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Are you a San Mateo or San Francisco County resident with an interest in science-based horticulture and sustainable gardening practices, and a desire to share your knowledge and skill with the public as a volunteer in your community?

Become a Master Gardener Volunteer

Mission Farm

Potato harvest. Photo by Lisa Putnam.
Potato harvest. Photo by Lisa Putnam.
Nestled in the heart of Woodside, Mission Farm is a hands-on learning environment where Master Gardeners build their skills and knowledge in urban farming, with a focus on cultivating a robust, nutrient-rich soil for growing healthy crops. Committed to community well-being, the team donates the bounty of its harvest—abundant fruits and vegetables—to food banks in San Mateo County.

Embracing regenerative agriculture, Mission Farm employs a holistic approach to farming that prioritizes soil health and sustainability. The dedicated team diligently tends to the soil through practices such as cover cropping and no-till farming. The introduction of native plants as hedgerows and the usage of a Bay Area wildflower mix for cover cropping contribute to a thriving ecosystem, ultimately enhancing yields.

Mission Farm vegetable beds. Photo by Lisa Putnam.
Mission Farm vegetable beds. Photo by Lisa Putnam.

For home gardeners aspiring to adopt regenerative practices, Mission Farm suggests the following principles:

  • Keep your soil covered: Maintain protective ground cover to preserve soil structure and moisture.
  • Grow a diversity of plants: Foster biodiversity to enhance the resilience and health of your garden.
  • Ensure continual live plants/roots in the soil: Sustain a thriving ecosystem by ensuring a constant presence of living plants and roots.
  • Consider livestock integration (if possible): Explore incorporating livestock into gardening practices to further enrich the soil.

While Mission Farm is not open to the general public, the team extends a warm invitation for tours and visits upon request. For more information or to schedule a visit, please send an email to mgsmsf@ucanr.edu.

Produce donations. Photo by Lisa Putnam.
Produce donations. Photo by Lisa Putnam.
Vegetable rows. Photo by Lisa Putnam.
Vegetable rows. Photo by Lisa Putnam.