- Author: Anne E Schellman
Did you know?
- You don't need to be a gardening expert to become a Master Gardener.
- Trainees learn from University experts about low water use landscaping, vegetable and fruit gardening, composting, integrated pest management, and much more!
- Master Gardener grads volunteer 50 hours the first year and 25 hours the following years.
- Volunteer opportunities include teaching classes, staffing a booth at outreach events, working in our demonstration gardens, and answering Help Line calls.
- You don't have to be a speaker to be a Master Gardener. There are plenty of opportunities to work behind the scenes.
You must be Stanislaus County resident to apply. For other county programs, visit http://mg.ucanr.edu/FindUs/
How to Apply
- Pick up an application at our office.
- Download the fillable PDF. Type in your information.
- Download the PDF and print. Fill it out (please do not use cursive writing).
Due Date – September 3, 2021
- Mail your application to UCCE Master Gardeners, 3800 Cornucopia Way, Ste A, Modesto, CA 95358.
- Drop off your application in person; find us in the Stanislaus Building.
- Scan and email your application to ucmgstanisaus@ucanr.edu
*We are planning for the classes to be held in person at Harvest Hall in Modesto at the Ag Center. Master Gardener trainees must follow COVID-19 guidelines. In the event we cannot hold the training in person, we will conduct it online using Zoom.
For questions or concerns, please contact Anne Schellman at (209) 525-6862.