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Workgroup Information

Sub Tropical Crops

Summary Develops collaborative research and extension projects and collects and disseminates information in support of production and marketing of diverse specialty crops in California.
Workgroup Chair Information
Name Akif Eskalen (Co-Chair)
Phone (530) 752-0304
Unit: Plant Pathology - CAES
Name Ben Faber (Co-Chair)
Phone (805) 645-1462
Unit: Ventura County
Location: Cooperative Extension Ventura County
669 County Square Drive, #100
Ventura, 93003-5401
Membership List
AES Scientist
Adaskaveg, James Plant Pathology
  Professor and Plant Pathologist (test editing) Mycology, plant pathology, ecology and epidimiology of fungi (test edits)
Babcock, Bruce UCR School Public Policy
  Citrus Economics
Borkovich, Katherine Plant Pathology
  Professor and Chair, Department of Microbiology and Plant Pathology Environmental sensing pathways used by fungi to respond to plant hosts and/or their environment
Cooksey, Donald Plant Pathology
  Emeritus Professor and Bacteriologist Bacterial diseases; molecular biology, bactericide resistance; biological control
Dandekar, Abhaya Department of Plant Sciences
  Professor Geneticist-AES Molecular, biochemical, genomic and epigenetic analysis of tree fruit and nut genetic and biochemical traits to improve management strategies
Lovatt, Carol Botany & Plant Sciences
  Professor   Plant Physiologist Regulation of nucleotide and arginine metabolism, biochemistry of mineral nutrition, effects of stress on nitrogen metabolism, citrus and avocado physiology, including regulation of flowering, fruitset and fruit development
Luck, Robert Entomology (UCR)
  Entomologist   Professor of Entomology Behavioral and evolutionary ecology; biological control; population dynamics; pest management; forest entomology
Reid, Michael Department of Plant Sciences
  Cooperative Extension Specialist Postharvest biology and technology of ornamentals, cut flowers, flowering plants, foliage plants. Physiology of flowering and flowering control, chilling injury, mode of action of ethylene and inhibition of ethylene responses.
Roberts, Philip Nematology Department
  Chair, Nematologist & Professor of Nematology Nematode host-parasite relations, genetics and pest management in field and vegetable crops
Stanghellini, Michael Plant Pathology
  Plant Pathologist & Professor Ecology, epidemiology, and control of root-infecting soil-borne fungal plant pathogens
Ullman, Diane Entomology (UCD)
  Professor of Entomology Insect vectors of plant pathogens: vector/pathogen interactions with an emphasis on virus pathogenesis in insect cells, vector biology and management of insect-transmitted pathogens in agricultural and ornamental ecosystems.
Vidalakis, Georgios Plant Pathology
  Professor & UC Extension Specialist in Plant Pathology - Director, Citrus Clonal Protection Program (CCPP) Graft-transmissible diseases of citrus diagnosis and therapy & citrus germplasm.
CE Advisor
Bender, Gary San Diego North County Office
  Farm Advisor-Emeritus Subtropical horticulture, deciduous fruit trees, irrigation, water quality, pest management, root rot and pathology of avocados and citrus, avocado canopy management
Connell, Joseph
  Farm Advisor Emeritus Almonds, olives, citrus, subtropicals, ornamentals
Faber, Ben Ventura County
  Advisor Soils and water, avocados and minor subtropicals in Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties.
Gaskell, Mark San Luis Obispo County
  Emeritus - Farm Advisor Specialty crops, small fruit crops, vegetables, sustainable agriculture, small farms in Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo Counties.
Kallsen, Craig Kern County
  Farm Advisor Emeritus (Retired) Citrus, subtropical horticulture and pistachios
Lobo, Ramiro San Diego County
  Small Farms & Agricultural Economics Advisor Farm management, marketing, agricultural economics, agricultural tourism, small farms, new/specialty crops
Mccullough-Sanden, Blake Kern County
  Farm Advisor Emeritus (Retired) Irrigation, soil, water, agronomy, blackeyes, sugarbeets, safflower, alfalfa
Middleton, Eric San Diego County
  Area IPM Advisor
Pastrana Leon, Ana Maria Imperial County
  Plant Pathology Advisor Plant Pathology
Phillips, Phil Santa Barbara County
  Area IPM Advisor, Emeritus Extension of IPM information and adoption of IPM through demonstration and adaptive local research; in citrus, avocados, grapes, strawberries and vegetables
Takele, Etaferahu San Bernardino County
  Area Advisor Farm Management/Agricultural Economics Area Advisor - Farm Management /Agricultural Economics - Production economics, decision-making at the farm level, integrated input management, risk managementSubtropical Fruit Crops (Citrus, Avocados) Vegetable crops, Field CropsRiverside, San Diego, San Bernardino, Imperial, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Los Angles, Orange and Ventura.
CE Specialist
Arpaia, Mary Lu Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  Cooperative Extension Specialist Evaluation of preharvest and postharvest factor on subtropical crop productivity and fruit quality, including rootstock, cultivar, irrigation, pesticide and nutrition management strategies
Becker, Jorn Nematology Department
  Distinguished Professor of Cooperative Extension in Nematology & Distinguished Nematologist Integrated pest management of plant-parasitic nematodes
Cook, Roberta Agricultural & Resource Economics
  Specialist in Cooperative Extension Food distribution, Fruit and Vegetable Marketing, International Competition and Trade, Mexican Horticultural Industry, Food safety
Eskalen, Akif Plant Pathology - CAES
  Professor of Cooperative Extension in Plant Pathology Research in my lab is applied and focuses on the identification, biology, epidemiology, and control of fungal pathogens on vines, small fruit & berries, and pome fruits in California.
Ferguson, Louise Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  CE Pomologist Tree crop physiology and production of pistachio, olive, citrus, fig, and persimmon. Areas of expertise include seasonal growth phenology, salinity tolerance, alternate bearing, canopy management, mechanical pruning, mechanical harvesting, root stock int
Grafton-Cardwell, Elizabeth Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  Emeritus Entomology Cooperative Extension Specialist Citrus Integrated Pest Management
Harris, Linda J Food Science & Technology
  Professor of Cooperative Extension Microbial food safety throughout the food chain with a focus on the microbiology of fresh fruits and vegetables and tree nuts.
Hoddle, Mark Entomology (UCR)
  Entomologist CE Entomology Specialist Biological control of invasive arthropod pests of importance to agricultural, urban, and wilderness areas. Foreign exploration, host range and host specificity testing of natural enemy species under consideration for possible release in California. Pest
Khodadadi, Fatemeh
  CE Specialist Subtropical Trees
Mauk, Peggy Botany & Plant Sciences
  Director of Agricultural Operations/Subtropical Horticulture CE Specialist Citrus, avocados, and dates, crop production management, fiscal and personnel management
Rolshausen, Philippe Botany & Plant Sciences
  Associate CE Specialist Sub Tropical Crops
Wu, Laosheng Environmental Sciences
  Professor of Soil & Water Science/CE Water Management Specialist Soil Physics, Water Management, Water Reuse, Soil Salinity
Other ANR
Cockerham, Stephen Dean's Office CNAS
  Superintendent Agricultural operations, field stations, turfgrass research
Filmer, Ann Department of Plant Sciences
  Communications 1) Communications; 2) Floriculture production, postharvest handling of ornamentals
Kahn, Tracy Botany & Plant Sciences
  Curator 4 and Givaudan Citrus Variety Collection Endowed Chair Curator of the UCR Citrus Variety Collection and evaluates new citrus cultivars for the citrus industry.
Kosina, Petr Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Statewide Program
  Content Development Supervisor
Semancik, Joseph Plant Pathology
  Professor   Emeritus   Plant Pathologist Viroid synthesis and pathogenesis; host-viroid interactions; viroid diseases
Urena, Alan Entomology (UCR)
  Staff Research Associate Citrus pest management
Warnert, Jeannette Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  Communications Specialist Writing
Williams, Tim Botany & Plant Sciences
  Staff Research Associate
Headrick, David Cal Poly Entomology
  Professor arthropod and weed BC
Krueger, Robert
  Horticulturist & Curator, USDA-ARS-NCGRCD Horticulture, Plant Pathology, Citrus, Date Palms
Membership Totals
Number of Members45
ANR Members43
Info Only0
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