ANR Employees
University of California
ANR Employees

Register for ANR Program Team meetings

To respond to ANR’s recent call for positions, some program teams will be holding meetings soon to discuss and prioritize new position requests. Visit the ANR Program Team Meetings website to register and to see the latest information. The following program teams plan to meet:

  • Youth Families and Communities-related Program Teams – Registration is open
    February 19-20, UC Davis Conference Center
    Positive Youth Development/Youth Science Literacy Program Team
    Healthy Behaviors for Preventing Childhood Obesity Program Team
    California Communities and Food Systems Program Team
  • Pest Management Program Team – Registration is open
    March 25-26, 
    Bowley Center and UC Davis Conference Center
    Spray Application Technology Workgroup and Weed Workgroup will also meet.
  • Agronomic Crops Program Team – Registration will be available soon. 
    March 4-5, locationTBD

Workgroup chairs and program team leaders who are interested in holding a workgroup or program team meeting should complete a short request form. The Program Support Unit will be in touch with you to discuss the details.

For more information, visit If you have questions, contact the Program Support Unit
Sherry Cooper, (530) 750-1256
Lauren McNees, (530) 750-1257
Angela Oates, (530) 750-1258
Saundra Wais, (530) 750-1260
Alex Zabelin, (530) 750-1259


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This announcement is also posted and archived on the ANR Update pages.

Posted on Wednesday, January 22, 2014 at 8:39 AM

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