Posts Tagged: Duo
Duo login screen change coming April 7
Dear ANR Community,
Duo, UC ANR's multi-factor authentication app, is updating its login screen on April 7, 2024. UC Davis made this same Duo prompt change late last year.
What is changing?
• The new Duo login prompt starting Sunday, April 7, 2024.
• There is no action required on your part as this change will happen automatically. The Duo app does not require an update.
As a security protection, IT is reminding you to approve only login attempts that you have initiated and reject authentication requests that you are not expecting.
The Duo login prompt will change from this:
To this:
If needed, the "Other options" link allows you to choose other options as needed (e.g., using a texted code or a bypass code).
Depending on which option you chose, Duo may ask if the device you just used to authenticate is yours. Only click "Yes, this is my device" if the device is not shared with others. Clicking yes will prevent Duo from asking again on your device for 14 days.
Jaki Hsieh Wojan
Chief Information Security Officer
Enroll in Duo – security tokens now available
To maintain access to critical systems such as the Time Reporting System (TRS), AggieTravel and AggieBuy, enroll in Duo by February 13.
Make sure that your email system is supported before you enroll in Duo to avoid service interruption. Visit Email Compatibility for a list of supported email systems.
Enrollment Device
The device you use with Duo can be a smartphone, tablet, cellphone or traditional landline. You should choose the device you are most likely to have close at hand when you want to access your UC ANR email.
How to Enroll
- Visit https://computingaccounts.ucdavis.eduand choose “Duo Multifactor Authentication”.
- Sign in with your campus account.
- Follow the on-screen prompts to enroll a device.
Detailed step-by-step instructions are available at UC Davis IT Help.
If you encounter difficulties during enrollment, please contact the UC ANR Help Desk at or (530) 750-1212. You can also visit the “Duo Clinic” between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday by logging onto Zoom at
Security Tokens
The preferred method for accessing Duo is via smartphone or landline. If neither of these options is viable, a Duo security token can be purchased through AggieBuy for $29.99. Units will be responsible for the cost, which is an allowable expense for Program Support Funds.
To purchase Duo tokens, visit and search for either part number or keywords under “Product Search”:
- Part number: 2046355
- Keywords: Duo Security Token
A comprehensive description of Duo is available at
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Duo office hours offered Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Starting Monday, Dec. 17, ANR's help desk team will begin offering virtual “office hours” to answer questions about enrolling in Duo, the multifactor authorization app designed to improve cybersecurity.
The Zoom link to the “Duo Clinic” is
Join any time between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. on Monday, Wednesday or Friday to ask Duo and MFA-related questions.
To support ANR-wide adoption of Duo MFA, Tu Tran, associate vice president for Business Operations, asks all managers, supervisors and directors to make everyone in their offices aware of the Duo initiative and actively encourage them to enroll in Duo.
Everyone's participation in this cybersecurity initiative will help protect UC ANR information assets and help us comply with laws and regulations pertaining to the protection of personal and confidential information.
Questions may also be emailed to
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This announcement is also posted and archived on the ANR Update pages.