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Spray Application Technology

Summary The goal of this workgroup is improved pesticide and nutrient application efficiency in all settings in California. Progress towards this goal will reduce grower/applicator costs and the pollution potential from off-site movement of the spray material.
Workgroup Chair Information
Name Franz Niederholzer (Chair)
Phone (530) 458-0570
Unit: Colusa County
Location: Cooperative Extension Colusa County
PO Box 180, 100 Sunrise Boulevard, Suite E
Colusa, 95932
Membership List
AES Scientist
Giles, Ken Biological & Agricultural Engineering
  Professor Engineering for pest control and plant protection; development of target sensing and sprayer control systems; handling and distribution of biological pest control agents; automation of pest control operations.
Michailides, Themis Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  Plant Pathologist and Lecturer Ecology, epidemiology and control of fungal diseases of fruit and nut crops and vines, postharvest diseases, aflatoxin and mycotoxins of nut crops and figs.
Morse, Joseph Entomology (UCR)
  Entomologist and Professor of Entomology, Emeritus Citrus and avocado pest management, biological control; applied insect ecology; pesticide impacts on natural enemies; resistance management
CE Advisor
Aegerter, Brenna San Joaquin County
  Farm Advisor Vegetable Crops, Plant Pathology
Baameur, Aziz Small Farm Program
  Retired Emeritus, Farm Advisor Small Farms, cultivar evaluation, nutrient management, irrigation, specialty crops, vegetables, Asian vegetables, Small Farms
Beede, Robert Kings County
  (Retired) Farm Advisor Emeritus Horticulture: Tree fruit, nuts, grapes
Bettiga, Larry Monterey County
  Acting Monterey County Director & Viticulture Farm Advisor Wine grape production, canopy management, pest management, rootstock and clonal evaluation.
Bolda, Mark Santa Cruz County
  Farm Advisor, Strawberries & Caneberries Strawberry and caneberry culture - horticulture, fertility, pest management practices, closed environment agriculture
(info only) Connell, Joseph
  Farm Advisor Emeritus Almonds, olives, citrus, subtropicals, ornamentals
Coviello, Richard Fresno County
  Farm Advisor, Emeritus Entomology, pest management
Faber, Ben Ventura County
  Advisor Soils and water, avocados and minor subtropicals in Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties.
Gispert, Carmen San Diego North County Office
  UC ANR Cooperative Extension Advisor, Emeritus. Wine and table grapes
Grant, Joseph
  Farm Advisor, Emeritus walnuts, cherries, olives, miscellaneous fruits; fruit crops, integrated pest management
Greer, Christopher San Luis Obispo County
  Area Cooperative Extension Advisor - Integrated Pest Management Integrated Pest Management of Agricultural Crops
Hembree, Kurt Fresno County
  Weed Management Farm Advisor Weed management strategies in crop and non-crop settings
Marcum, Daniel Shasta-Lassen Office
  Farm Advisor - Emeritus Irrigation, plant nutrition, salinity, entomology, sustainable agriculture, agronomy, vegetable crops, engineering, plant pathology, integrated pest management, systems management, economics, weed control, nematology, strawberry nursery production, garlic, wild rice, alfalfa, timothy, sugarbeet, pasture, range, biodiversity, peppermint, viticulture
Miyao, Eugene Capitol Corridor MCP Cooperative Extension
  Emeritus Farm Advisor, Vegetable Crops Processing tomato production.
Munier, Douglas
  Retired Farm Advisor Agronomy-cotton, corn, wheat, clover seed, safflower, sunflower, and dry beans
Munk, Daniel Fresno County
  Farm Advisor Irrigation, crop nutrient management and cotton production systems
Natwick, Eric Imperial County
  Entomology Advisor, emeritus Entomology, Pest Management
Niederholzer, Franz Colusa County
  Farm Advisor   Orchard Systems Prunes, almonds, pears, apple, cherry, olive, plum, citrus, and pomegranate
O'Connell, Neil Tulare County
  Farm Advisor, Retired Citrus, Avocado
Pickel, Carolyn Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Statewide Program
  Area IPM Advisor, Emeritus IPM programs
Roncoroni, John Napa County
  Weed Science Farm Advisor, Emeritus Weed Control and Vegetation Management in Perennial Crops, Covercrops and Aquatic Weed Control
Smith, Rhonda Sonoma County
  Viticulture Farm Advisor, Emeritus Viticulture, wine grapes, water management, pest management, vine nutrition
Vargas, Ronald Madera County
  Farm Advisor, Emeritus Field crops, cotton production, weed control
Verdegaal, Paul
  Farm Advisor, Emeritus Viticulture, almonds
Wilson, Rob Intermountain Research & Extension Center
  Farm Advisor Pest managment in vegetable and field crops; Potato variety development; Production of potatoes, onions, peppermint, and small grains
Wunderlich, Lynn Amador County
  Farm Advisor Viticulture and Pomology for the foothills; Sprayer calibration; Integrated Pest Management; Biological Control
CE Specialist
Allen, Edith Botany & Plant Sciences
  CE Natural Resources Specialist & Professor of Plant Ecology
Crisosto, Carlos Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  CE Postharvest Physiologist Extension and research on postharvest biology and technology of fruits; fruit and nuts quality and deterioration and handling systems
Fidelibus, Matthew Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  Cooperative Extension Specialist Raisin, table and wine grape production,fruit quality, whole-plant physiology, plant growth regulators, weeds.
Garbelotto Benzon, NH Matteo M Environmental Science, Policy and Management (ESPM)
  Extension Specialist in Forest Pathology and Adjunct Professor Forest pathology and mycology, biodiversity,
Grafton-Cardwell, Elizabeth Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  Emeritus Entomology Cooperative Extension Specialist Citrus Integrated Pest Management
Johnson, R. Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  CE Pomologist Irrigation, fertilization, fruit thinning, rootstocks and fruit growth of peach, plum, nectarine, apple and kiwifruit; Davis campus specialist
Lanini, W Weed Science Program
  CE Weed Ecologist Ecology, weed crop competition, weed biology and low-input agriculture
Mcgiffen Jr., Milton Botany & Plant Sciences
  CE Specialist and Plant Physiologist Vegetable Crops, Invasive Species, Weed Science, Sustainable Agriculture, and Alternatives to Methyl Bromide
VanSteenwyk, Robert Environmental Science, Policy and Management (ESPM)
  CE Entomologist Deciduous fruits, nuts and vines
Zalom, Frank Entomology (UCD)
  Distinguished Professor Fruit and Vegetable Crop Entomology; Integrated Pest Management
Other ANR
Blecker, Lisa Pesticide Information & Coordination
  Coordinator, Pesticide Safety Education Program and Office of Pesticide Information and Coordination (OPIC) Pesticide Safety Education. Coordinate and review Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources (DANR) activities pertaining to pesticide research, experimentation and use. Provide quality assurance of DANR publications recommending pesticide uses.
Cohen, Susan Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Statewide Program
  Senior Writer (Pesticide Safety) Pesticide Compendia; Pesticide Safety Training Resources
Dreistadt, Steve Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Statewide Program
  Principal Editor IPM, ornamentals, landscape, biological control
Martin, Tunyalee Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Statewide Program
  Associate Director for Communications Leads UC IPM communications, manages IPM publication projects, and supervises editorial and technical staff developing and producing IPM outreach materials for Web and print.
Sams, Judy Fruit & Nut Research and Information Center
Strand, Joyce Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Statewide Program
  IPM Academic Coordinator Emeritus Application of computers in agriculture (particularly pest management), agricultural meteorology
Whithaus, Shannah Integrated Pest Management
  PSEP Sr. Editor
Berger, Lori
DeSousa, Richard
Foth, Glen
Hoheisel, Gwen
  WSU Extension Educator Tree Fruit, Grapes
Jenkins, Jeff
  Professor Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Ludwig, Gabriele
mulvaney, sean
  sales manager spraying equipment
Obenauf, Gary
  Director of Research
rackerby, matt
Rear, Jeffrey
Robertson, Mark
  Senior Environmental Scientist Pest Managment
Shrestha, Anil Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Statewide Program
  IPM Weed Ecologist Development and implementation of IPM strategies and tactics for vegetation management. Primary crops corn, cotton, tree fruit, grape, tomato.
Siegel, Joel
  Research Entomologist Entomology, Insect Pathology, Epidemiology
Steenwerth, Kerri
  Research Soil Scientist
User, Unverified
User, Unverified
User, Unverified
User, Unverified
Wolf, John
Membership Totals
Number of Members65
ANR Members46
Info Only1
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