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Peaches and Cream Honeysuckle

Lonicera periclymenum 'Inov 86'

Lonicera ‘Peaches and Cream’ with clean attractive foliage in April 2014. Photo: SK Reid.
Lonicera ‘Peaches and Cream’ with clean attractive foliage in April 2014. Photo: SK Reid.


This compact honeysuckle grew without support to just 3’ 10” (118 cm) wide and 2’ (60 cm) high in two years in our field. It flowered most heavily in late May/early June, and then lightly and intermittently to October, with the highest flowering rating on the 60% of ETo treatment and in May. Attractive red berries were displayed along with open flowers and buds beginning in July. The foliage was disease resistant, but leaf appearance was compromised by late spring thrips damage it did not outgrow. This damage was not apparent at a distance, but quite disfiguring up close. There were no significant differences in overall appearance ratings or growth measurements between treatments.

Lonicera ‘Peaches and Cream’ in September 2014 on 40% of ETo. Photo: SK Reid.
Lonicera ‘Peaches and Cream’ in September 2014 on 40% of ETo. Photo: SK Reid.

Lonicera ‘Peaches and Cream’ thrips damage. Photo: SK Reid.
Lonicera ‘Peaches and Cream’ thrips damage. Photo: SK Reid.

Basic Info

Submitted by: Ball Ornamentals
Trial Exposure: Sun
Year evaluated: 2014
Height & Width
(after 2 years):
2' x 3' 10" - UC Davis
Reported Height & Width
(at maturity):
5-6' x 2-3'
WUCOLS plant type: S V
Water Needs & WUCOLS Region:
Medium - Region 2 
Mean Overall 
Appearance rating:
(1-5 Scale, 5 is highest)
3.4 - UC Davis 
Flowering Months
May-October - UC Davis

Growth and Quality Data

Click Here for Complete Data Set

Lonicera ‘Peaches and Cream’ in bud and flower in May on 20% of ET0. Photo: SK Reid.
Lonicera ‘Peaches and Cream’ in bud and flower in May on 20% of ET0. Photo: SK Reid.

Lonicera ‘Peaches and Cream with flowers and berries in July 2014 on 40% of ET0. Photo: SK Reid.
Lonicera ‘Peaches and Cream with flowers and berries in July 2014 on 40% of ET0. Photo: SK Reid.