Samuel Sandoval Solis

Associate Professor and Cooperative Extension Specialist in Water Resources
Land, Air & Water Resources
One Shields Avenue
135 Veihmeyer
Davis, CA 95616 Create VCard


Dr. Samuel Sandoval Solis is an Associate Professor at the University of California Davis (UC Davis) and a Cooperative Extension Specialist in Water Resources Management at the Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources of the University of California (UCANR). 

In his dual role as professor and specialist, he is responsible for the California statewide outreach, education and applied research program on water resources management for UCANR; and as a professor he is responsible for fundamental research, teaching, and graduate student mentorship at the Department of Land, Air, and Water Resources in UC Davis. His research interest focuses on integrated water resources management through a holistic approach, mixing different methods, tools and processes to improve water resources management.


Ph.D. Environmental and Water Resources Engineering, University of Texas at Austin. 2011
M.S. Hydraulics, Instituto Politecnico Nacional. 2005
B.S. Civil Engineering, Instituto Politecnico Nacional. 2002



Water Engineering


Water Resources Management, Environmental Flows, Agricultural Water management, Risk Analysis, Cost Benefit Analysis, Science Communication

Areas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)


Non-Peer Reviewed

  • Sandoval-Solis, S.; McKinney, D.C.; and Loucks, D. P. (2011). "Edit Bibliography - ANR Profile - ANR Portal." Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 137(5): 381-468.
  • Sandoval-Solis, S.; McKinney, D.C.; Teasley, R.L.; and Patino-Gomez, C. (2011). "Edit Bibliography - ANR Profile - ANR Portal." Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 137(1): 62-71.

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