UC Delivers Archive (2003-2019)
The UC Delivers Archive is a collection of examples from 2003-2019 showing how UC ANR made a difference for Californians. To view more recent UC Delivers, please visit the new UC Delivers blog.
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Sustainable Food Systems
- Biosecurity
- Biotechnology
- Dairy
- Field Crops
- Fruits/Nuts
- Grapes/Wine
- Livestock/Range
- Nursery/Ornamentals
- Specialty Crops
- Vegetable Crops
- Waste Management
Endemic and Invasive Pests and Diseases
Healthy Families and Communities
- 4-H Youth Development
- Communities
- Families
- Food Safety
- Master Food Preserver
- Master Gardener
- Nutrition
Sustainable Natural Ecosystems
Water Quality, Quantity, and Security