ANR Employees
University of California
ANR Employees

Show your impact via UC Delivers


Laura Vollmer wrote about encouraging school-aged children to engage in physical activity for UC Delivers:

UC Delivers stories show how UC ANR is helping Californians improve their health, wealth and the world around them. When we explain UC ANR contributions with examples such as improving food safety, enhancing community development, preparing for wildfires or adapting to climate change, it's easier to understand the value of investing in research and extension.

UC Delivers can help you…

  • …get recognized! 

UC Delivers shares the impact of your extension work, positioning you as a leader. UC Delivers posts are shared with UC ANR senior leaders, county directors and Strategic Communications, who share them with funders/donors, legislators and other key stakeholders. UC Delivers are often featured during ANR Town Hall's “Stories from the Field,” and can be found on UC ANR's About webpage. Stories are also posted in the national Land Grant Impacts database, and shared with members of Congress.

These stories are critical resources for me when meeting with legislators. Many still don't understand who we are, but with a good story in my pocket, I make our work very real and relatable. Data and facts don't win hearts and minds – good stories do!

~ Anne Megaro, UC ANR's Government and Community Relations Director

  • …strengthen your merit/promotion! 

UC Delivers are recognized as popular articles in the UC ANR merit and promotion process.

  • …extend your virtual reach!

UC ANR's Social Media Strategist will share your blog post on social media channels. You can also easily share your UC Delivers on your social media platforms by clicking “Share” on the upper right side of the blog, and use the social media summary from your blog post.

  • …grow your network! 

Follow the UC Delivers blog to see your colleagues' outcomes, connect with them and discover new partnerships within and beyond UCANR.

Beatriz Nobua-Behrmann shows volunteers how to identify invasive shothole borers in trees. She wrote about participatory science success in UC Delivers:

We need your stories! 

Share your project's measured outcomes and how they contribute to broader UC ANR condition changes and public value. Find UC Delivers in your UC ANR portal under Blogs. Click on it to get started and follow this template to structure your blog post. When you are satisfied with your post, click "make this post live." Since this is a moderated blog, it will be reviewed by blog manager Christina Becker ( for content and formatting before it goes live.

Posted on Monday, January 30, 2023 at 8:47 AM
  • Author: Christina Becker

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