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Summary Sets priorities, plans, executes and integrates research and extension projects related to the California prune (dried plum) industry. Produced a ?reduced environmental risk? system (reduced inputs of pesticides, fertilizers and water) for prune orchard management.
Workgroup Chair Information
Name Luke Milliron (Chair)
Phone 530-828-9666
Unit: Butte County
Membership List
AES Scientist
Adaskaveg, James Plant Pathology
  Professor and Plant Pathologist (test editing) Mycology, plant pathology, ecology and epidimiology of fungi (test edits)
Bostock, Richard Plant Pathology - CAES
  Distinguished Professor, Plant Pathologist-AES Physiology, biochemistry and molecular biology of host-pathogen interaction; diseases of fruit and nut crops
Brown, Patrick Department of Plant Sciences
  Pomologist-AES, Professor of Plant Nutrition Plant mineral nutrition; root soil interaction; rhizosphere dynamics and genetic aspects of plant nutrition; function of boron in plants; sustainable agriculture
DeJong, Theodore Department of Plant Sciences
  Emeritus Professor   CE Pomologist-AES   Plant Physiologist-AES Environmental physiology; tree crop physiology; carbon partitioning and crop modeling; pomology; physiology and management of fruit tree crops; peach rootstock development and physiology; dried plum breeding
Gradziel, Thomas Department of Plant Sciences
  Professor, Geneticist-AES Genetics and breeding of peach and almond
Kirkpatrick, Bruce Plant Pathology - CAES
  Associate Plant Pathologist-AES
Michailides, Themis Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  Plant Pathologist and Lecturer Ecology, epidemiology and control of fungal diseases of fruit and nut crops and vines, postharvest diseases, aflatoxin and mycotoxins of nut crops and figs.
Mills, Nicholas Environmental Science, Policy and Management (ESPM)
  Professor Entomologist-AES Biological control of insect pests, ecology and insect parasitoids, tree fruit pests
Shackel, Kenneth Department of Plant Sciences
  Professor/Pomologist-AES Plant-based irrigation management, particularly in trees and vines. Use of the pressure chamber and stem water potential (SWP) as a measure of plant stress, and the use of stress to optimize productivity and save water.
CE Advisor
Buchner, Richard Tehama County
  Orchard Advisor - Emeritus Pomology for Tehama County. Strawberry nursery production in North Coast & Mountain Region
Day, Kevin Tulare County
  Pomology Advisor, Emeritus Fresh-shipping deciduous tree fruits. Cultural practices and production, fruit growth and development, pruning and training systems
DeBuse, Carolyn Solano County
  Horticulturist- USDA National Clonal Germplasm Prunus Collection
Fichtner, Elizabeth Tulare County
  Farm Advisor Orchard Systems
Grant, Joseph
  Farm Advisor, Emeritus walnuts, cherries, olives, miscellaneous fruits; fruit crops, integrated pest management
Milliron, Luke Butte County
  Orchard Systems Advisor
Niederholzer, Franz Colusa County
  Farm Advisor   Orchard Systems Prunes, almonds, pears, apple, cherry, olive, plum, citrus, and pomegranate
Norton, Maxwell Merced County
  Farm Advisor - Emeritus Specialties: Tree fruit, farmland preservation, figs, pomegranates, peaches
Symmes, Emily Tehama County
  Area IPM Advisor Integrated pest management
CE Specialist
Crisosto, Carlos Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  CE Postharvest Physiologist Extension and research on postharvest biology and technology of fruits; fruit and nuts quality and deterioration and handling systems
Mitcham, Elizabeth Department of Plant Sciences
  Director, Postharvest Center Postharvest physiology and technology of fruit and nut crops; emphasis on maintaining flavor quality after harvest, enhancing consumption of produce, and reducing food loss. Also studying regulation of fruit ripening and mechanisms underlying calcium def
Westerdahl, Becky Nematology CAES
  CE Specialistáá Professor Applied nematology, integrated pest management
Zalom, Frank Entomology (UCD)
  Distinguished Professor Fruit and Vegetable Crop Entomology; Integrated Pest Management
Other ANR
Glozer, Kitren Department of Plant Sciences
  Associate Project Scientist Tree crops physiology, growth and development
Morgan, David Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  Staff Research Associate Plant Pathology--Michailides Lab
Ohlendorf, Barbara Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Statewide Program
  Pest Management Guidelines Coordinator – Retired 6/29/10
Sams, Judy Fruit & Nut Research and Information Center
Malkin, Richard
  Professor Emeritus Photosynthesis: energy transduction in biological membranes
Zea, Donn
Membership Totals
Number of Members28
ANR Members26
Info Only0
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