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Posts Tagged: EIPD

Register for April EIPD conference

Registration is now open for the 2012 Endemic and Invasive Pests and Diseases Strategic Initiative conference on April 25 and 26. The meetings will be held at the UC Davis Conference Center.

Beth Grafton-Cardwell, EIPD strategic initiative leader, invites ANR colleagues to join the discussions on how ANR can respond to endemic and emerging pest and disease problems by building partnerships, solving problems and informing policy.

Attendees can also participate in program team and workgroup meetings. So far, the Integrated Pest Management Program Team and the Spray Application Technology Work Group, Weed Work Group and Integrated Grape Work Group will be meeting during the conference. Other program team leaders and workgroup chairs may request meeting space during the conference by completing a short survey.

A poster session is planned during the strolling dinner reception on April 25. To reserve poster board space, submit poster titles when you register.

To register for the conference, go to The conference agenda and lodging information is also available at the registration website.

Registration is separate for the “Educating the Public about New Invasive Species Threatening California’s Plant Ecosystems” meeting, which will be held on April 24 at the same location. 

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Posted on Tuesday, March 13, 2012 at 8:56 AM

EIPD schedules April 25-26 conference

The Endemic and Invasive Pests and Diseases Strategic Initiative has named its panel of experts and scheduled its first conference for April 25-26, 2012, announced Beth Grafton-Cardwell, the EIPD Strategic Initiative leader. To make efficient use of participants’ time and travel funding, the conference is being held in conjunction with a separate but related UC Davis conference on April 24, in which participants will learn the best ways to educate the general public about the threat of invasive species.

At the April 25-26 Endemic and Invasive Pests and Diseases Strategic Initiative Conference, ANR participants and speakers will discuss how UC ANR can respond to emerging pest and disease problems by building partnerships, solving problems and informing policy.

The April 24 conference, “Educating Society about the Threat of New Invasive Species to California’s Plant Ecosystems,” is funded by the UC Davis College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Spring Programmatic Initiative. It is open to a wide audience, including biologists, social scientists and communications experts.

UC program teams and workgroups will meet at the EIPD conference to coordinate team efforts and plan activities. To reserve space for these activities, contact Sherry Cooper at

The EIPD panel is currently developing the conference agenda and revising the text of the EIPD Strategic Initiative plan. Updates and conference registration information will be posted on the EIPD website.

Members of the EIPD panel are

John Adaska, professor of Clinical Diagnostic Pathology, California Animal Health and Food Safety Laboratory System (CAHFS), Tulare Lab

Kassim Al-Khatib, CE specialist and director of the UC Integrated Pest Management Program, UC Davis

Rick Bostock, professor of plant pathology, UC Davis, and executive director of the National Plant Diagnostic Network

Rich Breitmeyer, director of the California Animal Health and Food Safety Laboratory, UC Davis

Kent Daane, CE specialist and entomologist, Environmental Science, Policy and Management, UC Berkeley

Glenn Nader, livestock and natural resources farm advisor, Sutter, Yuba and Butte counties

Bob Timm, CE wildlife specialist and director of the Hopland Research and Extension Center, Hopland

Georgios Vidalakis, CE specialist and plant pathologist, UC Riverside, and director of the Citrus Clonal Protection Program

Rob Wilson, weed management farm advisor and director of the Intermountain Research and Extension Center, Tulelake

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This announcement is also posted and archived on the ANR Update pages.

Posted on Thursday, December 8, 2011 at 3:34 PM

Draft Endemic & Invasive Pests and Diseases plan posted for comment

The Endemic & Invasive Pests and Diseases Initiative Draft Plan is now available for review at

Anyone with an interest in the EIPD initiative should review the draft plan. Please submit comments about the Endemic & Invasive Pests and Diseases Initiative Draft Plan on the survey at will be accepted until 5 p.m., October 27.

The initiative’s panel members will review the comments and integrate them into the plan and submit it for Program Council and Executive Working Group approval.

For more information about the plan or process, contact Ian Gardner, EIPD initiative leader, at, (530) 752-6992, or Sherry Cooper at, (530) 752-1581.

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This announcement is also posted and archived on the ANR Update pages.

Posted on Wednesday, October 13, 2010 at 3:37 PM
  • Author: Michael L. Poe
Tags: draft plan (1), EIPD (4)

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