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Snowy River Wattle

Acacia boormanii

Young Acacia boormanii in San Mateo County demonstration garden. Photo: SK Reid.
Young Acacia boormanii in San Mateo County demonstration garden. Photo: SK Reid.


A lovely, small multi-stemmed tree or large shrub with a willowy appearance and an incredible show of sulfur yellow flowers in February to March. This acacia performed best in both growth and appearance on low water, though the quality ratings were quite high on moderate irrigation as well.

Basic Info

Submitted by: UC Davis Arboretum
Trial Exposure: Sun
Year evaluated: 2009
Height & Width
(after 2 years):
4.5' x 5.5' - UC Davis
Reported Height & Width
(at maturity):
10-16' x 6-12'
WUCOLS plant type: S T A
Water Needs & WUCOLS Region:
Low - Region 2 
Mean Overall 
Appearance rating:
(1-5 Scale, 5 is highest)
4.9 - UC Davis 
Flowering Months
February-March - UC Davis

Growth and Quality Data

Click Here for Complete Data Set

Acacia boormanii in Folsom garden. Photo: SK Reid.
Acacia boormanii in Folsom garden. Photo: SK Reid.