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New Volunteers

Applying to be a 4-H volunteer

All 4-H adult volunteers must apply and be appointed annually. Please follow the steps below to apply to be a 4-H adult volunteer. 

Application Process

All new 4-H volunteers must go through a screening process. Our #1 priority in 4-H is the safety of young people. We do all we can to protect young people and keep them safe while they are in our care. An important part of providing a safe environment is to conduct background checks on our volunteers and staff. Everyone that will be spending an extended time with our 4-H youth is screened. When you become a 4-H volunteer, you are part of the plan to keep our young people safe.

  1. Complete the online 4-H Volunteer Interest Survey in English or Spanish. See survey below or follow this link: 4-H Adult Volunteer Interest Survey ~Encuesta sobre el interés de los voluntarios adultos de 4-H (San Luis Obispo County) (google.com) 

  2. Create an adult volunteer profile on Z-Suites* Please make sure the email address in the system is correct and one you check regularly.

    ZSuite Login page 

    See the Enrollment Tip sheet for guidance on logging into and enrolling using the ZSuite system. For more information go to https://ucanr.edu/sites/slo4-h/Club_Forms/ and scroll down.

    *For Spanish:

    The California 4-H enrollment system is currently only in English. Those who need forms in Spanish should use the paper enrollment packet and turn it in to their club leader or county staff. Individuals enrolling and staff keep a copy of the submitted forms.

    El sistema de inscripción 4-H de California actualmente solo está en inglés. Aquellos que necesiten formularios en español deben usar el paquete de inscripción en papel y entregárselo al líder del club o al personal del condado. Tanto las personas como el personal de entrada de datos deben conservar una copia de los formularios enviados.

    Los siguientes formularios están en el paquete de inscripción.

    1. Paquete de inscripción de miembros

    2. Lista de Proyectos de 4-H

  3. Complete a Live-scan with the California Department of Justice.  
    1. LiveScan Locations in SLO County
  4. New Volunteer Training All new 4-H volunteers are required to take the New Volunteer Training online courses in the eXtension system before they become approved as volunteers. This interactive training series introduces you to the best practices in positive youth development that are used in 4-H. 

1 hour, 35 minutes (Can be completed over multiple sessions)

  • 4-H Orientation - 40 minutes
  • CANRA for Volunteers - 30 minutes
  • 4-H Thriving Model of PYD - 15 minutes
  • 2-Deep Supervision Policy - 5 minutes
  • University of California 4-H Core Values - 5 minutes

New Volunteer Course (2024-2025)


Length: 1 hour, 35 minutes  (Can be completed over multiple sessions)

The California 4-H New Volunteer Course is a necessary resource for adults starting their first year or coming back after a break of a year or more. In this course, you will learn important parts of 4-H service, like an orientation, CANRA guidelines, and the 4-H Thriving Model for Positive Youth Development. You'll also learn about 2-Deep Supervision and the 4-H program's commitment to creating a safe and welcoming environment for all youth, and how you can help achieve that vision.


Duración: 1 hora y 35 minutos (Puede completarse en varias sesiones)

El Curso para Nuevos Voluntarios de 4-H de California es un recurso necesario para los adultos que comienzan su primer año o que regresan después de una pausa de un año o más. En este curso, usted aprenderá partes importantes del servicio 4-H, como una orientación, los lineamientos de CANRA y el Modelo 4-H Thriving para el Desarrollo Positivo de la Juventud. También aprenderá sobre la Supervisión 2-Deep y el compromiso del programa 4-H de crear un ambiente seguro y acogedor para todos los jóvenes, y cómo usted puede ayudar a lograr esa visión.

Link to eXtension Login Page