ANR Employees
University of California
ANR Employees

Humiston delivers UC ANR overview, UC regents request tour

Today (July 18) VP Glenda Humiston delivered an overview of UC ANR to the UC Board of Regents during their meeting at the UCSF–Mission Bay Conference Center.

The regents appeared inspired by the description of Californians throughout the state benefiting from UC ANR research and outreach.

“You do so many valuable things, not only in the agricultural community, but as you highlighted, a lot of times in the urban areas,” Regent Richard Leib said to Humiston.

Turning to his fellow regents, Leib asked, “How do we get this message out to the policymakers, to the legislators who are funding these projects? Because it's such a valuable thing that the organization is doing, but unless you've been touched by it, you might not know it's UC.” 

Chair John Perez agreed, saying, “I think your frame is the right one. There are counties where we don't have a campus, but we have a presence.”

“I just wanted to say how excited I am to hear your presentation. ANR is a part of UC I know the least about and just to get a taste of what ANR does and its reach is really exciting to me,” said Regent Lark Park, adding she would like a tour of ANR activities. “You really opened my eyes to the importance of ANR to our overall mission and all the public policy problems facing the state. I'm really excited to learn more and advocate more for this.” 

Here's the link to a 30-minute video of today's presentation and the UC regents' comments following Humiston's presentation


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Posted on Thursday, July 18, 2019 at 5:45 PM
Tags: Glenda Humiston (41), regents (4)

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