Pre-Retreat Workshops
Pre-retreat extended workshops and certification courses offer participants deeper opportunities to grow knowledge and skill in a specific area. These opportunities span between 4-8 hours each and will be offered on Friday, November 8, 2019.
Below is a description of each workshop and any supplemental information provided by the facilitator(s).
Club Leader Essentials Certification $30
Audience: Adult Volunteers, Staff
Workshop Length: 6-hours
Designed for new club leaders (1-3 years) but a great refresher for all. This certification course will give 4-H Club Leaders basic information that they need to provide great leadership to their club. Using the California 4-H Club Leader Handbook, this course will help new 4-H Club Leaders understand their role, 4-H lingo, 4-H programs, due dates, risk management, youth-adult partnership, outreach strategies.
2019 Club Leader Essentials Certification Course Description
Heartsaver-First Aid, CPR, AED Certification $40
Audience: Adult Volunteers, Staff, Youth Volunteers
Workshop Length: 8-hours
Heartsaver First Aid CPR AED is a video-based, instructor-led course that teaches students critical skills needed to respond to and manage an

This course teaches skills with the AHA’s research-proven practice-while-watching technique, which allows instructors to observe the students, provide feedback, and guide the students’ learning of skills.
Project Learning Tree Educator Workshop $20
Audience: Adult Volunteers, Staff, Youth Volunteers
Workshop Length: 6-hours
This workshop will engage participants in the use and value of the Project Learning Tree environmental education program and show them how to incorporate PLT into their club and projects. Participants will gain experience with the materials by doing several the hands-on activities and will leave the workshop with the 96 activity Project Learning Tree Activity guide.