ANR Employees
University of California
ANR Employees

Workgroup Directory/Information

To join an existing Workgroup, please email the group's chair or co-chair. Contact information is available on the below Workgroup pages or on individual faculty pages.

Workgroup Directory

Workgroup Chairs
Aging Californians in Rural and Urban Settings Mary Blackburn
Agriculture and Nature Tourism Stephanie Larson
Agroecology and Organic Farming Systems Sonja Brodt
Alfalfa and Forage Systems Daniel Putnam
Almond Franz Niederholzer
Cameron Zuber
Beef Safety and Quality Assurance Gabriele Maier
California Communities and Food Systems Christy Getz
California Naturalist Gregory Ira
Career/College Readiness & Workforce Development Liliana Vega
Cling Peach Raymond Mireles
Cameron Zuber
Conservation Agriculture Jeffrey Mitchell
Consumer Climate Change Literacy Yu Meng
Marisa Neelon
Cotton Robert Hutmacher
Dairy Health and Production Jennifer Heguy
Noelia Silva Del Rio
Dairy Quality Assurance Betsy Karle
Deanne Meyer
Michael Payne
Desert Oli Bachie
Aliasghar Montazar
Developing Volunteer Capacities (DVC) Matthew Rodriguez
Steven Worker
Disaster Preparedness and Response Sabrina Drill
Tracy Schohr
Diversity in Youth Development Diego Mariscal
Liliana Vega
Dry Chain Workgroup Irwin Donis-Gonzalez
Entomology Cindy Kron
Siavash Taravati
Environmental Education Cynthia Chavez
Environmental Flows Ted Grantham
Samuel Sandoval Solis
Expanded Learning (Afterschool) Marianne Bird
Steven Worker
Families with Young Children Lenna Ontai
Fire Susan Kocher
Max Moritz
Lenya Quinn-Davidson
Floriculture and Nursery Lorence Oki
Gerardo Spinelli
Emma Volk
Forest Ecosystems and Communities Susan Kocher
Ricky Satomi
Grain Legume Nicholas Clark
Integrated Grape Production Sahap Kurtural
Shijian Zhuang
Integrated Management of Soilborne Pests Ana Maria Pastrana Leon
Irrigation Management Jocelyn Alvarez Arredondo
Andre Biscaro
Curt Pierce
Landscape and Urban Horticulture Christopher Shogren
Christopher Shogren
Joanna Solins
Livestock - Crop Integration Morgan Doran
Julie Finzel
Livestock Production Systems James Oltjen
Livestock-Crop Production Workgroup
Money Talks Irene Padasas,
Natalie Price
Native American Community Partnerships Christopher Mcdonald
Jennifer Sowerwine
Nematology Andreas Westphal
Oak Woodland Conservation Devii Rao
Olive Louise Ferguson
Selina Wang
Pest Management in ANR Cindy Kron
Pesticide Use Report Rachael Goodhue
Pistachio Louise Ferguson
Plant Pathology Akif Eskalen
Positive Youth Development through 4-H Camp Experiences Marianne Bird
Nathaniel Caeton
Postharvest Technology Center Florence Zakharov
Precision Agriculture Peter Larbi
Prune Natalia Ott
Rangeland Technology, Innovation, and Practice David Lile
Daniel Macon
Leslie Roche
Rice Luis Espino
Science Education and Extension Steven Worker
Sheep and Goat Herd Health and Production Roselle Busch
Daniel Macon
Small Farm Aparna Gazula
Margaret Lloyd
Krista Marshall
Small Grain Mark Lundy
Spray Application Technology Franz Niederholzer
Strawberry Mark Bolda
Sub Tropical Crops Akif Eskalen
Ben Faber
Thriving Youth Gemma Miner
Matthew Rodriguez
UAS (Drones) Workgroup Sean Hogan
Andrew Lyons
Urban Agriculture Lucy Diekmann
Jennifer Sowerwine
Vegetable Crops Brenna Aegerter
Steven Fennimore
Walnut Clarissa Reyes
Warm Season Vegetables Thomas Turini
Waste Management and Compost Michael Cohen
Maria de la Fuente
Water and Environmental Justice Kristin Dobbin
Erik Porse
Weed Thomas Getts
Bradley Hanson
Wildlife Roger Baldwin
Laura Snell
Jeffery Stackhouse
Woody Biomass Utilization
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