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New publication review

Types of ANR publications

When authors or Associate Editors submit a new manuscript to the online peer review system, they must select a “document type.” Their options are book chapter, curriculum, electronic publication, and printed leaflet. 

Electronic publications

PDF files of all electronic publications are published on the Communication Services’ in the ANR Publications Catalog. Authors are encouraged to link to their publication from their county or department websites.

8000 publications are how-to or informational extension publications that summarize best practices or the state of knowledge in a given subject area. They can be of essentially any length -- some are as short as three pages, some more than 50. These publications are laid out by CS designers in an established format (here's an example of the current layout). Authors are encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity to present their information visually with charts, illustrations and photographs. 

9000 publications are similar in format and content to 8000s except they  are sold online via the ANR Catalog rather than made freely available. 

Printed books and curricula are written for a lay and/or professional user audience and present comprehensive, research-based information on a subject along with practical techniques the reader can use. Due to their scope and resources needed for production, these book-length publications are of lasting practical value. Production and IPM manuals adhere to an established format, but other ANR books and curricula vary widely in format. These publications are each professionally designed by Communication Services. Input from authors about a desired appearance and format is encouraged.