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Posts Tagged: Rachael Long

Celebration Corner

Editor's note: This new monthly feature provides an opportunity to recognize UC ANR colleagues and teams. Send your shout-outs to

From left, Morgan Doran, Supervisor Angel Barajas, Rachael Long, Margaret Lloyd and Susan Ellsworth. Top row from left, Supervisors Jim Provenza, Lucas Frerichs and Oscar Villegas.

Long honored by Yolo County supervisors

Yolo County Supervisor Angel Barajas presented Rachael Long, emeritus UC Cooperative Extension farm advisor, with a resolution recognizing the valuable research she has contributed to Yolo County farmers over her 37-year UC ANR career. Supervisors Jim Provenza, Lucas Frerichs and Oscar Villegas joined Barajas in thanking Long for her service. Susan Ellsworth, UCCE Capitol Corridor director, and UCCE advisors Morgan Doran and Margaret Lloyd attended the ceremony on Sept. 26.

Read about Long's career at

Humiston receives Excellence in Leadership Award

Glenda Humiston, center, received the Excellence in Leadership Award at the Ag Innovation Annual Conference.

Vice President Glenda Humiston was honored with the 2023 Experiment Station Section Excellence in Leadership Award for the Western Region. The award is presented to leaders who personify the highest level of excellence by enhancing the cause and performance of the regional associations and ESS in achieving their missions and the Land-Grant ideal. 

The award, which was announced in April, was presented to Humiston on Sept. 26 at the Ag Innovation Annual Conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan. 

FIRA attracts more than 2,000 participants

UC ANR Chief Innovation Officer Gabe Youtsey and the team at The VINE did a phenomenal job partnering with Western Growers and Global Organization for Agricultural Robotics (GOFAR) to organize the second annual FIRA USA. More than 2,000 people attended the three-day event in Salinas. 

ANR celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month

Kudos to the Latinos and Friends Affinity Group for organizing three fantastic virtual events for Hispanic Heritage Month. Ricardo Vela, Miguel Sanchez, Arianna Nava, Doralicia Garay, Angela Johnson, Adela Contreras and Lisa Rawleigh put together these wonderful learning opportunities that are recorded and available at

Bea Nobua-Behrmann
Nobua-Behrmann to discuss shothole borers on KLCS 

Bea Nobua-Behrmann, UC Cooperative Extension urban forestry and natural resources advisor for Los Angeles County, will be on an episode of Things Green with Nick Federoff. Nobua-Behrmann will talk about shothole borers and not moving firewood to prevent the spread of the pests. Her segment on the half-hour sustainable lifestyle show with a heavy emphasis on home, garden, ag, ranching and farming is scheduled to air on Oct. 21. You can watch it at 9 a.m. on Saturday on KLCS-TV 58 or see the simulcasts on Facebook and YouTube.  


Rachael Long retires as UCCE farm advisor after 37 years

Rachael Long, UC Cooperative Extension farm advisor,, co-authored sunflower, alfalfa, onion seed and dry bean production manuals and cost-of-production reports on alfalfa, sunflowers, lima beans, common beans and garbanzo beans that growers use for estimating their costs and obtaining farm loans.

Rachael Freeman Long grew up in Berkeley but was fascinated by farming. The UC Cooperative Extension farm advisor has spent the past 37 years doing research on crop production, pollination and pest control and collaborating with farmers.

Long worked with UCCE in Sonoma and San Joaquin counties as well as at UC Berkeley, before settling in Yolo County as a farm advisor in 1992. She has focused on field crops including alfalfa hay and other forages, dry beans, and hybrid seed crops such as sunflowers, melons and onions.

She plans to retire July 1 after serving growers in Yolo, Solano and Sacramento counties for 31 years. 

Long's pest management studies highly influential

Long has spent the past 37 years doing research on crop production, pollination and pest control and collaborating with farmers.
“Rachael has been a wonderful addition to our life in Yolo County, as well as to the whole farming community throughout the UCCE,” wrote walnut growers Dan and Sarah Hrdy. “Her enthusiasm and dedication to bees, birds and bats is wonderful.”

To produce practical research results, Long has collaborated on studies with the Hrdys and many other growers over the years. Her field studies informed the sunflower, alfalfa, onion seed and dry bean production manuals that she co-authored with UC ANR colleagues.

Cost-of-production reports on alfalfa, sunflowers, lima beans, common beans and garbanzo beans that she co-authored have been used by growers for obtaining farm loans. Since 2014, her cost studies have been used over 50,000 times.

Long's research and extension of integrated pest management practices have resulted in enhanced biodiversity, reduced pesticide use, higher crop yields, healthy soils and carbon sequestration, and greater farm productivity and profitability. Her research papers have been cited by scientists over 1,200 times. She was the recipient of the Bradford Rominger Agricultural Sustainability Leadership Award in 2019.

Adoption of new farming practices 

Her work in the late 1990s documented how pesticides were transported offsite from farm fields in surface irrigation water. At the time, the agricultural industry was concerned the results would prompt increased regulations and restrictions on farming practices. But she persisted and her research led to the development and adoption of practices – such as pesticide choice and vegetative filter strips including cover crops – that are now commonly used to protect surface waters from pesticides used on farms. 

“I'm proud of my community and appreciate the opportunity to work with farmers and the privilege of conducting research on farms,” Long said. “I'll forever be grateful to landowners for their support of my projects, even ones that seemed so far out there, like studying bats and pest control in walnut orchards!”

Her research has shown that bats, as well as insectivorous birds, help control insect pests on farms, which helps growers reduce their reliance on pesticides.

As scientists look for ways to slow climate change, one of Long's recent studies revealed that hedgerows sequester 36% more carbon than farmed areas. 

“I loved working with students and postdocs on hedgerows,” she said. “We found that field edge plantings of native plants provide floral resources for natural enemies and bees that move into adjacent crops for enhanced pollination and pest control services in adjacent crops, reducing pesticide use and boosting yields. I'm proud that many have gone on to pursue careers in agriculture and natural resource conservation.” 

Hedgerows become conservation practice

Long talks to tomato grower beside blooming Christmas berry hedgerow. Her research showed the value of hedgerows for wildlife habitat, beneficial insects, birds and carbon sequestration.

Mary Kimball, CEO of the Center for Land-Based Learning in Woodland, was Long's field assistant in 1996. Kimball, who worked for the Yolo Resource Conservation District, was the project manager for the first hedgerow project that Long led. 

“Over the years, Rachael has strategically and methodically tackled every question, concern and potential barrier for on-farm hedgerow installation – not only disproving all of the myths about pests, but showing the dramatic importance of these native plant hedgerows to everything from wildlife habitat, insectary value, use by bird species, and most recently, carbon sequestration,” Kimball said. 

“As a result, hedgerows are now by far the most applied-for conservation practice by farmers and landowners through USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service cost-sharing programs across the state,” Kimball added. “Her impact and the way that she went about doing this research – in collaboration and with all needs and concerns of the farmer in mind – show us how to tackle new ideas and ensure their sustainability over time.”

Lifelong interest in agriculture evolves with technology

Long holds a Mexican free-tailed bat that was trapped in her net in a walnut orchard. Bats are featured in her educational Black Rock Desert trilogy children's books.

The daughter of a UC Berkeley biology professor and graduate of UC Berkeley with a B.S. in biology and UC Davis with an M.S. in entomology, Long always had an interest in wildlife, conservation and exploring the natural world.

“I've always been interested in agriculture, probably from spending summers as a kid with family in Sonoma County,” she said. “However, what totally sparked my interest in crop production was hearing a farm advisor talk about integrated pest management when I was in college. I found that so inspiring that I changed my major from pre-med to agriculture, a great decision, not only for my career, but I met my husband through work and we currently live and farm here in the Woodland area.”

Since her start in 1986, technology has changed rapidly. Calling it “challenging and exciting,” Long said, “I'm proud of the opportunity to work with farmers to learn about global positioning systems, subsurface drip and healthy soils practices that were so helpful in my research and outreach programs.” 

Gold Fever is the first book in a trilogy about a boy and his friends Sonny the coyote and Pinta the pallid bat.
For a recent project addressing labor shortages, she developed research-based guidelines for growers to use spray drones to control pests in alfalfa hay production.

As a mother and a scientist, Long is committed to piquing children's interest in science. She has published three children's books chronicling a boy's adventures with wildlife, based on stories she told her own son, Eugene. Long recently published “See You Later Alligator,” an online children's book. 

In retirement, Long is looking forward to having more time to write kids' books focusing on science literacy and “sharing more about how to respect and live with wildlife for everyone's safety – animals and people.”

“Next is a high adventure story that brings kids into a world of bees!” Long said. “I'm super excited with this ArcGIS storymap format to share online with kids! It's a great teaching opportunity maps, illustrations, and a storyline, along with discussion questions to engage kids!” Long and colleagues recently created a storymap on Native Bees

Long, who received prestigious emeritus status from UC Agriculture and Natural Resources, will also finish up some research projects.


Posted on Monday, June 26, 2023 at 2:13 AM

Humiston visits UCCE in San Diego County

Glenda Humiston, right, toured UCCE San Diego research projects on Aug. 3..

Vice President Glenda Humiston visited San Diego County on Aug. 3. The day started with UC Cooperative Extension San Diego advisors and staff introducing themselves and County Director Oli Bachie briefing Humiston on San Diego County agriculture, current programs and new UCCE positions to be filled soon. Bachie also highlighted some of the constraints UCCE San Diego faces implementing research and extension programs, and voiced the need for expanded facilities.

Following Bachie's briefing, Humiston interacted with the advisors and staff. She spoke about current funding opportunities for UC ANR, employee salary equities, and the need to communicate with local elected officials and stakeholders about the role of UCCE and the value it provides to the community. Over a light lunch, Humiston entertained questions from advisors and staff – ranging from her vision for the future of UC ANR to the path she took to become VP.  At the conclusion of lunch, Bachie and other UCCE advisors and staff led Humiston on a field tour so she could meet UCCE collaborators and see firsthand some of the agricultural production in San Diego County.

Ali Montazar, right, described his research on water use and efficiency in avocados to Humiston, Eric Middleton and Oli Bachie.

The tour started with a visit to an avocado grove in Escondido where Ali Montazar, a cross-county UCCE advisor for irrigation and water management, has an active research project. Montazar's project addresses water use and efficiency in avocado, one of the primary crops grown in San Diego County and much of Southern California. Although the steep and hilly terrain made accessing the site difficult, this stop provided an excellent opportunity to showcase the research and extension activities of the county and cross-county advisors.

Humiston and Bachie toured the Center for Applied Horticultural Research, the growing and research facilities of Ken Altman.

At the next stop, Humiston had the chance to visit Ken Altman, the largest horticultural producer in the country, at the Center for Applied Horticultural Research in Vista. During the visit, Altman briefed Humiston about his nursery and the extent of his business. Altman grows a large variety of nursery crops for indoor and landscape purposes, and employs over 6,000 people all over the country. Altman also spoke about the facilities at CfAHR and his willingness to offer research and laboratory space for use by UCCE San Diego. A long-time collaborator with UCCE, Altman expressed his commitment to support UC ANR's research needs and described the benefits he sees from UCCE partnering with local producers. While the laboratory at CfAHR is currently unused, Altman reiterated his desire to share the space with any interested UCCE San Diego advisors. Humiston and Bachie thanked Altman for his generous offer of support and facilities.

Nurseryman Ken Altman, left, offered UCCE San Diego research and laboratory space at CfAHR.

At the San Diego County Farm Bureau headquarters in Escondido, Humiston met with its president, Mary Matava, and discussed the importance of Farm Bureau as both collaborator and clientele, and the importance of keeping good relationships with the local UCCE office. Both reiterated the mutual benefits that come from a strong working relationship between UCCE and Farm Bureau. They also discussed UCCE San Diego's office lease, and the need for facilities that satisfy the requirements of the UCCE office, such as storage, laboratory, greenhouse and commercial standard kitchen space.

“Regardless of whether UCCE San Diego continues to lease the Farm Bureau offices, UCCE San Diego will show its presence and visibility at the Farm Bureau building at least on a rotational basis and will continue to collaborate with the important partner that is Farm Bureau,” Bachie said. 

The group met with Mary Matava, left, president of the San Diego County Farm Bureau, to discuss the value of collaboration.

The final stop was at Escondido City Hall for a brief tour guided by Jennifer Schoeneck, deputy director of economic development for the City of Escondido. Also in attendance were leaders from nearby community colleges. Schoeneck provided detailed information on a currently unused warehouse facility that the city intends to remodel and retrofit so it can be used as an agricultural hub. Various agricultural technology companies, universities and colleges would use the space together to conduct research, teach and support agriculture within San Diego County. Humiston expressed her appreciation for the potential of the center and said that UC ANR will look at opportunities to collaborate with the city to develop the facility into a broad-spectrum agricultural hub.

Throughout the field tour Humiston was accompanied by Eric Middleton, UCCE integrated pest management advisor; Chandra Richards, agricultural land acquisitions academic coordinator; Robert Padilla, digital media specialist; Jan Gonzales, project coordinator and community education supervisor; Shirley Salado, EFNEP community education supervisor; Lea Corkidi, staff research associate; and Sue Lake, administrative officer.

By the end of the visit, Humiston and the group had gained a deeper understanding of UCCE San Diego programs, projects, challenges and opportunities.

Posted on Tuesday, August 30, 2022 at 2:12 PM
  • Author: Oli Bachie
  • Author: Eric Middleton

Save the date for UC ANR statewide conference on April 24–27

The 2023 UC ANR statewide conference will be held in Fresno. Fresno County is the top agricultural producer in the nation.

The 2023 UC ANR statewide conference will be held on April 24–27 at the Fresno DoubleTree and Fresno Convention Center in Fresno. Please mark your calendars and plan to join your UC ANR colleagues. 

For the first time since 2018, ANR academics and staff from across the state will gather to share best practices on how to elevate and amplify their research, extension and education efforts.

The conference is also the official kickoff to UC ANR's 2025-2040 visioning process. We will begin identifying the challenges facing California and set a course detailing how we can more effectively address them over 15 years. 

For more information, please visit the conference website at

If you would like to propose a presentation, fill out the request form at All suggestions will be evaluated by the Learning & Poster Session Committee.  

For more information, visit

Posted on Tuesday, August 30, 2022 at 8:43 AM

UC ANR celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month Sept. 15-Oct. 15

Hispanic Heritage Month 2022

Hispanic Heritage Month is Sept. 15 through Oct.15 and Ricardo Vela, manager of UC ANR News & Information Outreach in Spanish, has planned educational activities for colleagues and friends to attend throughout the month.

Each year, UC ANR celebrates the culture and contributions of people whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. Latinos comprise 40% of California's population and a growing portion of UC ANR's clientele. Our Latinx colleagues help to customize UC ANR's outreach for the Latino community, from immigrants to native-born citizens.

To start the celebration, the newly formed Latinx & Friends Affinity Group will meet for the first time on Sept. 21. To register, visit

“UC ANR is giving us this fantastic opportunity to share our stories of struggle, success and dreams within a safe space,” Vela said. “This space is open to all of us who are Latinx/Hispanic or of Latinx/Hispanic descent, allies and friends to discuss the many cultural identities.”

“First Time Home” is a documentary produced by American children of farmworkers that offers a look into what life is like for farmworker families.

The September events will be held via Zoom for UC ANR colleagues:

Jose Pablo Ortiz-Partida
Wednesday, Sept. 21, 12-1:30 p.m. First meeting of Latinx & Friends Affinity Group (45 minutes) and screening of the short film “First Time Home” about four cousins who travel from their Triqui immigrant community in California to their ancestral village in Mexico for the first time. (45 minutes)

Wednesday, Sept. 28, 12-1 p.m. Jose Pablo Ortiz-Partida will discuss the results of an environmental justice study he conducted in the San Joaquin Valley. Ortiz-Partida is a senior water and climate scientist for the Climate & Energy program at the Union of Concerned Scientists. 

Susana Matias
Register for the Hispanic Heritage Month employee events at

Events scheduled for October will be conducted in Spanish and open to the public on Facebook Live:

Wednesday, Oct. 5, 1-2 p.m. – Susana Matias, UC Cooperative Extension specialist in the Department of Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology at Berkeley, will discuss healthy living, obesity and breastfeeding.

Magda Argueta
Wednesday, Oct. 12, 1-2 p.m. – Magda Argueta, UC ANR's Global Food Initiative Fellow and UC Riverside doctoral candidate, will discuss ancient Mayan pollinating practices with stingless bees.

Samuel Sandoval Solis
Thursday, Oct. 13, 1-2 p.m. – Samuel Sandoval Solis, UC Davis assistant professor and Cooperative Extension specialist in water resources, will discuss climate change effects. What can we do? What is UC ANR already doing?



Posted on Monday, August 29, 2022 at 8:59 PM

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