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Additional Resources

Additional Resources, Websites, Contact Information and Newsletters

Archeology/Historical Information Resources

CA Forest Practice Rules Protection of Archaeological Historical and Cultural Sites  

California Office of Historic Preservation

The formation of the OHP was an outgrowth of the passage of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, which called for the creation of a state agency to implement provisions of the law, including the preparation of a comprehensive historic preservation plan and a state-wide survey of historical resources.

CHRIS Inventory

California Historical Resources Information System (CHRIS) provides historical resources information, generally on a fee-for-service basis, to local governments, state and federal agencies, Native American tribes, and individuals with responsibilities under the National Environmental Policy Act, the National Historic Preservation Act, and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), as well as to the general public. A records search consists of a review of historical resources data on file at an Information Center (IC) regarding a specific geographic area.

Society for California Archaeology

The Society for California Archaeology is a nonprofit scientific and educational organization dedicated to research, understanding, interpretation and conservation of the heritage of California and the regions that surround and pertain to it. 

Suggestions for preparing archaeological site records and site maps  

Climate Change Resources


Developed by the Geospatial Innovation Facility at University of California, Berkeley with funding and advisory oversight by the California Energy Commission, this website provides information on tools, data, and resources to conduct research, develop adaptation plans and build applications related to California’s changing climate.

California Forest Carbon Report  

CA Forest Adaptation Strategies and Approaches by the USDA California Climate Hub, provides various adaptation strategies for integrating climate change considerations into forest management. This report is designed to be used with the Forest Adaptation Resources Workbook  

Climate Change and Forests of the Future: Managing in the Face of Uncertainty by Millar, C., N. Stephenson, and S. Stephens. 

Climate Change Primer for Forest Managers

This summary is aimed at Line Officers and other people responsible for managing large tracts of forest in the Sierra. It suggests a landscape view of forest management as well as ways to cope with changing conditions.

Climate-wise Reforestation Toolkit 

In partnership with the Forest Service, UC Berkeley, and the John Muir Institute of the Environment, the California Climate Hub developed a toolkit that can be used to inform reforestation decisions with climate change in mind. The toolkit's three tools can help land managers to identify priority areas for reforestation, understand current stand conditions in the aftermath of the drought, and develop a reforestation planting guide based on known best management practices.

Forest recovery following extreme drought in California by Young, D., Meyer, M., Estes, B., Gross, S., Wuenschel, A., Restaino, C., and Safford, H. 

Interactions between fire and climate in the California Sierra Nevada_Synthesis by Stephens, S., and Frederick, S. 

Operational approaches to managing forests of the future in Mediterranean regions within a context of changing climates by Stephens, S., C. Millar, and B. Collins. 

Forests/Hardwoods/Oaks Information

CalFire - Tree Nursery Information

CAL FIRE provides a substantial seed bank as insurance against poor seed crop years and for providing the widest possible genetic variety of forest tree species. The seed bank is located in the L.A. Moran Reforestation Center (LAMRC) in Davis, California. LAMRC specializes in forest tree cone and seed processing and seed bank storage. CAL FIRE staff at the center provide technical assistance to forest industry, other agency, and private landowners on cone and seed matters and seed collection activities. Seedbank orders should be place before November for availability the following November.

Cone & Seed Collection recorded webinar: how private forest landowners can be part of California's reforestation solution.

Guidelines for Managing California's Hardwood Rangelands:Designed to help landowners and managers of hardwood rangeland properties develop management plans that maintain the profitability of their properties while sustaining the ecological value.

Soland, Kevin R., Kerhoulas, Lucy P., Kerhoulas, Nicholas J. and Teraoka, J.R., 2021. Second-growth redwood forest responses to restoration treatments. . Forest Ecology and Management 496 (2021) 119370.

Silvics of North America

The silvical characteristics of about 200 native or naturalized forest tree species and varieties are described. Information includes habitat, life history, and genetics of conifers and hardwoods, representing most of the commercially important trees of the United States and Canada and some of those from Mexico and the Caribbean Islands. 

Sudden Oak Death: An online resource by the California Oak Mortality Task Force, provides resources and information to landowners on Sudden Oak Death diagnosis and management.

UC Oaks: A UC website designed to provide science-based information on California’s oak woodland ecology, management, and conservation.

Management Planning, Financial Resources (including cost-share opportunities) and Regulations


Information from the UC Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (UC SAREP) and county-based UC Cooperative Extension advisors, to provide resources for agritourism operators.


CalTREES is the online timber harvest permitting system that will streamline the submission and review processes for timber harvesting documents. CalTREES also provides public request notifications based on selected criteria (e.g., County, Watershed, Legal Description, Notice of Submission, and Notice of Filing) and accessible historical data and search functionality.

Forest Landowner Guide to the Federal Income Tax - Ag. Handbook #731

Introduces tax planning and basic tax considerations and explains the Federal income as it pertains to and forest land.

The Forest Legacy Program: a conservation program administered by CAL FIRE to encourage the protection of privately owned forest land through conservation easements or land purchases. Recorded webinar

Forest Restoration and Fuels Reduction_Convergent or Divergent by Stephens, S., Battaglia, M., Churchill, D., Collins, B., et all. 

Forest Stewardship Series 23 Technical and Financial Assistance

Cal Fire has published a Fuels Reduction Guide 2021 that defines and illustrates many forest management options. 

National Timber Tax website

The National Timber Tax Website was developed to be used by timberland owners, as well as a reference for accountants, attorneys, consulting foresters and other professionals who work with timberland owners regarding the tax treatment of timber related activities.

NRCS: Assisting Forestland Owners  

NRCS Overview  

NRCS Tree Mortality Forest Management Plan  

Prescribed Burn Planning

UCCE Forest Factsheet: Forest Management Plans

UC Forestry Specialist Rob York shows the importance of developing a plan for prescribed burns including permitting, planning elements and good tips. 

2023 Tax Tips for Forest Landowners  (new)

USDA Forest Service: Forest Taxation and Estate Planning

Tax planning information assistance to help private landowners and rural communities to manage forested lands sustainably. 

USDA Forest Service Underserved Landowner Definitions

Mapping Resources

BLM National Public Land Survey System Polygons - National Geospatial Data Asset (NGDA)

This dataset represents the GIS Version of the Public Land Survey System (PLSS) including both rectangular and non-rectangular surveys.

Guide on opening BLM PLSS info in Google Earth

*If there is any question on the exact location of the boundary, only a professional surveyor can legally define that boundary. The location of boundaries displayed in Google Earth or Avenza are not definite.

LandGlide app

The LandGlide app supports your cellular data access so you can search parcel records in the field with real estate property boundary overlays.The GPS in your device interacts with the map to give you real-time, location-based intelligence. Just hover over a property to see the owner, address, and other details including sale price, transfer date, and building description when available.


An online learning site. Includes courses on GIS and other mapping applications.

Wildfire/Post-fire Resources

Managing Drainage And Erosion On Private Property And Roads After A Fire

Post Fire Restoration: What works and what is a waste of time

Preparing For Post-Fire Changes Along Streams And Waterways

Santa Cruz Resource Conservation District post fire recovery website

Understanding Forest Regeneration And Hazard Tree Management


Other Resources

American Tree Farm System: By the numbers 2019

American Tree Farm System Certification Brochure

CalFire - Fire and Resources Assessment Program (FRAP)

FRAP assesses the amount and extent of California's forests and rangelands, analyzes their conditions and identifies alternative management and policy guidelines. FRAP also provides high-quality spatial data, maps, and on-line data viewers which provide critical information on the health and risk factors associated with forest and range lands within the State of California.

CAL WATER 2.2 and 303d listing information

California Resource Conservation District: Find your local office

Certified Range Managers (CRMs) Information

Developing a Monitoring Program for Riparian Revegetation Projects

Forest Landowners of California

An organization that works to advance sustainable, science-based management practices to enhance and ensure long-term productivity and beauty of California's private forestlands.

Additionally, FLOC provides access to experienced members and professionals in the fields of forestry, fire protection, product marketing, eco-system management, estate planning, accounting, law and education.

FLOC membership information

Forestland Steward Newsletters

Produced in conjunction with UC Cooperative Extension, the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, Placer County Resource Conservation District, and the USDA Forest Service to provide information on the stewardship of private forestlands.

Grazing for Change Using Managed Livestock Grazing to Reduce Fire Fuels Loads, Third Edition

Handbook for Forest, Ranch and Rural Roads: A Guide for Planning, Designing, Constructing, Reconstructing, Maintaining and Closing Wildland Roads.

Licensed Timber Operators (LTOs) Information

Information on how to obtain a license, the types of licenses and training class schedules.

Modular Mobile Wood Processing Technologies  

NRCS Soil Surveys

The NRCS Soil Survey allows you to create custom reports by selecting a specific geographic areas of interest. Historical and supplemental documents are also available.

Registered Professional Foresters (RPFs) Information

Road Assessment Checklist

Targeted Grazing: A Primer for Landowners and Land Managers

Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD), Hydrologic Units and Hydrologic Unit Codes (HUC).


Forest Stewardship Newsletters

Issue Articles Type Date Added
September 2024

Riparian Habitat and Vegetation Management

PDF 9/16/24
May 2024

Coast Redwoods

PDF 5/15/24
March 2024

Bears in the forest

PDF 3/6/24
September 2023

Forest Roads

PDF 9/7/23
July 2023

Shaded Fuel Breaks

PDF 8/4/23
April 2023

The Forest Legacy Program

PDF 4/26/23
February 2023

Woody Biomass, Part 2

PDF 2/24/23
October 2022

Woody Biomass, Part I

PDF 10/31/22
August 2022

Post-fire Resilience

PDF 8/19/22
June 2022

Managing Invasive Plant Species

PDF 6/14/22
March 2022

California Naturalist Program

PDF 3/30/22
January 2022

Estate planning for forest landowners

PDF 1/25/22
November 2021

Assessing Post-fire Tree Mortality

PDF 11/23/21
September 2021

Targeted grazing for fuels management

PDF 10/4/21
July 2021

Home-hardening against wildfire information

PDF 7/20/21
April 2021

Information on cost share programs and grant opportunities for forest landowners.

PDF 4/8/21
February 2021

Information on the importance of conducting a forest inventory, as well as links to our new four-part forest inventory video series.

PDF 2/8/21
December 2020

Post-fire information and resources for forest landowners.

PDF 12/7/20
September 2020

Information on working with Registered Professional Foresters (RPFs) and the upcoming Follow-up Workshop on October 3rd.

PDF 9/16/20
July 2020

Information on prescribed fire including webinars, Prescribed Burn Associations, and opportunities to volunteer and learn how to safely conduct a prescribed burn on your forestland.

PDF 7/28/20
May 2020

Information on upcoming workshops; links to the California Oak Health Workshop videos; and new resource information such as building a clinometer from items you have at home, and agritourism.

PDF 6/12/20
March 2020

General information about upcoming workshops; UC Extension Forestry on YouTube; and new resource information, including an Avenza Mapping Field Guide.

PDF 6/12/20