) or one of the hybrids. Prune in winter or early spring. Remove the spent flowers to continue bloom. Full sun and moderate water. Great trees for long, hot summers.  
IF by zone 7, you mean the USDA zone, please consult with your local Master Gardener group or your Ag Commissioner.  
Betsy Buxton
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