Latinos in California want to go to college, worry about cost

Jan 5, 2012

Seven of every 10 California Hispanics say that success in life depends on getting a university education, but the majority of Latino parents are concerned about the cost of their children's college schooling, according to a story by EFE.

According to the report "Californians and Higher Education," released by the Public Policy Institute of California, 70 percent of state residents think that qualified and motivated students cannot enter a university because of the high tuition prices.

"Most Californians say budget cuts have hurt public colleges and universities a lot," Mark Baldassare, PPIC president and CEO, said. "Their concerns about where the system is headed are reflected in the low grades they give their leaders for handling higher education."

Hispanics are the most positive about financial aid: 67 percent of them feel that there is available financial aid, compared with 61 percent of Asian Americans, 44 percent of blacks and 48 percent of whites.

Moreover, 73 percent of Latinos believe in the importance of higher education to achieve success, above Asian Americans with 63 percent, African Americans with 53 percent and whites with 46 percent.

However, 66 percent of Hispanic parents are "very concerned" about not being able to afford a university education for their children, higher than the state average of 52 percent and quite a bit higher than the 37 percent of whites who expressed such concerns.

The telephone survey was conducted among more than 2,500 California residents in different languages between Oct. 25 and Nov. 8 and has an error margin of +/- 3.1 percent.

Source: EFE, Latinos in California want to go to college, worry about cost, November 18, 2011.

By Myriam Grajales-Hall
Posted By - Communications Manager
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