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Science Activities for Kids

Wildlife Live: Link, pdf & U.S. Map (English & Spanish)


What is it? This is a collection of links to live video streams of animals in nature, enclosures, and conservatories across the country to enjoy from the comfort of your home. Also attached is a map of the U.S. showing the site locations.

How does it work? Use the links in the pdf to watch the animals daily, from feedings to playtime. Note: Some cameras are in operation at certain times and vary based on location.

Why might this be a good choice for your child? Learn about how animals live, eat and enjoy their days at high quality zoos, aquariums, sanctuaries, and in the wild. These experiences may help us understand how to protect these creatures.


Scavenger Hunts (English)


What is it? This link has a collection of two pages for scavenger hunts for children 4 years and up.

How does it work? Print out the pages for your child to use or you can view them on your phone for you to enjoy the game with your child. Some pages require adult supervision when going outside.

Why might this be a good choice for your child? These games help develop scientific knowledge. Children learn the names of creatures, other elements of nature, colors, numbers, and geometric shapes.


Scavenger Hunts (Spanish) 


Que es? Este link tiene una colección de 2 paginas de juegos de búsqueda para niño y niñas de 4 años a más.

Cómo funciona? Imprima las páginas proveídas para su niño o niña o simplemente mirelas en su teléfono para disfrutar de este juego con ellos. Algunas de las páginas requieren de su supervisión, especialmente si requieren que se salga de la casa.

Porque es beneficioso?Este juego promueve el desarrollo científico, matemático y artístico del niño/niña. Ayuda al aprendizaje de nombres de criaturas y elementos de la naturaleza, colores, números y formas geométricas, lo cual beneficia al niño/niña para el futuro.


Banana Bread Muffins


What is it? This is a cooking project you can do with children ages 2½  and up.

How does it work? Follow the instructions and remember to let your child do as much as he can while talking to him about what you are doing and why.

Why might this be a good choice for you and your child? This activity helps your child practice math skills through counting and measuring, science concepts through observations and gathering information through the senses. Your child can learn vocabulary and concepts related to cooking, and build self-help skills. It is also a great way to spend time together creating memories.


Pancitos de Platano


Que es? Esta es una receta para panecillos de plátano que puede hacer con sus hijos/as de 2 años y medio para arriba.

Cómo funciona? Siga las instrucciones y recuerde dejar que el niño/a haga cuanto paso pueda mientras conversan acerca de lo que están haciendo en cada paso y porque?

Porque es beneficioso? Esta actividad ayuda a que el niño/a trabaje en habilidades matemáticas al contar y medir, científicas al observar y usar sus sentidos para explorar los ingredientes. Su niño/a puede aprender vocabulario y conceptos de cocina, puede aumentar su habilidad en cuanto a autoayuda. También es una gran forma de pasar tiempo juntos creando recuerdos.


Bubbles Game for Bath Time Routine (English and Spanish)


What is it? This is a fun soap & bubbles activity that your child can do at home. This activity is meant to be similar to bath time or bathing.

How does it work? All you need is a container, a toy/doll, soap, and water to get started. The container can be a small bin, a large pot, or a bucket, etc.

Why might this be a good choice for your child? This activity is especially helpful if bath time is a stressful/difficult activity for your child. Playing a game related to a home routine can help your child feel less stress during that routine, because your child can practice the routine during the play time.