ANR Employees
University of California
ANR Employees

UC ANR COVID-19 Update: Masks remain a requirement; flu vaccine requirement update

Masks remain a requirement for UC ANR personnel while working on-site or in the field 

In response to recent updates of public health guidance concerning use of masks by the general public in certain outdoor settings, we have updated and clarified UC ANR's requirements for employees to wear a mask while working onsite or in the field. With limited exceptions, employees are still required to wear a mask when working indoors and when working outdoors and less than 6 feet away from other persons. This requirement is based on the Cal/OSHA COVID-19 Prevention Emergency Temporary Standards and will remain in place until these standards are changed.  

While the rate of COVID-19 cases has declined substantially in all areas of the state, there are still people contracting this illness, and we all need to maintain vigilance with safety protocols to reduce the potential of COVID-19 cases occurring in our workplaces or programs. These protocols include symptom screening, maintaining distance from other persons, wearing masks, using hygienic practices, and limiting the size of gatherings. As we return to more in-person activities in the office, field sites, and in the community, many of these protocols will need to continue, with some adaptations. Changes to the Cal/OSHA standards have recently been proposed and may result in revision of this and other workplace safety protocols in the coming weeks. We will continue to monitor changes in public health guidance and worker protection standards and revise UC ANR's COVID-19 prevention protocols accordingly.

Flu vaccine requirement update

As you know, President Drake issued an executive order requiring employees and students who are working or learning on UC properties to get a flu vaccination by November 1, 2020. 

The UC requirement for influenza vaccination ended on April 30, 2021. A determination has not yet been made whether the influenza immunization requirement will be continued for the 2021-2022 academic year. Any changes or continuation of that requirement will be announced at a later date.

Feel free to contact for additional information.


Posted on Monday, May 10, 2021 at 9:45 AM
Tags: coronavirus (80), vaccine (1)

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