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Club Resources (Club Box)


All members of Plumas-Sierra 4-H now enroll online!

The new enrollment system is up! Click here to enroll: ZSuite

If you are a current member or have been enrolled in 4-H in the past 5 years, your information is already in ZSuite! Please utilize the Tip Sheet instructions to log into ZSuite and update your information for the new program year: ZSuite Enrollment Tip-sheet

Learn more about being a 4-H member: 4-H Member Resources

4-H is hands-on, mentored learning . . . the kinds of projects you can do in 4-H might surprise you! Check it out: 4-H Projects

County 4-H clubs are also part of the regional and state UCCE 4-H program. Find out more about State events: CA 4-H Events

Want to Volunteer for 4-H? Learn more here: 4-H Volunteer Resources

Club Year End Information
The 4-H year ends June 30th and club reporting is required annually.
All leaders (club officers, club leaders and project leaders) have a role to play in finishing out each year. Ask your 4-H County Office for more information.

4-H is a University of California Cooperative Extension program. For all of the policy information go to California 4-H Policies


A group with a purpose usually needs funds to carry out its program.  Fundraising should be limited to budgeted needs of the group and the 4-H Program Representative can be consulted to find out what other local clubs are doing and how the County 4-H Council raises money to meet their budget.  4-H fundraising policy forbids gambling, wagering, and raffles of any kind. (See 4-H Policy Chapter9: Financial Management Section VII. Planning and Fundraising).

Money making projects are valuable opportunities for members to learn-by-doing.  4-H members need to work together as a team to raise money and they need to learn to earn.  They should be encouraged to raise funds for needed services such as attending camps or conferences rather than asking parents or businesses for funds.

Fundraising plans must be reviewed and approved by the local 4-H office. Please fill out the form below and return to the 4H Youth Development Office or email to swashington@ucanr.edu

Fundraising Approval Form 8.7



A 4-H Record Book is a written record of your experiences, achievements, and personal growth as a 4-H member. The 4-H Record Book includes a Personal Development Report (PDR) followed by a Project Report form for each project that you belong to. All 4-H members ages 9 and up are required to complete an Annual Project Report to get credit for their project and earn their annual stripes and year pins. Keeping these in a special book, adding photos, articles, pictures and anything else that tells your 4-H story, is a good thing! Get forms here: Personal Development ReportAnnual Project Report

Primary Members (ages 5-8) can choose to complete the Primary Member PDR, which helps them practice for when Project Report forms are required. Have them complete what they can, add pictures or drawings or anything else that helps them tell their project story. Get it here: Primary Member Project Report


A Record Book tells your 4-H story! Members do not need to complete a record book to complete their 4-H year however, especially over time, the value of your 4-H record book will grow. Proud of your 4-H growth? Want positive and constructive feedback about your book and how you can improve your 4-H story-telling? Consider submitting your record book to the County Record Book Competition, which occurs in the Fall.

Benefits of completing a 4-H Record Book:

  • Practice Records Management - Track your activities, events, profits and losses, skill development and learning experiences.

  • Reflect on your yearly work - Document your skill development and learning experiences in a written report.

  • Measure your achievements and growth throughout your years in 4-H. See over time what you learn about yourself and your interests.

  • Set goals, pursue strategies to meet those goals, and record how you may have had to shift gears in the face of challenges and obstacles. Look back to see your successes and how you learned from unexpected events and challenges; what choices did you make to reroute your journey and how did you grow from those situations? A 4-H record book can hold that history for you! 

Click below to be taken to the state Record Book website where you can find all the forms and information you need to complete your record book!

4-H Record Books