UC Master Gardener Program of Riverside County
University of California
UC Master Gardener Program of Riverside County

Garden Views

Issue Articles  
Sept Oct Garden Views 2024

In this issue: Rita Clemons summarizes the UC Master Gardener Riverside County (MGRC) Organization Development plan; Debbra Corbin-Euston invites us to the Grow Lab Plant Sale on 10/12; Pam Elias and Margaret Parascand share our tour of CR&R Environmental Services; Anne Platzer paints the Great Copper butterfly; Cliff Morrison describes changes at the Compost Lab at the West County Grow Lab; Recognition Hours for August-September; Dee Kongslie updates what’s happening at the Desert Compost Project; RCRCD Tree Pruning Workshop; UCR BG Online Plant Sale; Burt Boss continues the journey of growing peanuts in the Desert; CA Native Plants webinar; Kim Coons-Leonard gives us a unique opportunity to volunteer at the STEPCon24 event table; UCR BG Art in the Gardens; Georgia Renne celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month.                                        

10/1/24 Download
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July August Garden Views

In this issue: Pam Elias shares Master Gardeners at the Riverside Home and Backyard Show pp. 2-3; Janine Almanzor describes the UCR Botanic Gardens Twilight Tours pp. 3-5; In Memoriam: Nanci Nelson p. 5; Burt Boss answers kids’ questions about peanuts p. 6; Kim Coombs-Leonard updates summer events for the Youth-Students Gardens Project; Master Gardener Recognition Hours Awards p. 7; Ann Platzer paints the Mylitta Crescent butterfly p. 8; Congrats to Brad Hardison p. 8; Checkout upcoming gardening events p. 9; Invite friends, family, and neighbors to Home Gardening Classes in September p. 10.                                                                          

7/31/24 Download
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May June 2024 Garden Views

In this issue: Skylar McDonald describes the Master Gardener 2024 Graduation; Alex Groves announces Janet Hartin’s retirement; Debbie O’Brien recounts the 2024 Class Presentations; Jan Seaman updates the Revitalization Project for Palm Springs Animal Shelter; Ann Platzer paints for us the Satyr Comma butterfly; Recognition Hours for April-May; Pam Elias and Jane Payne share the $1,000 donation from the Temecula Valley Garden Club to honor Janice Rosner; Janet Hartin says thank you; Rosa Olaiz shares MG  news; List of 2024 Master Gardner Graduates.

6/1/24 Download
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March April Garden Views

In this issue:

Jolene Hancock celebrates Annual Riverside County Fair and National Date Festival; Ann Platzer describes the California “Tortie” butterfly; Jill Hishmeh updates the Training Program; Darrilyn Erickson invites us to the Riverside Community Flower Show and Garden Tour; Grow Lab Plant Sale and Compost Workshop; Ralph Thompson shares a Desert Helpline inquiry and response; Celebrate Master Gardener Recognition Hours; Check out event flyers; Kim Coons-Leonard propagates seeds for School Gardens; New Home Gardening Class announced; Janet Hartin explains the mystery of blooming flowers

4/3/24 Download
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Garden Views Jan Feb 2024

In this issue: Alex Groves, trainee, describes the Master Gardener’s successes at the Riverside Home and Garden Show; Ann Platzer paints the Loquin’s Admiral in the Butterfly Corner; Debbie O’Brien, trainee, updates us on the 2023-2024 Master Gardener Training Class; Dee Kongslie updates what’s happening at the Desert Compost Project; Thurman Howard invites us to volunteer at the upcoming Riverside County Fair and National Date Festival; Jane Payne and Julie Weatherford share an email and response to “Ask a Master Gardener” on how to propagate a bean tree (Inga edulis) seed; Master Gardener Recognition Hours; Susan von Zabern shares news of Master Gardeners’ partnership with CA Citrus Heritage Park; Janet Hartin explains new science trends for plants.

2/1/24 Download
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November December 2023

In this issue: Christal Ferlisi and Linda Cummings describe Master Gardeners convening at Lake Tahoe; Debbie O’Brien shares the trainees’ propagation class at Morten Gardens; Kim Coons-Leonard relates activities at STEPCon by the Youth-School Gardens team; Jolene Hancock salutes Janis Binam; Ann Platzer illustrates the Sara Orange-Tip butterfly; Thurman Howard details the donation by the San Diego Seed Company; Master Gardener Recognition Awards; Debbie O’Brien recounts trainees’ participation in the Palm Springs Animal Shelter revitalization; Bill Floyd communicates the Helpline question and response about the bindweed mite; Janet Hartin gives recommendations for books to give; Rosa Olaiz gives news of Giving Tuesday.

12/1/23 Download
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September/October 2023

In this Issue: Jill Hismeth describes our new Training class; Our Principles of Community; Ralph Thompson shares a Desert Helpline question and response; Anne Platzer paints the Red Admiral butterfly; Remember the Riverside Grow Lab Plant Sale; Jolene Hancock recounts Behind the Scenes with Michael Fisher; Celebrate Volunteer Recognition Hours; Home Gardening Classes in Riverside; Visit the Master Gardeners’ presentation and plant giveaway at La Quinta Public Library; Kim Coons-Leonard and Brad Hardison begin the story of Tomas Rivera MS’s Native Garden; Janet Hardin explains the color in our fall trees; Riverside County Master Gardener Rosters.

10/1/23 Download
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July August 2023 Garden Views

In This Issue: Riverside County’s Project on the Soboba Tribe’s Cultural Garden Wins Grand Prize! Search for Excellence Award (SFE); Pam Elias recognizes Soboba SFE Team; Susan Krings updates us on the new Palm Desert Grow Lab; Cynthia Morris-Sotelo shares 2022-2023 MG Data; Vern Shuttuck explains the Audio Video Streaming Project; we celebrate MG Recognition Hours; Melody Knox salutes Lupe Marie DiFusco; David Lahti describes new Prescott Preserve Project; Jane Payne shares Help Line Tidbits; Thank You Jim Thompson and Dave Brandman; Welcome Advisory Board New Officers; Kim Coons-Leonard shares her presentation at the National Children & Youth Garden Symposium; Janet Hartin explores the benefits of gardening and urban greening; Rosa Olaiz congratulates MGs and reminds us of Photo Contest; Riverside County UC Master Gardener Roster

8/2/23 Download
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May/June 2023



In this issue: Ann Platzer greets the Giant Swallowtail; Visit UCR Botanic Gardens Butterfly Garden; Diane Ruiz sends RCRCD press release, Monarch Butterflies, pp. Butterflies; Smell the Lavender Festival; Monarch Butterfly Surveys at RCRCD; Betty Guida Ingalls explores Digger and Cuckoo Bees; Volunteer Kudos, Linda Williams Volunteer Kudos; Volunteer Kudos Julie Weatherford; Jane Payne describes resources for West County Helpline; Brad Hardison shares what Volunteerism means and DAB open positions; Congrats Volunteer Hours; Kim Coons-Leonard takes school gardens lessons for a spin; Janet Hartin shares new project, “Trees for Tomorrow”; Rosa Olaiz reminds us about Reappointment; Asian Jumping Worms revisited by Joyce Allen; Rosters.


6/2/23 Download
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March April 2023

In this issue: County Recognition Celebration; Jim Thompson displays Blue Ribbon award; Marcia Stone celebrates renaming at 1,000 Palms Oasis; Ralph Thompson shares a “Ask a Master Gardener” Desert Helpline; Jane Payne gives kudos to Bill Floyd, Master Gardener volunteer; Jan Seaman gives kudos to Steve Scott, Master Gardener volunteer; Recognition Awards for Volunteer Hours for March; Ann Platzer teaches us 10 Butterfly Facts; Kim Coons-Leonard updates the Valley View HS Garden project; Smoky Zeidel announces Desert Home Gardening to Expand Offerings; Janet Hartin shares latest findings for “Benefits of Plants to Humans and Urban Ecosystems”; Rosa Olaiz describes new Desert offices; Riverside County Rosters.

3/31/23 Download
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January/February 2023

In this issue: Cathy Konyn Memorial Awards; Celebrating November-December Recognition Hours; Recognition Event for all County Master Gardeners; Ann Platzer describes the Western Pygmy Blue; Georgia Renne asks, Are We Meeting Our Master Gardener Mission?; Remember to attend “Growing Master Gardeners” and read Sprouts; RCRCD invites you to How to Control Tree Pests; Jane Payne describes how WC Helpline addresses Gardening and Successful Aging; Jane Payne showcases West County Helpline’s Move to Riverside new office; Jill Hishmeh highlights New Master Gardener Training Class; Brad Hardison explains how Palm Springs School Garden Provides Great Venue for Lessons; Janet Hartin teaches us how and why plants camouflage; West County Advisory Board Rosters.

2/3/23 Download
(1,494KB PDF)
November/December 2022

In this issue: Jax Patterson describes the Reemergence of Palm Desert Charter Middle School Garden project; Rita Kraus celebrates smashing pumpkins at the Desert Compost Project; All County Recognition Event January 21, 2023; Michelle Felix-Derbarmdiker chronicles the RCRCD Greenbelt Monarch Habitat; Kim Coons-Leonard highlights the STEPCon22 event for the Youth School Project; Jolene Hancock traces the Revived Partnership with California Citrus State Historical Park; Congrats to Recognition Award Master Gardeners; Georgia Renne explains Home Gardener Basics Classes; Anne Platzer tells the story of the Gray Hairstreak in Butterfly Corner; Betty Guida-Ingalls invites us to Meet the Mealy Bugs; Flyers New Home Gardening Basics Classes; Janet Hartin explains coloring of fall leaves; Rosa Olaiz reviews changes in 2022; Rosters for Riverside County Advisory Boards.

12/1/22 Download
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September/October 2022

In this issue: Janine Almanzor describes Master Gardener activity in the UCR Botanic Gardens Butterfly Garden; Barbara Kay-Levin memorializes Carolyn Daniels; Ann Platzer limns the Mourning Cloak butterfly; George Podolsky explains Master Composter Certification and Public Classes; Marcia Stone recruits Roving Docents for CV Preserve; Jane Payne invites Master Gardeners to volunteer for the Help Line; Betty Ingalls explains where our water comes from; Pam Elias and Jim Thompson outline “Growing Master Gardeners”; Pat Malloy, Pam Elias, and Jim Thompson report on social media opportunities; Janet Hartin describes three drought resistant trees; UCCE Riverside County Master Gardener Rosters.

10/6/22 Download
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July/August 2022

In this issue: End of the Year MG Recognition Awards; Smokey Zeidel examines cacti as succulents; Pam Elias describes the composting project at West County Grow Lab Part 2; Brad Hardison and Kim Coons-Leonard celebrate new cold frame at Grow Lab for school plant starts; Jan Seaman introduces new MG project at Palm Springs Animal Shelter; Smoky Zeidel needs docents for Moorten Botanical Gardens; Ann Platzer introduces us to the Western Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly; Mary Ann Egan turns red for cochineal; Janet Hartin gives us Top Ten Ways to Conserve Water; 2022-2023 Riverside County UC Master Gardener Rosters.

8/1/22 Download
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Between Issues June 2022

Updates on 2022 MG Graduation and changes to elected officers and project coordinators for West County Advisory Board (WCAB) and Desert Advisory Board (DAB) along with both 2022-2023 Rosters.

6/26/22 Download
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May/June 2022

In this issue: Pam Elias describes the composting project at West County Grow Lab; Susan Bookman posts Composting on a Balcony from the West County Helpline Archive; Mary Ann Egan recounts how Desert MGs Learn to Compost; Brad Hardison explains volunteering options for Youth and School Gardens; Marcia Stone shares Memories of Martha Tureen; MG Recognition Awards; Emma Rosenthal details the Rooted Program; Marcia Stone updates Desert Blooming; UCCE Drought and Landscape Tree Care and Resources; Marcia Stone describes MG Behind the Scenes with Bruce Radler; Janine Almanzor defines UCR Botanic Gardens’ Connection to MGs; Anne Platzer illustrates the Butterfly Garden; Janet’s Jottings remind us about plant hormones; Rosa’s Notes explains MG Reappointment; Master Gardener Rosters.

6/3/22 Download
(1,568KB PDF)
March/April 2022

In this Issue: Desert Area Grow Lab is a Real Possibility; Butterfly Gardens, UCR Botanic Gardens; Cathy Konyn Memorial Award Winners; Tribute to Master Gardener, Chris Curtis; Garden Tours, Riverside Community; From the Desert Hotline Archive; What’s Blooming in the Desert?; Membership Initiative; Mind Grow Challenge: Rooted Project, Succulents; Mind Grow Challenge: Rooted Project, Cacti or Succulents?; UCCE MG Grow Lab Plant Sale; Mystery Tree Identified!; Janet’s Jottings; News from Rosa!; Riverside County Master Gardener Rosters.

3/31/22 Download
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January/February 2022

In this issue: 2021-2022 Cathy Konyn Memorial Award Recipients; Soboba Resource Garden Update; MGs Assist Guide Dogs of the Desert; MGs Partner with CalFresh; There’s an Oasis in the Desert, Coachella Valley Preserve; Our Principles of Community; Monarch Habitat Planted in Riverside; What is RCRCD?; Recognition of MGs Milestone Hours; MG Behind the Scenes, Debby Leuer; A Succulent Encounter at Sunnylands; Editor’s Note, Laguna Beach Mystery Tree; Janet’s Jottings, describes Valentine’s Day Flowers; News from Rosa! New badges and Covid Exception Hours; Riverside County Master Gardener Rosters.

2/1/22 Download
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Nov/Dec 2021

In this issue: Mona Swinehart describes the Graduation Celebration for the MG Class of 2021; Brad Hardison shares MG’s activities at Camp Palm Springs last summer; Betty Guida-Ingalls reflects on microclimates in her yard; Georgia Renne relates her experiences with microclimates at UCR Botanic Gardens; docents are needed at UCR Botanic Gardens; Peggy Bakke reviews how MGs implement hugelkultur at Children’s Discovery Museum; new classes for Home Basics Gardening announced; Editor’s Note; Melody Knox describes our new 2021-2022 MG class; Janet Hartin gives us garden ideas for holiday giving; West County Recognition Hours; Rosa Olaiz shares Riverside County MG news; Riverside County Master Gardener Rosters.

11/30/21 Download
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Sep/Oct 2021

In this issue: Marcia Stone shares MG tour of Melissa Bacall’s Yucca Valley home; UCCE Plant Sale; Behind the Scenes MG, Marilyn Howard; New Advisory Boards, WCAB, DAB, EAB; County Teacher of the Year and MGs, by Brad Hardison; Tale of Two Succulents, by Amy Clayton; Surprising Survivor: Emory’s Indigo Bush, by Mary Ann Egan; Editor’s Note, by Georgia Renne; Janet’s Jottings on the benefits of gardening; Thank you MGs volunteering at Farmers Markets and “Ask a Master Gardener” tables; List of Advisory Boards

10/15/21 Download
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Nov/Dec 2020

November/December 2020 - In this issue: Volunteer Opportunity at Sunnylands; Training Class; Fun Flowering Plant; Children’s and School Gardens; Mernell Wong Remembered; Tribute to the Adamsons; #GivingTuesday; Our Earliest Gardeners, American Indians; Membership Committee Email Alert; Novel Vegetable Plantings; Desert Bloom at the Coachella Valley Preserve; Two Exotic Houseplants; Master Gardener Milestones; Holiday Leftovers Recipe; Desert Volunteer Opportunities; In Memoriam—Brenda Costantino; Thanksgiving Christmas Cacti?; Master Gardener News.

11/25/20 Download
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Sep/Oct 2020

In this issue: Grow Lab harvest; how plants prevent infection by closing pores; garden shopping in Los Algodones, Mexico; county-wide MG training class by Zoom; a cookie recipe using a plant from a neglected garden; the California Sister butterfly; West County Helpline query about Bermudagrass; honoring platinum badge holder Ann Platzer, fire-safe landscaping; in-person MG volunteer opportunities; and Fall activities at Children and School Gardens. 

10/8/20 Download
(2,975KB PDF)
Jul/Aug 2020

In this issue: Atypical graduations for the West County and Desert; Master Gardener Milestones; new officers elected to the Advisory Boards; Interview with Platinum Badge Member, Ottillia Bier; Ottillia Bier shares a memorable letter received for her newspaper; Master Gardener volunteering with the Women, Infants, and Children Program; study of tree longevity and update on the smoketree; eastward move of Desert MG, Brenda Costantino; Janet Hartin shares preliminary results of an ongoing research project; Rosa Olaiz briefs on Master Gardener news.

8/13/20 Download
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Photo Contest Winners 2020

Winners of the Master Gardener photo contest are announced. 

7/7/20 Download
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May/Jun 2020

Items included in this issue: MGs use Zoom to connect during the pandemic, herd immunity in plants, an interview with Platinum MG Thurman Howard, update on West County School Gardens, the Smoketree West County Helpline query, get to know Janet Hartin, Janet's Jottings, news from Rosa Olaiz, and MG photo contest results (see Addendum for most winners). 

7/7/20 Download
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Mar/Apr 2020

In this Issue: Update of several MG projects including Youth Gardens, Coachella Valley Rescue Mission, and Grow Lab; MGs visit to Ridgedale Orchard and Vineyard; introducing the Militta Crescent butterfly; interview with Platinum Badge Holder, Lucy Heyming; MGs at the Riverside County Fair and National Date Festival; things to do while physically distancing; and comments about bats. 

7/7/20 Download
(3,244KB PDF)
Jan/Feb 2020

In this issue: MGs at the Braille Institute and the future; poems with a garden focus; West County School of the Month; Health benefits of gardening now include the immune system; Riverside Home and Garden Show; Desert Help Line Query;
Pauline Pedigo’s contributions; La Virgen de Guadalupe procession; Fertilizer Discussion; Advice on volunteer hours. 

7/7/20 Download
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Dec 2019

In this issue: art and nature; Desert helpline query; changes to the West County helpline; introducing the Training Classes; new badge status for West County MGs; West County school of the month; a visit to Balbo Park; thanks to MGs and announcement of new opportunity by Janet Hartin; News! from Rosa. 

7/7/20 Download
(984KB PDF)
Nov 2019

In this issue Riverside County Master Gardeners are recognized for their accomplishments, including awards at the SoCal Fair and recent success at Children's Gardens. Also, new training classes begin as Fall Home Gardening Classes come to a close and the Desert Garden Community Day is reviewed. Janet Hartin writes about proper tree care, Rosa Olaiz presents MG news, and selected queries from the Desert Helpline are highlighted. 

7/7/20 Download
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Oct 2019

The cover story is about the remote Desert Help Line. A series honoring blue badge members is initiated. MG activities that are covered include IPM training, school gardens, and Gold Miners work with the Soboba Foundation. Features include nature walking with llamas and hiking in Big Bear. Janet Hartin tells how to identify and control the Gold Spotted Oak Borer. 

7/7/20 Download
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Sept 2019

The cover story is about the very successful Home Gardening Classes. Other projects that are reported on include the Farmers' Markets and Grow Lab as well as the announcement of new members to the Advisory Boards. Statistics of the MG Program are presented by the Volunteer Services Coordinator. Special features include memories of a visit to the Denver Botanic Garden, reflections on the Satyr butterfly observed at a local preserve, and a recipe for European window boxes by the UCCE MG Program Director.

9/1/19 Download
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June 2019   8/30/19 Download
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May 2019   8/30/19 Download
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Feb 2019

This is our educational issue, which outlines our communication outlets and how we are using them.  New subscribers will learn about the UC California Garden Web and the resources that are but a click away.

2/17/19 Download
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Jun 2018


12/30/18 Download
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May 2018   12/30/18 Download
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Apr 2018   12/30/18 Download
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Garden Views Jan Feb Mar 2018   12/30/18 Download
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Garden Views Nov Dec 2017   12/30/18 Download
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Garden Views Oct 2017   12/30/18 Download
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Garden Views Sept 2017   12/30/18 Download
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Garden Views March 2017   3/16/17 Download
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Garden Views January & February 2017   3/17/17 Download
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Garden Views December 2016   3/17/17 Download
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Garden Views February 2016   2/9/16 Download
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Garden Views October 2015   10/31/15 Download
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Garden Views June 2013   6/6/13 Download
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Garden Views May 2013   5/14/13 Download
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Garden Views April 2013   4/1/13 Download
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Garden Views March 2013   3/6/13 Download
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Garden Views February 2013   3/6/13 Download
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Garden Views December 2012   12/4/12 Download
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Garden Views November 2012   11/8/12 Download
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Garden Views October 2012   10/11/12 Download
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Garden Views September 2012   10/11/12 Download
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Garden Views June 2012   10/11/12 Download
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Garden Views May 2012   10/11/12 Download
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Garden Views April 2012   10/11/12 Download
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Webmaster Email: rmolaiz@ucanr.edu