ANR Employees
University of California
ANR Employees

4-H & Families

Water-resources research proposals invited from junior investigators

The California Institute for Water Resources has announced its 2018-19 Request for Proposals. This year, proposals are requested in the junior investigator category only, said Doug Parker, director of the California Institute for Water Resources.

Funded projects will begin March 1, 2019. Please note that the funding period may fluctuate and is based on budget appropriations.  

University of California ladder rank faculty and UC Cooperative Extension specialists and advisors who have been in their current position less than seven years are eligible. Eligibility is also extended to faculty members at other higher education institutions in California who have been in their current position less than seven years.

The deadline for submission is Oct. 26, 2018. 

Visit the California Institute for Water Resources website to download the full RFP, including budget templates, at

Posted on Thursday, September 6, 2018 at 3:49 PM
Focus Area Tags: Natural Resources

'We Are UC ANR' items added to Brand Toolkit

A link to the interactive, online version of the Annual Report Snapshot is in the ANR Branding Toolkit.

This image of UCCE forestry advisor Susie Kocher is one of four choices for the ANR one-pager.
A couple of items have been posted to the Telling Our Story section of the ANR Branding Toolkit. You'll now find the We Are UC ANR video as well as the We Are UC ANR one-sheet flyers.

“The flyers have a choice of four different front page images, the copy is the same on all four,” said Cynthia Kintigh, marketing director. “The We Are UC ANR video is a great three-minute explainer about who we are and what we do, told in beautiful images of ANR folks in the field.”

Sharing the page with the flyers is a link to the online version of the Annual Report Snapshot – with robust features like maps and embedded links to academic profiles. 

“This is a great link to share with constituents and decision makers,” Kintigh said of the Annual Report Snapshot.

Posted on Wednesday, September 5, 2018 at 4:27 PM

ANR websites will be down between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. on Sept. 13

IT will be upgrading equipment at the ANR datacenter on Thursday, Sept. 13, 2018, between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. PDT. During this time, the ANR Portal, all websites and servers in ANR's Second Street building will be offline. If you have any questions, please contact IT at

Posted on Tuesday, September 4, 2018 at 3:58 PM
  • Author: Tolgay Kizilelma
Tags: August 2018 (13), IT (11)

Learning and development opportunities

Register for new administrative academic and staff orientation

UC ANR employees – academics and staff – who have not participated in an administrative orientation in the past should register for the UC ANR Administrative Orientation for New Employees.

Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2018

10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

UC ANR Building, 2801 Second St., Davis, CA 95618

Register now at

Come to be welcomed and

  • Learn about ANR's vision and mission
  • Learn about ANR structure and individual programs and units
  • Interact with ANR leadership and directors
  • Meet and network with new colleagues from around the state
  • Get answers to burning questions about health benefits, AggieTravel and more

 Priority will be given to those hired by ANR within the past year. 

Participants of UC Conference 2018 from left: Ricardo Vela, Jaci Westbrook, Glenda Humiston, Javier Miramontes, Leah Sourbeer, Russell Hill, Maria Fernandez.

UC People Conference is highly recommended

ANR academic and staff employees returned energized from the second annual systemwide UC People Management Conference. Their participation was sponsored by ANR Learning & Development funds. Here is what a few of them shared about their experience:

Russell Hill, 4-H Youth Development Program advisor, UCCE Merced:          

"This systemwide People Management Conference exceeded my expectations. With opportunities to participate in workshops, listen to panel discussions, and listen to keynote speakers who all tied in what it is to be a people manager and how to improve our skills, I HIGHLY recommend others attend."

Leah Sourbeer, Community Nutrition Program supervisor, UCCE Contra Costa:

"I appreciated the positive perspectives presented by the inspiring speakers. Topics such as creating a positive culture, using emotional intelligence in management, bringing out the best in staff, and how to lead staff in career development were some of the things that most resonated with me. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to attend and would love the chance to attend again in the future."

Javier Miramontes, Community Nutrition Program supervisor, UCCE Fresno:

"The UC people management conference was a great experience to learn from colleagues throughout the UC system about their knowledge, resources and skills they incorporate into their management style. I was able to attend workshops that focused on empowering and growing as a leader and using emotional intelligence and mindfulness to create a positive work culture that will in turn promote staff productivity."

Maria Fernandez, Database Administrator, Development Services:

"The conference was great, and I am grateful to have been able to attend. The theme was Culture Change: Grow – Empower – Lead. The keynote speakers were amazing – Robert Richman from spoke about culture hacking and Vincent Martinez spoke about shape culture: accelerate change. Our own Glenda Humiston, along with UC Berkeley Chancellor Carol Christ and Alexander Bustamante of UCOP were all interviewed in a leadership huddle. There were several breakout sessions to choose from, everything from 'Practicing Mindfulness in the Work Place' to 'Lean Six Sigma Can Drive Results and Change Culture.' I would highly recommend the conference to anyone who has completed the training!"

Interested in applying for the 2019 conference funds? To find out how, read the next article.   

The best people managers develop their employees and themselves

Being an effective and professional people manager takes many skills and considerable development. The best people managers develop both their employees and themselves.

One of the ways ANR people managers have been developing themselves is by completing UC People Management Series Certificate modules and participating in monthly facilitated networking calls to review what they've learned, ask other supervisors for advice and share successes. Participants enjoy scenario-based role-playing, a fun and challenging group assignment, and networking.

Kendra Lewis
Kendra Lewis, academic evaluation coordinator for the 4-H YDP, who participated in this year's cohort, says:

“This series of courses has been such a valuable experience for me, not only as a supervisor, but as an ANR employee as well. It has taught me new approaches for supervising and given myself and my employee new ways to better support their work. I have even used some of the approaches in my own work as an employee. This series has also connected me with others in ANR outside of my unit or usual contacts. It has been a great experience to meet people in ANR that I have never worked with before, and now they will be a familiar face to me at ANR events! I've enjoyed the conversations and problem-solving that we engaged in as a group. I think every supervisor should take this series, even if you are only the supervisor of one (like me!).”

A new cohort will form in January 2019. If you are interested, please fill out this survey. Supervisors who complete the series will be eligible to apply for the 2019 systemwide UC People Conference and preference will be given to networking cohort participants. 

Calm your nerves before a big presentation

You're about to give a big presentation. It's an important topic and your audience is a group of stakeholders. You prepared and practiced. Are you still feeling a bit nervous? Yes? It's natural. 

Learn some helpful hints in the LinkedIn blog post below, noting that all the courses listed in this post are also available to you in your account.

How to Calm Your Nerves Before A Big Presentation.

WebANR Café Thursday

Join us on Thursday, Sept. 20, 2018, at noon for our next WebANR.

Development Services - Call us first!
Learn with members of ANR's Development Services - Fundraising 101 - best practices for interacting with donors and partnering with Development Services.
(646) 558-8656 or (669) 900-6833
Webinar ID: 963 167 636

This webinar will be recorded and linked to the Café Thursday WebANR page.

UC managing implicit bias

Increase your awareness of implicit bias and how you can help reduce its impact at the university. The series reinforces the UC diversity,equity and inclusion values that enable UC ANR to attract and retain a top talent workforce. It further supports UC ANR's commitment to developing effective leaders and managers of people. It is intended to supplement existing location programs and resources. 

You can access these eCourses in the UC Learning Center.

What is Implicit Bias? (28 min.)

The Impact of Implicit Bias (28 min.)

Common Forms of Bias (21 min.)

Managing Implicit Bias in the Hiring Process (23 min.)

Managing the Influence of Implicit Bias: Awareness (24 min.)

Managing the Influence of Implicit Bias: Mindfulness and Conscious Debiasing (24 min.)

Posted on Tuesday, September 4, 2018 at 2:35 PM
  • Author: Jodi Azulai

UCCE Tulare County wins Healthy Snack Day contest

UC Cooperative Extension in Tulare County won first place in the UC ANR Staff Assembly Wellness Committee's contest on Healthy Snack Day, Aug. 29. All UC ANR facilities were invited to hold Healthy Snack Day activities and submit one photo.

Tulare County staff creatively submitted a photo collage to tell a story about their Healthy Snack Day activities. Before Healthy Snack Day, the staff appear fatigued and lethargic; afterward, the staff are all smiles and enthusiasm. The Tulare County office won a water dispenser/infuser to serve healthy and appealing beverages. 

UC Cooperative Extension, Tulare County

Second place went to UC Cooperative Extension in San Diego County, where the staff took the opportunity on Healthy Snack Day to "play with their food." Cut-up fresh fruit and vegetables were fashioned into elaborate artwork and sculptures.

UC Cooperative Extension, San Diego County

The UC Lindcove Research and Extension Center came in third with a collage and food art, plus plenty of fruit and vegetables.

UC Lindcove Research and Extension Center

Healthy Snack Day was the first event sponsored by the UC ANR Staff Assembly Wellness Committee, which is dedicated to supporting and improving the health, well-being and quality of life of ANR employees. The committee promotes initiatives and programs that foster healthy workplace environments, empower employees to adopt healthy habits, and strengthen our sense of community.

In all, eight UC ANR facilities entered pictures in the contest. They are shown below.

UC ANR Second Street Building, Davis
UC Cooperative Extension, Capitol Corridor MCP
UC Cooperative Extension, Placer and Nevada counties
UC Kearney Agricultural Research and Extension Center

UC Sierra Foothill Research and Extension Center
UC Sierra Foothill Research and Extension Center

Posted on Tuesday, September 4, 2018 at 11:51 AM

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