ANR Employees
University of California
ANR Employees

UC ANR COVID-19 Update: Academic and staff reduction in time

Dear Colleagues,

During these unprecedented times due to the COVID 19 pandemic, it is understandable that some academics may wish to temporarily reduce their appointment time in order to address priority family and self-care needs. Approvals for one year or less will be considered and are subject to renewal consideration. All requests to reduce the appointment time must be supported by your supervisor. Final approval rests with AVP Wendy Powers. The academic or supervisor may end such approved arrangements with a thirty-day advanced notice. 

Salary, monthly sick and vacation leave, and UCRP service credit accruals will be calculated on the reduced appointment percentage. You are also encouraged to contact the UC Davis Benefits Office to discuss the implication of healthcare coverage for any such reduced appointment.  

If you are interested in seeking a voluntary reduction in time, please complete the listed documents and submit to Tina Jordan ( 

As noted in a previous ANR Update, staff are eligible to participate in the Employee Initiated Reduction in Time (ERIT) Program. Questions about the ERIT program may be directed to John Fox or Bethanie Brown.


Celebration corner

South Coast REC and Orange County UCCE had to cancel their Avocado Field Day and Annual Open House on June 27th, so they collaborated to create a Virtual Avocado Festival from June 22-27. The week's activities included a "Best-Dressed Avocado” contest where youth and adults competed via Instagram for prizes, webinars featuring talks on the avocado, culinary demonstrations from local chefs and friends-of-the-farm, and a live Q&A session. EFNEP recorded a video on creative, easy recipes, Master Gardeners recorded a webinar on avocado selection and cultural practices, 4-H hosted a virtual Avocado Trivia Night, and Master Food Preservers recorded a demonstration on experimenting with varieties and methods for freezing avocados. 

San Benito and Santa Cruz 4-H created virtual petting zoo videos on YouTube, a creative way to spread joy and the message of 4-H within their communities while educating viewers on animal “fun facts.” See the San Benito video here and the Quail Creek video here.

Since all of the California Department of Pesticide Regulation's (DPR) test dates are postponed, the Publishing team sent out an email suggesting licensed Pest Control Advisers and those with Qualified Applicator Licenses and Certificates “Hunker Down and Study,” with links to the study guides available in the catalog. The email received very good engagement with a 38% open rate.

Glenda Humiston 
Vice President

Posted on Monday, August 3, 2020 at 7:13 PM

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