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Seasonal observations of the UCCE Master Gardeners
by Emily Rued
on September 10, 2011 at 6:33 AM
What a darling photo. I too was thrilled when ground squirrels found my bird feeder. They would jump from the deck railing to the hanging feeder. I had quite a bird feeder which served many mourning doves, California quail, scrub jays, and all sorts of smaller passerines. Things got out of hand when the quail (they scratch like chickens) started spreading bird seed un the deck below the feeder. One thing led to another and we soon had a colony of rats which liked to eat holes in our window screens as well as eat the tomatoes and bird seed. I'm sad to say that the only solution we could find was to remove the bird feeder which had been a source of joy for us for several years. Pest control has placed four rodent boxes at various places in the vicinity of where the feeder had been. The battle has now moved to the garage and the only critters that have suffered in this battle are the lovely birds. I hope your squirrels and birds don't bring rats. Your dogs may keep things under control. Good luck.
by Sharon Leos
on October 3, 2011 at 11:00 PM
From my research and observation, it seems the rat population far out numbers the squirrel population. We certainly had rats in our garden before we placed the bird feeders or saw the squirrels that visited the bird feeders, so I can not directly attribute the rat presence to the squirrels and birds. But, rats do enjoy bird seed, so we take the bird feeders down at night to reduce the attraction!  
For more information on managing rats in the garden ask a Master Gardener for Pest Note #74106 or visit the UC IPM website:
by Donna J. Seslar
on October 9, 2011 at 3:24 PM
We had a squirrel who pestered our dogs to death and got them into trouble for barking! It also devoured just about every almond on our tree which seemed to have a great crop this year. (Sigh). Gary Bogue said to try putting a yellow happy face balloon in your is supposed to frighten the squirrels...maybe next year!
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