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Plum Perfect™ Sunbelt® Rose

Rosa 'KORvodacom'

Rosa ‘Plum Perfect’ in full bloom in May 2017 on 20% ETo. Photo: SK Reid.
Rosa ‘Plum Perfect’ in full bloom in May 2017 on 20% ETo. Photo: SK Reid.


Plum Perfect is a shrub rose on the small side that performed far from perfectly in our trial. The moderately acceptable foliage appearance and pretty floral display in spring had disappeared by June with sunburn significant by July. Foliage on all treatments was pale, prone to pests, and began to decline into fall dormancy in September. The first flush of blooms in May showed the lovely flower color for which the plant is named, but the small, non-uniformly shaped shrubs never achieved full floral coverage, as shown in the ratings (Table 12a). Subsequent flowering was very light and could not make up for the poor foliage quality the rest of the summer. The only significant growth difference was in the month of August, but subsequent plant decline in the moderate treatment (the largest plants) saw that difference disappear by September. Since this rose never achieved acceptable appearance after May, we do not recommend this plant on any irrigation treatment in this growing region. 

Plum Perfect started the season with marginally acceptable scores in the May Open House ratings, but by the summer ratings, this cultivar didn’t “look happy at all.” Scores remained low in September as Plum Perfect “didn’t fare well over the summer.” Participants’ scores in the Open House echo those of project staff (Table 12b).

Rosa ‘Plum Perfect’ on 50% ETo in October 2017. Photo: SK Reid.
Rosa ‘Plum Perfect’ on 50% ETo in October 2017. Photo: SK Reid.

Rosa ‘Plum Perfect’ on 80% ETo in October 2017. Photo: SK Reid.
Rosa ‘Plum Perfect’ on 80% ETo in October 2017. Photo: SK Reid.

Basic Info

Submitted by: Newflora
Trial Exposure: Sun
Year evaluated: 2017
Height & Width
(after 2 years):
29" x 38" - UC Davis
Reported Height & Width
(at maturity):
3-4' x 2-3'
WUCOLS plant type: S
Water Needs & WUCOLS Region:
Low - Region 2 
Mean Overall 
Appearance rating:
(1-5 Scale, 5 is highest)
2.3 - UC Davis 
Flowering Months
May-October - UC Davis

Growth and Quality Data

Click Here for Complete Data Set

Rosa ‘Plum Perfect’ on 50% ETo in July 2017 showing poor leaf color and sunburn. Photo: SK Reid.
Rosa ‘Plum Perfect’ on 50% ETo in July 2017 showing poor leaf color and sunburn. Photo: SK Reid.

Rosa ‘Plum Perfect’ on 20% ETo in October 2017. Photo: SK Reid.
Rosa ‘Plum Perfect’ on 20% ETo in October 2017. Photo: SK Reid.