- Author: Michael L. Poe
Dear Colleagues,
I am pleased to announce that we have appointed two new members to serve on Program Council: Rose Hayden-Smith and Steve Orloff. The Program Council coordinates divisionwide planning and delivery of programs and provides recommendations for allocation of resources. The new members will continue providing a county-based perspective to Program Council once the Regional Directors end their duties on June 30. Orloff and Hayden-Smith will join Program Council in July 2010 on two- and three-year staggered terms respectively, to ensure continuity of county-based input.
Using an online survey tool, we solicited nominations of county-based Cooperative Extension academics from specialists and county-based personnel. Program Council evaluated the nominations and made recommendations to the Executive Working Group.
Rose Hayden-Smith is Ventura County Director and a Kellogg Food and Society Policy Fellow. Hayden-Smith develops programs for youth and adult extenders in agricultural literacy, garden-based learning, and youth and community gardening. Her national advocacy work focuses on encouraging national efforts to promote school, home and community efforts; and public policy related to food systems, gardening, education and urban agriculture.
Steve Orloff is Siskiyou County Director and a Farm Advisor. Orloff conducts research and educational programs on alfalfa, small grains, irrigated pasture and non-crop weed control; with emphasis on variety adaptation, pest management, irrigation and general production practices.
I want to thank those of you who provided such thoughtful recommendations; your feedback is always an essential part of our Division's work.
Daniel M. Dooley,
Vice President
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