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Treasurer's Corner



Here you will find all things 4-H Treasurer and finance related. Don't see something you need? Contact our office and we will assist you.  

Please refer to The California 4-H Resource Center website for the most up to date documents and information: https://sites.google.com/ucdavis.edu/ca4h-resourcecenter/volunteer-hub/volunteer-roles/club-officers 

Important Information:

The financial documentation and peer review for 4-H Units must be completed and turned into the San Luis Obispo County 4-H office no later than August 16th of the current program year. 

Youth and 4-H Club Treasurer Book Judging Deadline:  TBA

*Page Updated August 2024

Other Resources

CA 4-H Treasurer Training Video (30 Min) 

*You will need to have or create a Campus(eXtension) Account

Please refer to the California 4-H Resource Center for the most up-to-date links: https://sites.google.com/ucdavis.edu/ca4h-resourcecenter/volunteer-hub/learning-center 

  • Treasurer Training can be found at the bottom right of the web page linked above.
  • Enrollment Key: YTTLuis (San Luis Obispo Only) 

The Treasurer Training is all about what the California 4-H Club Treasurer needs to do. In this course, you’ll learn important skills like:

You can finish this training in different ways. This thorough training will help treasurers and their supporting adults to handle 4-H club money well. 


Can we use Venmo, PayPal or Square for fundraisers? 

  1. 4-H units and VMOs are not allowed to apply for or use automatic withdrawal or credit cards.  On-line banking transmissions are not permissible.

  2. Deposit cards that allow for deposit only may be used with the approval of the county director* or designee.  See Deposit Cards Electronic Banking FAQ .


What if a unit/club or VMO does not comply with these policies?
A 4-H unit or VMO can be disbanded for not complying with the financial policies ofthe UC 4-H YDP and the bank accounts will be closed and funds held in escrow by the county 4-H VMO.


Treasurer Manual Forms

The SLO County 4-H Shared Google Drive houses copies of these forms here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FlR2UUhtY1G22pRnliVz0abNePe-ZT6a?usp=drive_link

Please refer to The California 4-H Resource Center website for the most up to date documents and information: https://sites.google.com/ucdavis.edu/ca4h-resourcecenter/volunteer-hub/volunteer-roles/club-officers