- Author: Leigh Taylor Johnson
The new Quagga and Zebra Mussel Eradication and Control Tactics Technical Report is now available from http://ucanr.edu/sites/coast/Quagga_Mussel_Invasion/ and from California Sea Grant (see below).
This practical and well-researched 36-page report explains how to use an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach and specific tactics for eradicating and/or controlling invasive dreissenid (quagga and zebra) mussels in lakes and reservoirs. It covers how to develop and get started on a management strategy, manual & mechanical removal, oxygen deprivation, chemical application, emerging technologies, and an overview of permitting and regulatory processes. The report includes photos and diagrams, successful examples of eradication and control efforts that have used each of the tactics, and extensive weblinks to resources for more information. It is based in part on presentations by experts at a joint workshop presented by California Sea Grant Extension and University of California Cooperative Extension in San Diego on February 1-2, 2012. The authors are Carolynn Culver, Heather Lahr, Leigh Johnson and Jodi Cassell.
Speakers’ abstracts, other information from the workshop presentations and field trips, and individual information sheets on the topics noted above are available from: