Facilities Planning and Management
Delegation of Authority
Major Responsibilities That Can Be Delegated:
- Contract administration and project management services related to:
- Capital infrastructure at all Research and Extension Centers and Elkus Ranch Environmental Education Center
- Building and property leases for UC ANR.
- Work related to everyday operations of the 2801 Second Street building in Davis
Major Responsibilities That Cannot Be Delegated:
- Responsibilities related to the Vice Presidential Delegation of Authority to act as the Designated Campus Building Official and Certified Building Official for UC ANR
- Capital Projects Matters – Limited scope, related to Presidential Delegation of Authority No. 2629 including:
- Amendments to the Capital Improvement Program and transfers of capital funds
- Authority to approve design for capital projects with a total approved project cost not exceeding $1,000,000
- Appointment of and execution of agreements for executive architects, executive landscape architects and executive consulting engineers for capital projects with a total approved project cost not exceeding $3,000,000
- Bid solicitation and execution of construction contracts, including limited authority within the Best Value selection program
- Approval of siting of individual buildings or projects
Selected Requirements, Risks and Mitigation Measures
All construction, demolition and renovation related activities planned at all Research and Extension Centers, Elkus Ranch Environmental Education Center, and 2801 Second Street in Davis require prior review and approval from Facilities Planning and Management.
All repair related activities requiring construction contracting planned at all Research and Extension Centers, Elkus Ranch Environmental Education Center, and 2801 Second Street in Davis require prior review and approval from Facilities Planning and Management.
All maintenance related activities requiring construction contracting planned at all Research and Extension Centers, Elkus Ranch Environmental Education Center, and 2801 Second Street in Davis require prior review and approval from Facilities Planning and Management.
Resources and Background Information
For more information contact the Director, Facilities Planning and Management.