University of California
Dev Test!

John F. Karlik

Photo of John F Karlik
Extension Advisor Emeritus (Retired)
Cooperative Extension Kern County
1031 South Mount Vernon Avenue
Bakersfield, CA 93307
(661) 868-6220 Create VCard


D.Env. Environmental Science and Engineering, UCLA. 1998
M.S. Horticulture, Michigan State University. 1975
B.S. Soil Science, University of Minnesota. 1974


Environmental Horticulture/Environmental Science

Areas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)


Peer Reviewed

  • Karlik, J., D. A. Golino and M. Al Rwahnih.  (2020). Roses in the garden and landscape: Diseases and abiotic disorders (revision and expansion).  UCIPM Pest Note No. 7463.

  • Downer, A.J.; Karlik, J.F. (2019). A comparison of two horsechestnut street tree plantings in Kiev and Pripyat, Ukraine. Open Journal of Forestry 9: 255-263. 

  • Karlik, J.F.; Downer, A.J. (2019). Comparison of gamma-ray dosimeters in a field study in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. J. Air and Waste Manage. Assoc. 69(11): 1361-1367.

  • Karlik, J.F. (2019). Roses in the Garden & Landscape: Cultural Practices and Weed Control. UCIPM Pest Note No. 7465.

  • Flint, M.L; Karlik, J.F. (2019). Roses in the garden and landscape: Insect and mite pests and beneficials. UC IPM Pest Note no. 7466. 

  • Al Rwahnih, M.; Karlik, J.F.; Ong, K.; Mollov, D.; Haviland, D.; Golino, D.  (2019). First report of rose rosette virus associated with rose rosette disease affecting roses in California. Plant Disease 103 (2): 380

  • Karlik, J.F. (2017). Landscape and Garden Design. In Arizona Master Gardener Manual, E. Martin and J. Gonzales, eds., University of Arizona, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, pp. 255-268. 

  • Karlik, J.F.; Pittenger, D.R. (2016). Biogenic hydrocarbon emissions: A consideration for large-scale planting programs. Acta Horticulturae 1108: 255-261. 

  • Alsop, J.; Karlik, J. (2016). Poisonous Plants. UC ANR Publication 8560. 

  • Pemberton, H.B.; Karlik, J.F. (2015). A recent history of changing trends in USA garden rose plant sales, types, and production methods. Acta Horticulturae 1064: 223-234. 

  • Karlik, J.F.; Sabin, M. (2015). Does pesticide use in California outdoor roses reflect implementation of IPM principles? Acta Horticulturae 1064: 323-328. 

  • Downer, A.J.; Howell, A.D.; Karlik, J.F. (2015). Effects of pruning practices on eight rose cultivars grown outdoors. Acta Horticulturae 1064: 253-258. 

  • Karlik, J.F.; Gentner, D.; Weber, R.; Goldstein, A.H. (2015). Ozone removal by citrus trees as measured in a field setting with an eddy covariance system. Citrograph 6(4): 56-61. 

  • Karlik, J.F.; Sabin, M. (2015). Stratospheric ozone depletion and California’s outdoor rose production: a surprising linking and example of interaction of science and policy. Acta Horticulturae 1064: 265-270. 

  • Karlik, J.F.; Chojnacky, D.C. (2014). Biomass and carbon data from blue oaks in a California oak savanna. Biomass and Bioenergy 62: 228-232.

  • Karlik, J.F.; Fares, S.; Gentner, D.; Goldstein, A.H. (2014). Field measurements of biogenic trace gas emissions from orange trees. Citrograph. 5:4, 48-55. 

  • Karlik, J. (2014). Landscape and Garden Design (revised, rewritten). In California Master Gardener Handbook, second edition, UC ANR Publications.

  • Alsop, J.; Karlik, J. (2014). Poisonous Plants. In California Master Gardener Handbook, second edition, UC ANR Publications.

  • Park, J.H.; Goldstein, A.H.; Timkovsky, J.; Fares, S.; Weber, R.; Karlik, J.; Holzinger, R. (2013). Active atmosphere-ecosystem exchange of the vast majority of detected volatile organic compounds. Science 341: 643-647.

  • Park, J.H.; Goldstein, A.H.; Timkovsky, J.; Fares, S.; Weber, R.; Karlik, J.; Holzinger, R. (2013). Eddy covariance emission and deposition flux measurements using proton transfer reaction - time of flight - mass spectrometry (PTR-TOF-MS): comparison with PTR-MS measured vertical gradients and fluxes. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 13: 1439-1456.

  • Gentner, M.; Ormeno, D.R.; Fares, S.; Ford, T.B.; Weber, R.; Park, J.H.; Angevine, W.M.; Karlik, J.; Goldstein, A.H. (2013). Emissions of terpenoids, benzenoids, and other biogenic gas-phase organic compounds from agricultural crops and their potential implications for air quality. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussion, 13: 28343-28393.

  • Karlik, J.; Fares, S.; Gentner, M.; Goldstein, A.H. (2012). Biogenic emissions from Citrus species measured via an enclosure system. Citrograph 3:1, 12-16.

  • Fares, S.; Weber, R.; Park, J.H.; Gentner, M.; Karlik, J.; Goldstein, A.H. (2012). Ozone deposition to an orange orchard: partitioning between stomatal and non-stomatal sinks. Environmental Pollution 169: 258-266. 

  • Fares, S.; Park, J.H.; Gentner, M.; Weber, R.; Ormeno, D.R.; Karlik, J.; Goldstein, A.H. (2012). Seasonal cycles of biogenic volatile organic compound fluxes and concentrations in a California citrus orchard. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12: 9865-9880. 

  • Karlik, J.; Pittenger, D.R. (2012). Urban trees and ozone formation: A consideration for large-scale plantings. UCANR. Publication no. 8484.
  • Fares, S.; Gentner, M.; Park, J.H.; Ormeno, D.R.; Karlik, J.; Goldstein, A.H. (2011). Biogenic emissions from Citrus species in California. Atmos. Envir. 45: 4557-4568. 

  • Karlik, J. (2010). Calculation of pesticide residues on roses using California's total reporting data and first order chemical kinetics.  Acta Hort. 870: 121-128.

  • Karlik, J. (2010). Describing California's rose plant production in the San Joaquin Valley: A short economic history. Acta Hort. 870: 31-38. 

  • Karlik, J.; Goldstein, A.H. (2010). Measuring ozone deposition to citrus via an enclosure system. Citrograph 1:4, 40-43. 

  • Fares, S.; Park, J.H.; Ormeno, D.R.; Gentner, M.; McKay, A.H.; Loreto, F.; Karlik, J.; Goldstein, A.H. (2010). Ozone uptake by citrus trees exposed to a range of ozone concentrations. Atmos. Environ. 44: 3404-3412. 

  • Ormeno, E.; Gentner, M.; Fares, S.; Karlik, J.; Park, J.H.; Goldstein, A.H. (2010). Sesquiterpenoid emissions from agricultural crops: Correlations to monterpenoid emissions and leaf terpene content. Environmental Science & Technology 44: 3758-3764. 

  • Glassey, A.M.; Karlik, J. (2009). Bats. UCIPM Pest Note No. 74150.

  • Mitloehner, F.; Sun, H.; Karlik, J. (2009). Direct measurements improve estimates of dairy greenhouse gases. California Agriculture 63(2): 79-83.

  • Karlik, J.; Flint, M.L.; Golino, D.A. (2009). Healthy Roses (revision and expansion of the earlier version). UCIPM Publication.

  • Karlik, J.; Golino, D.A.; Flint, M.L. (2009). Roses in the garden and landscape: Disease and abiotic disorders (revision and expansion). UCIPM. Pest Note No. 7463. 

  • Karlik, J. (2008). Roses in the Garden & Landscape: Cultural Practices and Weed Control (revised). UCIPM. Pest Note No.7465.
  • Flint, M.L.; Karlik, J. (2008). Roses in the garden and landscape: Insect and mite pests and beneficials (revised). UCIPM Pest Note No. 7466. 

  • Karlik, J.; Haas, C.H.; Becker, J.O.; Schuch, U.K. (2007). Delivery of gases via drip irrigation tubing: an exploratory study. Acta Hort. 751: 69-76. 

  • Karlik, J.; Sabin, M.A.; Espinosa, R. (2007). Pesticide reporting and use patterns in outdoor roses in Central California over eight years. Acta Hort. 751: 61-68. 

  • Becker, J.O.; Schuch, U.K.; Karlik, J. (2007). Roses and emotive appeal: "If Zeus chose us a king of the flowers...".  Acta Hort. 751: 357-366. 

  • Karlik, J. (2006). Landscape and Garden Design. In Retail Garden Center Manual, ANR publication 3492.

  • Karlik, J.; Chung, Y.J.; Winer, A.M. (2003). Biogenic emission inventory development: field assessment of the GAP vegetation database in California. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 28: 315-325. 

  • Karlik, J. (2003). Insecticides. In Encyclopedia of Rose Science, A.V. Roberts, ed., Elsevier Science. 

  • Karlik, J.; Tjosvold, S.A. (2003). Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for Roses. In Encyclopedia of Rose Science, A.V. Roberts, Ed., Elsevier Science. 

  • Karlik, J.; Becker, J.O., Pemberton, H.B.; Schuch, U.K. (2003). Production and marketing: field rose production. In Encyclopedia of Rose Science, A.V. Roberts, ed., Elsevier Science. 

  • Tjosvold, S.A.; Karlik, J. (2003). Spider Mites. In Encyclopedia of Rose Science, A.V. Roberts. , ed., Elsevier Science. 

  • Karlik, J.; McKay, A.H.; Welch, J.M.; Winer, A.M. (2002). A survey of California plant species with a portable VOC analyzer for biogenic emission inventory development. Atmos. Environ. 36: 5221-5233.

  • Karlik, J.  (2002).  Diseases and abiotic disorders of outdoor roses.  Invited feature for APSnet, plant pathology online, American Phytopathological Society.

  • Karlik, J.; Albertson, E.D.; Chung, Y.J.; McKay, A.H.; Winer, A.M. (2002) Field Assessment of the California Gap Analysis Program GIS Database in Central California.  Madroño 49: 99-114.

  • Karlik, J.  (2002).  Landscape and Garden Design.  In California Master Gardener Handbook, UC ANR publications.

  • Karlik, J.; Becker, J.O.; Schuch, U.K. (2001). IPM for field-grown rose plants in California. Acta Hort. 547: 97-102. 

  • Karlik, J.; Becker, J.O.; Schuch, U.K. (2001). IPM for field-grown rose plants in California. Acta Hort. 547: 97-102.

  • Karlik, J.; Schuch, U.K., Becker, J.O. (2001). Irrigation of field-grown rose plants in California with buried drip tubing. Acta Horticulturae 547: 221-226. 

  • Karlik, J.; McKay, A.H. (2001). Leaf area index, leaf mass density, and allometric relationships derived from harvest of blue oaks in a California oak savanna.  United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service General Technical Report, PSW-GTR-184. 

  • Karlik, J.; Winer, A.M. (2001). Measured isoprene emission rates of plants in California landscapes: comparison to estimates from taxonomic relationships. Atmos. Envir. 35: 1123-1131. 

  • Karlik, J.; Winer, A.M. (2001). Plant species composition, calculated leaf masses and estimated biogenic emissions of urban landscape types from a field survey in Phoenix, Arizona.  Landscape and Urban Planning 53: 123-134. 

  • Becker, J.O.; Hutchinson, C.M.; Karlik, J.; Sims, J.J. (2000). Efficacy of methyl bromide and methyl iodide against Pratylenchus spp. harbored in rose roots. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 55: 315.

  • Flint, M.L.; Karlik, J. (2000). Healthy Roses. UCIPM Publication 21589, 32 pp.

  • Karlik, J.; Winer, A.M. (1999). Comparison of calculated and measured leaf masses of urban trees. Ecological Applications 9(4): 1168-1176.

  • Gonzalez, M.P.; Karlik, J. (1999). Evaluation of herbicides for phytotoxicity to rose plants and efficacy. J. Envir. Hort. 17(4): 164-167. 

  • Karlik, J. (1999). Roses in the garden and landscape: Cultural practices and weed control. UCIPM Pest Note No. 7465. 

  • Karlik, J.; Flint, M.L. (1999). Roses in the garden and landscape: Diseases and abiotic disorders. UCIPM. Pest Note No. 7465.
  • Flint, M.L.; Karlik, J. (1999). Roses in the garden and landscape: Insect and mite pests and beneficials. UCIPM Pest Note No. 7466. 

  • Benjamin, M.T.; Winer, A.M.; Karlik J.; Campbell, S.; Jackson, B; Lashgari, A.  (1998).  Assembling a biogenic hydrocarbon emissions inventory for the SCOS97-NARSTO modeling domain.  91st Annual Meeting of Air and Waste Management Association, San Diego, CA, June 14-18, Paper No. 98-A621.

  • Karlik, J. (1998). Isoprene emission rate measurements and leafmass estimation for biogenic hydrocarbon emission inventories. Dissertation, University of California at Los Angeles, 201 pp.

  • Phillips, R.; Karlik, J.; Fowler, M. (1997). Toxicity of ornamental plants to domestic animals and livestock. UC DANR publication 21564, 4pp. 

  • Schuch, U.K.; Karlik, J.; Harwood, C.A. (1995). Antidesiccants applied to packaged rose plants affect growth and performance. HortScience 30(1): 106-108. 

  • Karlik, J. (1995). Effects of pre-plant incorporation of polymers on turfgrasses. California Turfgrass Culture. 45: 19-22. 

  • Karlik, J.; Goodell, P.B.; Osteen, G.W. (1995). Improved mite sampling may reduce acaricide use in roses. California Agriculture, University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, 49(3): 38-40.

  • Karlik, J.; Goodell, P.B.; Osteen, G.W. (1995). Sampling and treatment thresholds for spider mite management in field-grown rose plants. Hortscience 30(6): 1268-1270.

  • Bentley, W.J.; Karlik, J.; Affleck, W. (1994). Annual sprays may control western poplar clearwing moth. California Agriculture 48(4): 37-40. 

  • Karlik, J.; Wollesen, P. (1994). Spider mites in rose plant fields Wasco, CA, 1993.  Arthropod Management Tests, Entomological Society of America, 19: 334-335.

  • Karlik, J.; Ali, A.D.; Harwood, C.A.  (1994). Spider mites in rose plant fields, Wasco, CA, 1988. Arthropod Management Tests, Entomological Society of America, 19: 335.

  • Karlik, J.; Harwood, C.A. (1994). Spider mites in rose plant fields, Wasco, CA, 1992.  Arthropod Management Tests, Entomological Society of America, 19: 336. 

  • Karlik, J.; Ohr, H.D. (1991). Spring dead spot management alternatives. California Turfgrass Culture 41: 2-4.

Non-Peer Reviewed

  • Karlik, J. (2020). Ornamental Shrubs and Groundcovers. Kern County Publication, 11 pp. 

  • Karlik, J.F. (2018). Pruning shade trees. Bakersfield Life Magazine, March issue, p. 34.

  • Karlik, J.F. (2017). Shade and Ornamental Trees for Kern County Landscapes, revised and expanded. Kern County Publication, 8 pp. 

  • Downer, A.J.; Karlik, J.F. (2016). Trees in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. Western Arborist 42(1): 42-45.

  • Karlik, J.; Sabin, M.A. (2013). Does pesticide use in California reflect implementation of IPM practices? Abstract, VI International Rose Symposium, Hanover, Germany. 

  • Downer, A.J.; Karlik, J.; Howell, A.D. (2013). Effect of pruning severity on landscape roses. Abstract, VI International Rose Symposium, Hanover, Germany.

  • Karlik, J.; Sabin, M.A. (2013). Stratospheric ozone depletion and California's outdoor rose production: the surprising linkage. Abstract, VI International Rose Symposium, Hanover, Germany. 

  • Downer, A.J.,; Karlik, J.; Howell, A.D. (2012). Effect of pruning severity on flowering of landscape roses. Abstract, American Society for Horticultural Science, Miami, FL.

  • Karlik, J. (2012). Flux measurements of VOC emission and ozone deposition in an orange orchard. 21st Annual Technical Conference, Air & Waste Management Assoc., Golden Empire Chapter, Bakersfield, CA.

  • Karlik, J.; Goldstein, A.H. (2012). Measurements of ozone removal and VOC emissions in citrus trees with implications for regional air quality.  Report to the Citrus Research Board, 205pp. 

  • Goldstein, A.H.; Fares, S.; Gentner, D.; Park, J.H.; Weber, R.; Ormeno, D.R.; Holzinger, R.; Mizstal, P.; Karl, T.; Guenther, A.; Fischer, M.; Harley, R.; Karlik, J. (2012). New observations of VOC emissions and concentrations in, above, and around the San Joaquin Valley of California. Abstract, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco. 

  • Park, J.H.; Goldstein, A.H.; Timkovsky, J.; Fares, S.; Weber, R.; Karlik, J.; Holzinger, R. (2011). BVOC flux measurements using PTR-TOF-MS in an orange orchard in the Central Valley of California. Abstract, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco. 

  • Gentner, D.; Harley, R.A.; Weber, R.; Karlik, J.F.; Goldstein, A.H. (2011) Emissions and sources of volatile organic compounds in California’s San Joaquin Valley.  Abstract, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco.

  • Goldstein, A.H.; Karlik, J.F. (2011).  Flux measurements of biogenic precursors to ozone and particulate matter in the Central Valley.  Final Report to the California Air Resources Board, Contract. No. 06-329, 151 pp.

  • Fares, S.; Park, J.H.; Weber, R.; Gentner, D.; Karlik, J.; Goldstein, A.H. (2011). Fluxes of BVOC and tropospheric ozone from a Citrus orchard in California's Central Valley. Abstract, European Geophysical Union, Vienna.

  • Fares, S.; Park, J.H.; Weber, R.; Gentner, D.; Karlik, J.; Goldstein, A.H. (2011). Fluxes of ozone from an orange orchard: partitioning in stomatal and non-stomatal deposition. Abstract, COST Climate Change, Ozone and Forests Conference, Prague. 

  • Karlik, J.; Kallsen, C.E. (2011). Volatile organic compound emissions from Citrus in California airsheds. Abstract, American Society for Horticultural Science, Kona, HI. 

  • Fares, S.; Gentner, D.; Park, J.H.; Weber, R.; Karlik, J.; Goldstein, A.H. (2010). BVOC and tropospheric ozone fluxes from an orange orchard in the California Central Valley. Abstract, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco.

  • Fares, S.; Ormeno, D.R.; Park, J.H.; Gentner, D.; McKay, M.; Karlik, J.; Goldstein, A.H. (2010). Ozone fluxes from Citrus species exposed to different levels of atmospheric ozone concentration. Abstract, International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) Conference, Antalya, Kemer, Turkey.

  • Ormeno, D.R.; Fares, S.; Park, J.H.; Gentner, D.; Karlik, J.; Goldstein, A.H. (2009). Biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOC) emitted and accumulated by herbaceous and woody California crops. Abstract, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco.

  • Da Silva Rocha, F.; Darsow, J.; Mundo-Ocampo, M.; Smith Becker, J.A.; Schuch, U.K.; Karlik, J.; Becker, J.O. (2009). Biologically-caused rose growth inhibition in a replant soil. Abstract, Fifth International Rose Symposium, Gifu, Japan.

  • Karlik, J. (2009). Browning of redwood trees in Kern County. KCFB Farm News, May, p. 5.

  • Karlik, J. (2009). Calculation of pesticide residues on rose plants. Abstract, Fifth International Rose Symposium, Gifu, Japan.

  • Karlik, J. (2009). Describing California's rose plant production: a short economic history. Abstract, Fifth International Rose Symposium, Gifu, Japan.

  • Fares, S.; Ormeno, D.R.; Park, J.H.; Gentner, D.; McKay, A.H.; Karlik, J.; Goldstein, A.H. (2009). Ozone fluxes from Citrus species exposed to different levels of atmospheric ozone concentration. Abstract, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco.

  • Karlik, J. (2009). Protecting health and the environment through California's agricultural pesticide regulatory system. Abstract, International Agribusiness Management Association 19th Annual World Forum and Symposium, Budapest, Hungary.

  • Karlik, J.; Perry, E. (2008). Effects of pruning on wind-loading of trees. Report of experiments to the Elvinia M. Slosson Foundation.

  • Park, J.H.; Fares, S.; Ormeno, D.R.; Gentner, D.; McKay, A.H.; Karlik, J.; Goldstein, A.H. (2008). Ozone uptake and BVOC emission from the major citrus crops in California measured via an enclosure system. Abstract, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco. 

  • Becker, J.O.; Darsow, J.; Mundo-Ocampo, M.; Becker, J.O.; Karlik, J.; Schuch, U.K. (2008). Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Riverside's Historic Rose Plantings. California Ornamental Research Federation News 4: 11.

  • Karlik, J. (2008). Tree Care. Kern County publication, 8 pp.

  • Ormeno, E.; Fares, S., Gentner, D.; Park, J.H.; McKay, A.H.; Karlik, J.; Goldstein, A.H. (2008). Volatile organic compound emissions by agricultural crops. Abstract, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco. 

  • Sanden, B.L.; Karlik, J. (2007). Micro-irrigation and contaminant uptake into almond trees in a semi-arid environment. Geophysical Research Abstracts, European Geosciences Union, 9: 01650.

  • Karlik, J.; Craigmill, A.L.; Sanden, B.L. (2007). Uptake and potential toxicity of chemical elements, including heavy metals, into almond trees planted over waste trenches. Geopysical Research Abstracts, Eur. Geosciences Union, 9: 01651.

  • Karlik, J.; Sanden, B.L.; Craigmill, A.L.; Viveros, M.A.; Liesch, D.G. (2006). Mobility and uptake of element residues by almond trees from buried pyrolyzed waste. Final Report to County of Kern, Waste Management Department, 139 pp.

  • Karlik, J.; Becker, J.O.; Haas, C.H.; Schuch, U.K. (2005). Delivery of gases via drip irrigation tubing: an exploratory study. Abstract, Fourth International Rose Symposium, Santa Barbara, CA. 

  • Sabin, M.A.; Karlik, J. (2005). Pesticide use reporting patterns in outdoor roses in Central California over eight years. Abstract, Fourth International Rose Symposium, Santa Barbara, CA. 

  • Becker, J.O.; Schuch, U.K.; Karlik, J. (2005). Roses and emotive appeal: "If Zeus chose us a king of the flowers...".  Abstract, Fourth International Rose Symposium, Santa Barbara, CA.

  • Karlik, J. (2005). Volatile organic compound emissions from selected eucalyptus species measured with a portable photo-ionization detector. Report of experimental measurements to Professor James Arnold of UCSD.

  • Karlik, J.F.  (2003).  Clopyralid in mulch and compost. Proc. 55th Annual Calif. Weed Conf., California Weed Science Society.

  • Karlik, J.F.  (2003).  Understanding the mode-of-action of selected herbicides.  Proc. 55th Annual Calif. Weed Conf., California Weed Science Society.

  • Karlik, J.; Albertson, E.D. (2002). Field assessment of the GAP analysis program vegetation database in BVOC "hotspots" in California. Abstract, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA. 

  • Karlik, J. (2002). Measurement of leaf mass and leaf area of oaks in a Mediterranean-climate landscape for biogenic emission estimation. Abstract, European Geophysical Society XXVII Assembly, Nice, France. 

  • Karlik, J. (2002). Shade and Ornamental Tress for Kern County Landscapes. Kern County publication, 8 pp. 

  • Karlik, J.; Harwood, C.A. (2002). Shrub roses for the landscape.  Practical Gardener 2: 9.

  • Karlik, J.F.  (2002).  Validation of databases for modeling biogenic volatile organic compound emissions in Central California.  Final Report to the San Joaquin Valleywide Air Pollution Study Agency and the California Air Resources Board, Contract No. 00-16CCOS, 99 pp.

  • Karlik, J.; Winer, A.M. (2001). A survey of California plant species with a portable VOC analyzer for biogenic emission inventory development. San Francisco, CA, American Geophysical Union. 82:41, F-207.
  • Winer, A.M.; Karlik, J. (2001). Development and validation of databases for modeling biogenic hydrocarbon emissions in California's airsheds.  Final Report to the California Air Resources Board, Contract No. 97-320,  212 pp.

  • Karlik, J.; Chung, J.; Albertson, E.D.; McKay, A.H.; Winer, A.M. (2001). Field evaluation of a California landcover GIS database for utility in biogenic emission inventory development. Abstracts, European Geophysical Society XXVI, Nice, France.

  • Karlik, J.; Becker, O.J.; Schuch, U.K. (2001). IPM for field-grown rose plants in California. Review of Plant Pathology 80:12, 1285.

  • Karlik, J.F.; McKay, A.H.  (2001).  Leaf area index, leaf mass density, and allometric relationships derived from harvest of blue oaks in a California oak savanna.  Abstract, Fifth Symposium on Oak Woodlands, San Diego.

  • Karlik, J. (2001). Saving Water in Landscape Irrigation. Kern County. Special Drought Information Newsletter, Summer 2001, 2 pp.

  • Karlik, J.; Becker, J.O.; Schuch, U.K. (2000). IPM for field-grown rose plants in California. Third International Symposium on Rose Research and Cultivation, Herzliya, Israel. 

  • Karlik, J.; Schuch, U.K.; Becker, J.O. (2000). Irrigation of field-grown rose plants in California with buried drip tubing. Third International Symposium on Rose Research and Cultivation, Herzliya, Israel.

  • Karlik, J. (1999). Abiotic effects of air quality on trees and effects of trees on air quality.  Proc. Tenth Annual Arborist and Tree Worker Seminar and Field Day, Prof. Tree Care Assoc. of San Diego and UCCE, San Diego.

  • Karlik, J.; Becker, J.O.; Schuch, U.K. (1999). Delivery of gases to the soil matrix via buried drip irrigation tubing. HortScience 34: 444. 

  • Chung, J.; Karlik, J.; Albertson, E.D.; McKay, A.H.; Winer, A.M. (1999).  Description and assessment of California GAP databases for use in assembling BVOC emission inventories.  Biogenic Symposium, California Air Resources Board, December 9-10, 1999.

  • Karlik, J.; McKay, A.H. (1999). Development of methodology and databases for estimating leaf masses in California airsheds.  Final Report to California Air Resources Board, Contract No. 97-719, 91 pp.  

  • Benjamin, M.T.; Winer, A.M.; Karlik, J. (1999). Estimating the ozone forming potential of urban trees and shrubs - Response to comments (vol 33, pg 4341, 1999), Atmos. Envir. 33(29): 4965. 

  • Karlik, J.; McKay, A.H., et al. (1999). Estimation of leaf mass densities for BVOC emissions inventory development for California airsheds.  Biogenic Symposium, California Air Resources Board, December 9-10, 1999.

  • Karlik, J.; Phillips, R. (1999). Ethephon for management of leafy mistletoe in rangeland oaks. San Joaquin Natural Communities Conference. 

  • Karlik, J.; Winer, A.M. (1999). Implications for biogenic hydrocarbon inventory development from leafmass measurements of urban trees. HortScience 34: 495.

  • Winer, A.M.; Karlik, J. (1999).  Measured isoprene emission rates of plants of California landscapes: comparison to estimates from taxonomic relationships, Biogenic Symposium, California Air Resources Board.

  • Karlik, J. (1999). Overview of research leading to an improved biogenic hydrocarbon emissions inventory for the southern San Joaquin Valley.  Proc. San Joaquin Natural Communities Conference, March 25, 1999.

  • McKay, A.H.; Karlik, J. (1999). Selected indirect methods for quantitative leafmass estimation for natural plant communities of California, San Joaquin Natural Communities Conference.

  • Karlik, J.; Winer, A.M. (1999). Species composition, leafmasses and estimated biogenic emissions of vegetation from a field survey in Ventura-Santa Barbara, California. Geophysical Research Abstracts, European Geophysical Society, 1: 497.

  • Karlik, J.; Becker, J.O.; Schuch, U.K.; Browne, G.T. (1998). Beyond methyl bromide: Development and implementation of integrated bare root rose production systems.  Final Report to the Garden Rose Council, 39 pp.  

  • Winer, A.M.; Karlik, J.; Arey, J.; Chung, J.  1998.  Biogenic hydrocarbon inventories for California: generation of essential databases.  Final Report to California Air Resources Board, Contract No. 95-309, 234 pp.

  • Karlik, J.; Haas, C.H.; Winer, A.M.  (1998).  Isoprene emission factors for twenty-five plant species found in California.  Abstracts, Air and Waste Mgt. Assoc. 91st Annual Mtg., p. 250.

  • Schuch, U.K.; Karlik, J.; Becker, J.O. (1998). Production of bareroot roses using underground drip irrigation. HortScience 33: 173. 

  • Karlik, J. (1998). Rains mean happy trails for snails. Southwest Trees & Turf 3(6): 1,3.

  • Karlik, J.; Winer, A.M. (1998). Species composition, leaf masses and estimated biogenic emissions of vegetation from a field survey in Maricopa County, Arizona.  Abstracts, Air and Waste Mgt. Assoc. 91st Annual Mtg., p. 169-170.

  • Karlik, J.  (1998).  Weed management for roses in landscape plantings.  Proc. 50th Annual Calif. Weed Science Society, p. 12-14.

  • Karlik, J. and A.M. Winer.  (1997).  Comparison of calculated and measured leafmasses of urban trees:  Whole plant measurements, selective sampling and use of geometric solids.  Preprints from the Workshop on Biogenic Hydrocarbons in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer, Charlottesville, VA, pp. 100-103.

  • Karlik, J.; Gonzalez, M.P. (1997). Evaluation of herbicides for phytotoxicity to rose plants and efficacy. HortScience 32: 429. 

  • Karlik, J.  (1997).  Roses in the landscape.  Proc. International Master Gardener Conference, Sacramento, 5 pp.

  • Karlik, J.; Bentley, W.  (1996).  Control of clearwing moth larvae in ornamental trees.  Program and Abstracts, 37th Annual Entomology Conference, UC Riverside, p. 52.

  • Chinkin, L.R.; Stoelting, M.W.; Haste, T; Karlik, J.; Winer, A.M. (1996). Development of a gridded leaf biomass inventory for use in estimating biogenic emissions for urban airshed modeling.  Final Report STI-996086-1599-FR of Sonoma Technology, Inc., to the Ventura County Air Pollution Control District, 137 pp.

  • Chinkin, L.R.; Stoelting, M.W.; Haste, T; Karlik, J.; Winer, A.M. (1996). Development of a gridded leaf biomass inventory for use in estimating biogenic emissions for urban airshed modeling. AWMA Emission Inventory: Key to Planning, Permits, Compliance & Reporting Conference, New Orleans, LA.  

  • Karlik, J. (1996). Do green plants contribute to air pollution?  Landscape Management Conference and Field Day, UC Riverside, p.6.  

  • Chinkin, L.R.; Ryan, P.A.; Reiss, R.; Jones, C.M.; Winer, A.M.; Karlik, J. (1996).  Implementation of improvements to the biogenic emission estimation process for Maricopa County.  Report STI-95160-1559-WP3 of Sonoma Technology, Inc., to the Maricopa Association of Governments, Phoenix, AZ, 139 pp.

  • Karlik, J.  (1996).  Pest management in field rose production.  Agribusiness Fieldman, July-August, p. 3.

  • Karlik, J.  (1996).  Saving trees possible after high-wind storms.  Farm News 42(11): 3, Kern County Farm Bureau.

  • Karlik, J.; Brazzle, J. (1996). Soaps, oils and botanicals: a user's guide. Arbor Age 16(6): 22-24. 

  • Karlik, J. (1996). Ventura biogenic emissions inventory: background and field study. Report to Sonoma Technology, Inc., 59 pp.

  • Winer, A.M.; Chinkin, L.R.; Arey, J.; Atkinson, R.; Adams, J.; Karlik, J. (1995). Critical evaluation of a biogenic emission system for photochemical grid modeling in California, Final Report to the California Air Resources Board, Contract No. 93-725, 234 pp.

  • Karlik, J. (1995). Estimation of biomass and biogenic emissions for Maricopa County, Arizona: Methods and field study results.
  • Karlik, J.; Gonzalez, M.P. (1995).  Herbicide injury and weed control around roses. American Nurseryman 182(6): 61-63. 

  • Karlik, J. (1995). Lesser-known atmospheric compounds. J. Chem. Ed. 72(12): 1075. 

  • Karlik, J.; Phillips, R. (1995). Management of leafy mistletoe in rangeland oaks with ethephon.  Proc. 47th Annual Calif. Weed Science Society, p. 199.

  • Karlik, J. (1995). Predicting fate and transport of chemicals in agricultural systems.  Proc. 47th Annual Calif. Weed Science Society, p. 198.

  • Karlik, J. (1995). Study continues on methyl bromide atmospheric harm. California-Arizona Farm Press 17: 17.

  • Karlik, J.; Schuch, U.K. (1994). Antidesiccants applied to packaged rose plants affect growth and performance. HortScience 29(5): 556.

  • Karlik, J.; Gonzalez, M.P. (1994). Resprout control of poplars. Proc. 46th Annual Calif. Weed Science Society, p. 265.

  • Karlik, J.; Browne, G.T. (1994). Stress, disease damage bentgrass greens in Kern County. Western Turf and Landscape Press 5(10): 14. 

  • Gonzalez, M.P.; Karlik, J.  (1994).  Weed control in landscape roses.  Proc. 46th Annual Calif. Weed Science Society, p. 263.

  • Karlik, J.; Affleck, W.; Murphy, L.  (1993).  Evaluation of two herbicides for control of purple nutsedge in common bermudagrass.  Proc. 45th California Weed Conference, pp. 9-11.

  • Karlik, J.; Goodell, P.B.; Osteen, G.W. (1992). A new sampling technique for spider mites in field roses. HortScience 27(6): 142. 

  • Karlik, J. (1992). A study in xeriscaping. American Nurseryman 176(2): 72-77. 

  • Karlik, J. (1992). IPM for landscape roses.  Pesticide Applicators Professional Association, Applicators News 4: 12-13.

  • Karlik, J. (1992). Integrated pest management for the landscape. Environmental Landscape News, fall 1992 issue, p. 1. 

  • Karlik, J. (1992). Landscape modifications: a case study. Proc. 1992 Central California Xeriscape Conf.,  2 pp.

  • Karlik, J. (1992). Landscape modifications: water use can be reduced. Western Turf Management 3(5): 14.

  • Karlik, J.  (1991).  ET--Is it in your water budget. Proc. N. Calif. Xeriscape Conf.,  5 pp.

  • Karlik, J.; Harwood, C.A. (1991). Landscape roses bred for performance. California Landscape Magazine 16(3): 28-29. 

  • Karlik, J. (1991). Nutsedge prevention easier than control. Western Turf Management 2(2): 25. 

  • Karlik, J.  (1991).  Plants for the San Joaquin Valley.  Proc. Central California Xeriscape Conf., 3 pp.

  • Karlik, J. (1991). Saving Water in Landscape Irrigation. Kern Crop Information, March 1991, 2 pp.

  • Guerard, J.; Karlik, J. (1991). Tips for Growing Tomatoes at Home. Kern County publication KC-9108, 2 pp. 

  • Karlik, J. (1990). Ash whitefly invades Kern County. Southwest Lawn and Landscape 5(1): 7,10. 

  • Karlik, J. (1990). PGRs on Turfgrass. Abstract, Second Annual Conference, Western Plant Growth Regulator Society. 

  • Harwood, C.A.; Karlik, J. (1990). Proper summer care of landcape roses provides long lasting beauty. Southwest Lawn and Landscape 5(9): 10-11, 13. 

  • Karlik, J. (1990). Spring dead spot management alternatives. Proceedings, UCR Turfgrass Research Conference and Field Day, p. 5. 

  • Karlik, J. (1990). Spring dead spot options. Western Turf Management 1(1): 36-37, 43. 

  • Karlik, J. (1990). What is xeriscape? Proceedings, Xeriscape '90: A Central Valley Perspective, p. 2. 

  • Karlik, J. (1989). Groundcovers for Kern County. Kern County publication KC-8912, 8 pp. 

  • Karlik, J.; Bentley, W.J. (1989). Organic insecticides provide natural means of pest control. Southwest Lawn and Landscape 4(10): 19.

  • Pratt, K.; Karlik, J. (1989). Shrubs and Small Trees Useful in Desert Landscaping. Kern County publication KC-8906, 9 pp.

  • Karlik, J. (1988). Controlling the brown garden snail: a look at some effective methods. California Grower 12(2): 24,60. 

  • Karlik, J. (1988). Flower Planting Guide for the Valley Area of Kern County. Kern County publication KC-8814, 2 pp. 

  • Karlik, J. (1988). Saving blown-over trees: check the root system first. California Grower 12(2): 31. 

  • Karlik, J.; Viveros, M.A. (1987). Fruit Varieties for the Home. Kern County publication KC-8714, 8 pp. 
  • Goodell, P.B.; Guerard, J., Karlik, J. (1986). Nematodes in the Home Garden. Kern County publication KC-8602, 2 pp.

  • Wood, B.; Callaway, E., Pratt, K., Karlik, J. (1986). Trees for the Desert Area of Kern County. Kern County publication KC-8621, 6 pp. 

  • Karlik, J. (1986). Warm Season Grasses for Kern County: Cultural Practices. Kern County publication KC-8620, 4 pp.

  • Karlik, J. (1986). Warm Season Grasses for Kern County: Varieties and Establishment. Kern County publication KC-8627, 4 pp. 

  • Karlik, J.; Molinar, R. (1985). Crabgrass. Kern County publication KC-8520, 2 pp. 

  • Bentley, W.J.; Karlik, J. (1985). Wasps. Kern County publication KC-8519, 2 pp. 

  • Karlik, J.; Molinar, R. (1985). Weed Control in Home Lawns. Kern County publication KC-8518, 4 pp.

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