- Author: Jodi Azulai
Learning & Development Opportunities
ANR Learning & Development | Webinar Recordings
Engaging Youth in Natural Resources
Please join us for our Eighth (in a series of nine) webinar!
March 4 at 10 a.m. PST / 1 p.m. EST.
Register here.
This webinar is open to all!
Please distribute to your colleagues and other interested people.
Webinar summary:
To maintain attraction to and retention of new and diverse talent in applied STEM careers, youth engagement in natural resources is critical. However, due to limited funding, widespread disconnect to natural systems, and a lack of effective science communication on behalf of the STEM community, youth engagement in natural resources is dwindling. Cooperative Extension is well positioned to address this challenge. This webinar will explore three very different ways that Extension personnel have engaged youth in natural resources and speakers will illustrate how to initiate and maintain new youth programming across states.
Impact Collaborative Innovation Facilitator Training
March 9 & 11, 2021
10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. PST
eXtension Foundation Members – Click to register.
Become an Innovation Facilitator -
Are you someone who is always looking for new ways to improve? Do you like adopting innovative ideas and helping others along the way? Would you like to be a leader that helps teams design cutting edge programs/projects that make real impact? If so, please consider joining our Innovation Facilitator team!
Our Innovation Facilitator training provides you with a new way of looking at innovation. Once trained, you are an invaluable asset in helping teams develop projects or programs more quickly and connect them with national resources. You will use our innovation incubator process to bring fresh ideas aligned with institutional goals to every team you work with.
Today, there are 151 Innovation Facilitators across Cooperative Extension working to synergize innovative efforts in their own states, institutions, and supporting regional & national teams. Click to register
Sponsorship - (If you are reading this, you should watch this webinar!)
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
10 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Learn to incorporate sponsorships into your events. This webinar will provide a basic overview of sponsorships for virtual and in-person events, and will review strategies for identifying who would make a good sponsor, how to establish sponsorship levels and the ANR policies that will guide you as you solicit and recognize your sponsors. You will also discover ways to work with Development Services to secure larger sponsorships in the future. Learning Objectives:
- Learn about sponsorships and why we have them
- Explore strategies for identifying sponsor prospects, developing sponsor levels and associated benefits
- Understand the ANR policies for how you can recognize your sponsor
With Scott Brayton, major gifts officer, and Andrea Ambrose, director of advancement. Zoom access:
Password: 4Learning | +1 669 900 6833 | Webinar ID: 751 701 428
Come See the New Integrated Web Platform Demo! Third Thursday WebANR
Thursday, March 18, 2021
Noon – 12:30 p.m.
Join ANR IT colleagues Sree Mada and Jon Wilson as they demo ANR's new and under-construction integrated web platform. Find out what it will look like, how you and your clientele will use it, and the improvements it will provide for the people of California. Zoom access:
Password: 4Learning | +1 669 900 6833 | Webinar ID: 751 701 428
Intro to Contracts & Grants and Grant Tracking System
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
9:30 a.m.-10 a.m.
This training is for academics and staff who are new, or just need a refresher, to submitting proposals for external funding. We will provide an introduction to the Office of Contracts and Grants including an overview of the proposal submission process and the Grant Tracking System. With Kimberly Lamar and Kendra Rose. Zoom access:
Password: 4Learning | +1 669 900 6833 | Webinar ID: 751 701 428
March 24, 2021
11 a.m. - 12 p.m. PDT
Click to register.
Who? Extension Professionals from Extension Foundation member institutions leading five or more peers. Rev-up Your Virtual Leadership includes discussions on how to lead when we've lost the ability to put a hand on a shoulder.
It's not time that builds trust, it's our behaviors. Learn what you can do to keep it from eroding and create an environment where trust can thrive! Click to read more.
Big Dig Day & Social Media: Strategies for Success
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
10 - 10:45 a.m.
Join Emily Delk, Director of Annual Giving and Dora Garay, Social Media Strategist, as they share how to make the most of UC ANR's Big Dig Day (June 4, 2021) giving day campaign to raise money for your program. You will learn how to plan your campaign, including themes, tools, and timelines. And together we will learn the ins and outs of using social media to promote your campaign—from the basics of each platform to more advanced strategies to expand your reach.
Zoom access:
Password: 4Learning | +1 669 900 6833 | Webinar ID: 751 701 428
Collaborative Facilitation - 5 Spots left!
Dates: Every Tuesday from April 20-May 11
Four 2-hour sessions (virtual)
Instructor: Kim Rodrigues; Co-facilitators: Kim Ingram and Javier Miramontes
Limited to 24 participants. Your application will be reviewed, and you will be notified about your participation.
This course is designed for people who have already learned basic meeting facilitation. It is open to all UC ANR academic and staff employees, including statewide program volunteers.
Collaborations and group processes are complex, dynamic and unpredictable. Successful processes are based on shared understanding and learning, and work towards common goals. However, we know that this doesn't always happen. Then what?
Collaborative facilitation and group process tools support success, allowing everyone to feel heard and to contribute. Whether you have a lead facilitator role or are a group participant, join us in learning appropriate and applicable facilitation tools to use before, during and after your meetings.
This course will cover the following topics:
Session I - review and include building teams to “compete” for the correct responses to challenges with meetings.
Session II - prevention and intervention tools.
Session III - dealing with difficult people, including ourselves.
Session IV - tools to manage conflicts combining all the tools you have learned and experienced.
Outlook: Efficient Email Management (LinkedIn Learning)
Click to link to course.
Many of us spend hours every day plowing through our email, reading, replying or forwarding, searching, storing. If we could improve our email management, even if only incrementally, and if the improvements we made could become habits, we would save hours every single week. In this course, Gini von Courter will use her Outlook Inbox to demonstrate features and techniques that will help you more efficiently view, organize and even automate your Outlook email. Please join this exploration of the Outlook tools you can use to tame your wild inbox.
Request your LinkedIn Learning account by contacting help@ucanr.edu.
- For managers and direct reports
There's only one right way to ask for feedback: ‘How can I do better?'
Negative feedback is inconsistent with our self-image and so we reject it.
By Marshall Goldsmith
“Soliciting feedback” is just what the words imply. It is when we solicit opinions from people about what we are doing wrong. As simple as it sounds, it is not always so simple. Most people have two problems dealing with negative feedback. This may not sound like many, but they are big problems. The first is we don't want to hear it and the second is we don't want to give it.
The reason we don't want to hear it is because negative feedback is inconsistent with our self-image and so we reject it. Did you know that of all the classes I've taught 95% of members believe they are in the top half of their group? While this is statistically impossible, it is psychologically real. Proving to successful people that they are “wrong” works just about as well as making them change. Click here to read more.
Giving and Receiving Feedback (LinkedIn Learning)
Click to link to course.
Say someone on your team misses a deadline. Do you address it right away or do you wait to see if it becomes a pattern? If you do address it, how do you go about giving that feedback? Feedback is a critical aspect of managing a team. The more often you provide it, the better. It's important to provide both positive and constructive feedback to the people on the teams you manage, individually and collectively. It's best to keep these conversations simple and frequent. One way I find to be extremely useful in providing feedback is SBI. It stands for situation, behavior, impact. Let's watch Hilary provide feedback to Jeff using this model. Click to link to course.
Network your way to a more satisfying job
Click to read more.
Monday, March 8, 2021
10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Part of the Career Resilience Webinar Series.
In this workshop (via Zoom) you will explore the best strategies for building a professional network including simple techniques for networking, whether you are a social butterfly, or you tend to be more reserved. Topics will cover how to identify contacts, what techniques to use for making connections, and how to create valuable two-way professional relationships.
Ace Your Virtual Interview
Click to read more.
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
10 a.m. – 11 a.m.
Part of the Career Resilience Webinar Series.
This workshop (via Zoom) will help you understand best practices for successful phone and video interview formats. We will explore tips and techniques for what to do before, during, and after a virtual interview, to ensure you make the best impression possible. Armed with the latest information on this growing approach to interviews, you will have the confidence to ace a virtual interview like a pro.
Why it Feels so Good to Read about this Princeton Professor's Failures (WaPo)
By Ana Swanson, Reporter
Click here to read more.
Most of us have had some momentary feelings of inferiority when looking over the résumé of a friend or job applicant. When you look at someone else's shining educational and professional accomplishments, it's easy to feel that the person in question is far more impressive than yourself.
But any accomplished résumé – or CV, as non-Americans and some in the professional class like to call them – hides secrets. If you could read between the lines of the many successes that are recorded in a résumé, you would probably see far more failures: schools people didn't get into; scholarship essays that were toiled over and rejected; job applications that now seem harebrained.
Image by Tumisu from Pixabay
Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay
Image by Tanya Ferrera from Pixabay
Everyone can learn something new.
ANR Learning & Development
Find webinar announcements and recordings here.
Office: 530.750.1239