Oak Woodlands
UCCE Advisors and Specialists write many papers summarizing research projects, monitoring procedures, and general management practices. All papers are peer-reviewed, meaning before they can be published, another set of people within the University review to ensure the papers are scientifically valid and not someone’s opinion. Here you will find free publications (available as a PDF) from the University of California, as well as links to larger publications you may purchase, each with a summary. In addition, each of the publications are available at your local UC Cooperative Extension office for your convenience.
A Planner’s Guide for Oak Woodlands
Designed for professional planners, consultants, and landscape architects, this new edition provides science-based information that can guide decision-making. The encroachment into oak woodlands addressed at the time of the first edition has not stopped, and in some cases it has continued at an alarming rate. As more development occurs in the oak woodlands this guide can provide a framework for preserving this icon of the California landscape. http://anrcatalog.ucanr.edu/Details.aspx?itemNo=3491
Burned Oaks-Which Ones Will Survive?
Wildfire in an oak woodland can kill some trees outright and leave others with burn damage that may or may not eventually kill them, too. Here is a quick method for assessing the extent of burn damage and the likelihood that an affected tree will survive. Click here for full text.
Oak Woodland Invertebrates: The Little Things Count
An introductory guide to a widely unnoticed universe – the minute animals called invertebrates that live in the oak woodland ecosystem in California. This fascinating world is home to a vast number of tiny creatures that provide an essential link in the health of our native California Oaks – a single acre of oak woodland may be home to 10 to 100 million individual invertebrates. http://anrcatalog.ucanr.edu/Details.aspx?itemNo=21598
Wildlife among the Oaks: A Management Guide for Landowners
Developed for the landowner to provide information and assistance as you make management decisions that affect wildlife in your oak woodland. The publication details the many benefits of oak woodlands for habitat, incudes a description of the different types of oak trees, and how to manage oaks in a working landscape.
Guidelines for Managing California’s Hardwood Rangelands
California’s oak woodlands are our most biologically diverse broad habitat; covering 10% of the state. With 80% in private ownership the key to preserving California's iconic oak woodlands is primarily in private hands. This guide will help landowners and managers of hardwood rangeland properties develop management plans that maintain the profitability of their properties while preserving the ecological values provided by their land. http://anrcatalog.ucanr.edu/Details.aspx?itemNo=3368