Online Office Hours

IGIS holds Online Office Hours Mondays and Tuesdays from 3-5pm. During these times, one or more IGIS team members will be available via Zoom to discuss topics including GIS, spatial analysis, ArcGIS, web maps, R, drones, Pix4D, ENVI, Maptitude, Geoda, QGIS, Access, Cal-Adapt and Google Apps. This service is available to all ANR employees and IGIS affiliates including workshop alumni.

We ask that people sign-up for office hours in 30-minute slots. The purpose of sign-ups is so we can make sure an appropriate person is available to discuss the topic. If you think you may need more time, sign-up for two slots. Office Hours aren't meant for running meetings, so if numerous appointments are needed for a specific topic we can explore other modes of support.

To sign-up for office hours, please first check the calendar for availability and then fill in the form below. If the available times don't work for you, please select 'Other' as the time slot and we'll contact you to find an alternative time. Additional info about connecting through Zoom will be included in the confirmation email.

