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Food news from the UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Produce at the market
by charles k metzger
on July 29, 2016 at 1:37 PM
we have pierce disease in an L.A. home vineyard and now berry shrivel. Are the two connected? we have real beautiful clusters, no powdery mildew and then 1/2 or more of the clusters shrivel. Frustationg to say the least
by Diana Bishey
on August 3, 2016 at 11:19 AM
I have a small vineyard (25 vines), and experienced berry shrivel last yr and this yr. My vines are 4 yrs old and so far I have only seen the shrivel in two vines and not on every bunch. No one else has explained this event as well as your article has so thank you. At least I know someone is working on this problem. I'm hoping it will not get any larger than it currently is because this is my second harvest and right not I have a lot more grapes than last year. And, if they don't shrivel and the birds don't figure out how to get into the nets, I could have a pretty good harvest.
by Edward Vergara
on June 18, 2017 at 5:17 AM
I only have a few nice vines . However, this is the second year I have berry shrivel, but don't know what to do. Would appreciate your advice. Thank you.
by Carmine indindoli
on October 17, 2019 at 6:14 AM
I have seen this many times in many sites for many years. Not the same AVAs ,  
not the same age vines, or the source of vines, different rootstocks but always Cab Sauv.  
Frankly less likely in blocks planted with the old FPMS clonal material. More likely with  
the newer clonal material like the 337 and such.
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