- Author: Anne E Schellman
As many readers know, University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) in Stanislaus County recently launched a Master Gardener Program.
This statewide program trains volunteers who then teach residents about composting, using less water in the landscape, growing fruits and vegetables, and how to safely and effectively manage pests in the home and landscape.
Our program is just getting started and it could use your help. We are asking for support on June 5, 2019 on Big Dig Day—a day to “dig in the soil, dig in your heart, and dig in your wallet to support a program you care about!”
We hope you can help us with our mission to extend research-based knowledge and information on home horticulture, pest management, and sustainable landscaping practices to the community.
Our program needs funds to purchase supplies such as pop-up tents, tables, chairs, banners, and tablecloths for farmers markets and other events. We can also use funds to help provide partial scholarships for residents who might not be able to afford the fee to enroll in our program.
Please join anytime during the 24-hour giving day. If you make a donation, please share your excitement on social media using #BigDigDay and #DigDeep.
Visit the our #BigDigDay page and select “Master Gardener Program” and then “Stanislaus” from the drop-down menu anytime from now until June 5.
UCCE is a division of Agricultural and Natural Resources (UCANR).