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Welcome 4-H Project Leaders!

We have provided 4-H curriculum from a variety of resources and they are sure to keep your youth busy and engaged. If you need assistance or would like to add something to our resources, please contact local 4-H staff.

California 4-H Resource Center - 2 youth facing each other with a high five

Host Virtual Meetings - ZOOM     

Zoom 101 Online Training

4-H offers a variety of open-access curriculum for volunteers and community members to bring research-based education to local youth. Below is a list of several resources to find 4-H curriculum for club projects, in-school activities, after-school programs, home-school students, and individual use.

Animal and Agricultural Science

California Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom

The California Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom provides a variety of resources to teachers, after-school coordinators, and anyone educating students in grades K-12. 

AgCiting Adventure

Description ~ The AgCiting Science web-based app is available for use in school enrichment programs, afterschool programs, and beyond. Through the AgCiting Adventure, students use basic agriculture production practices to complete the growth and harvest of the components of their breakfast. While gaining agricultural literacy knowledge participants utilize math, motor, and problem-solving skills to follow a recipe (Nebraska 4-H).

''Animal Science Anywhere

Description: The Animal Science Anywhere lesson series is designed to help leaders engage 4-H youth at club meetings or events in learning more about the science and life skills involved in animal and veterinary science projects. Youth may work in teams or individually to accomplish the lesson objectives. Lessons are flexible, providing adaptations for various locations, ages and audiences Michigan State University.

University of California

4-H Livestock Judging Manual (2020) from Mississippi State

Texas 4-H Explore LIVESTOCK JUDGING Lesson Book

National 4-H


Wisonson 4-H

Ohio Dog Achievement Program

Ohio Companion Animal Resources

Ohio 4-H Launching into the Next Millennium, 4-H Achieves Liftoff 

Utah 4-H

Technology and Engineering

Computational Thinking Activities

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CS First Coding Class - CS First Program Information

Description ~ Best for beginners and no computer coding experience needed! CS First is a free online computer coding program for beginners.

This class can be hosted by San Luis Obispo & Santa Barbara 4-H, and open to anyone. No 4-H membership required. Please contacted us if you are interested in bringing Computer Coding to your youth or program. 

Video CS Pathway: Any Student Can Be Inspired 

Python  Best for Intermediate learners. Find 4-H Project information here

Tag: Digital Making at Home 

Information on virtual fieldtrips including a link to join a new fieldtrip every Friday. http://lucas.osu.edu/VR

Iowa 4-H- NASA Iowa Space Grant Consortium STEAM Academy

4-H NYSD Game Changers - Game Changers uses physical activity and puzzles to teach kids important CS concepts and problem-solving skills, creating real-world connections between computer science and civic engagement, healthy living and agriculture.

Do-at-Home STEM- Fun, hands-on science activities for kids of all ages to do at home or virtually.

Engineering and STEM

TechXcite Logo
TechXite: Discover Engineering
Topic Area: Engineering  | Audience: Middle School | Published: 2010
TechXite provides activities across a wide range of technologies in order to offer opportunities for middle school students to explore aspects of engineering that are most exciting to them. Modules include topics of biomedtech, wireless communication, and solar energy. Future topics are expected in architecture, digital imaging, gis/gps, and transportation.

Ohio 4-H- 10-Minute Science - STEM Pathways

Ohio 4-H Launching into the Next Millennium, 4-H Achieves Liftoff Chapter 8. Engineering


Utah 4-H

Environmental/Outdoor Education and Earth Sciences

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Project Learning Tree activities for the backyard

Description ~ Project Learning Tree is an outdoor education curriculum for kids, to help engage them in nature and hands-on learning. "Project Learning Tree helps develop students’ awareness, knowledge, and appreciation of the environment, builds their skills and ability to make informed decisions, and encourages them to take personal responsibility for sustaining the environment and our quality of life that depends on it. From its beginnings in 1976, PLT has exemplified high-quality environmental education" (PLT Website). 

https://scistarter.org/stemcare is a portal to iNatualist and Budburst which are citizen science projects I'd like to encourage students and teachers to use when they are outdoors

University of California 

National 4-H


Ohio 4-H Launching into the Next Millennium, 4-H Achieves Liftoff

Utah 4-H

Leadership, Public Speaking, Personal Growth and Financial Literacy

4-H Grows True Leaders image

4-H teaches you skills for life

Achieve a broad understanding of the meaning of leadership and the qualities of a leader while practicing these skills:

  • Identify problems and develop action plans to solve them
  • Acquire teamwork and group building skills
  • Assume responsibility for actions and follow through on goals
  • Improve written, verbal, and interpersonal communication skills

You can gain self-confidence and practice self-reflection in a safe environment. Youth-adult partnerships support you as you practice leadership skills.

Leadership Development

Thrive Educational Series

Click to Download CurriculumDownload iGrow SETDowload iGrow HLDowload iThrive 1 - IntelligenceDownload iChampion2Download iChampion3

  • iSprout (ages 5-8) Concepts presented emphasize educational practices as well as personal development of thriving skills.  Age-appropriate, research-based educational materials are both fun and engaging and are available for youth at each stage of their development.
  • iGrow SET is designed specifically for members ages 9-12 and explores the thriving practices (Sparks, Growth Mindset, Goal Management, Self Reflection) in the context of Science, Engineering and Technology (SET). 
  • iGrow HL is designed specifically for members ages 9-11 and is a great introduction to both the thriving practices (Sparks, Growth Mindset, Goal Management, Self Reflection) as well as two of the key foundational practices of healthy youth development (safety and relationship building).
  • iThrive 1- Intelligence is designed specifically for teenagers and is a great introduction to both the thriving practices (Sparks, Growth Mindset, Goal Management, Self Reflection) as well as two of the key foundational practices of healthy youth development (safety and relationship building). Download iThrive 1 Leader Guide Download iThrive 1 Member Guide
  • iThrive 2 - Personality is designed specifically for teenagers and builds upon both the thriving practices (Sparks, Growth Mindset, Goal Management, Self Reflection) as well as two of the key foundational practices of healthy youth development (safety and relationship building) that are introduced in iThrive 1. Download iThrive 2 Leader Guide Download iThrive 2 Member Guide
  • iThrive4 HL is designed specifically for teenagers and is a great introduction to both the thriving practices (Sparks, Growth Mindset, Goal Management, Self Reflection) as well as two of the key foundational practices of healthy youth development (safety and relationship building). Download iThrive 4 Leader Guide Download iThrive 4 Member Guide

Tips for ensuring a youth-driven approach: Sparks        Goal Management    Mindset    6 C's & Self-Reflection

National 4-H 

Wisconsin 4-H

Money Talks is a hands-on, interactive, on-line program, available in English and Spanish.  Our resources consist of colorful learner guides, comprehensive leader's guides, along with supplementary multimedia materials.  Money Talks increases the financial literacy capability of youth and young adults (14-24) by giving them applied experiences that encourage fiscally sound decision-making in marketplace transactions.
Civic Engagement and Service Learning

4 H civic engagement programs empower young people to be well-informed citizens who are actively engaged in their communities and the world.

Members learn skills in leadership, empathy, communication, and organization while expanding their role in decision-making processes.

See the USDA definition of Civic Engagement in 4-H (PDF)

California 4-H Resources

Ohio 4-H Launching into the Next Millennium, 4-H Achieves Liftoff

Utah 4-H

Healthy Living

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Health Rocks

Description ~ Health Rocks!® is curricula for a healthy living program targeted at young people ages 8 to 14. Health Rocks! helps youth develop life skills in the area of critical thinking, decision-making, communication, managing feelings, stress management and goal setting; in turn building resiliency skills, and promoting the resistance of risky behaviors (Nebraska 4-H)."

CalFresh Healthy Living, UC Program

The mission of SLOSB and the Youth, Families and Communities program is to cultivate environments where local youth, families, and community members have access to research-based resources and knowledge in order to be the creators of a healthy, inspired, active, & connected Central Coast. 

Check out their YOUTUBE Videos for great activities!


Healthy Living Activities and Ideas - Whether you are looking for activities to enhance your 4-H project, or food and beverage guidelines to adopt, this page features a growing list of ideas for incorporating healthy living concepts into every aspect of your 4-H program. 
Clover Safe Notes

Healthy Living Workshops and Presentations - Did you recently participate in a 4-H Healthy Living Workshop and want access to the presentation, handouts and activity plans? This page features recent and archived presentations about 4-H Healthy Living.

Healthy Living Curricula - Healthy Living curricula offers a range of engaging and challenging experiences for youth of all ages and abilities and their families, building health literacy while meeting the developmental needs of youth. 

Become a Healthy Living Officer - Are you looking for ways to integrate healthy living practices into your 4-H club? Check out the Healthy Living Officer position and see how you can become your club's ambassador for health!

Utah 4-H

Additional Resources

National 4-H Curriculum 

National 4-H offers a variety of curriculum available for purchase off their website. This curriculum is developed by universities across the US and focuses on science, healthy living, and citizenship. Link: https://4-h.org/parents/curriculum/

University of California 4-H Curriculum 

The University of California provides access to curriculum in the areas of STEM, Civic Engagement, Healthy Living, and Youth Development. All of the curriculum available through the UC is free and available for immediate download. 

Link: http://4h.ucanr.edu/Resources/Curriculum/ 

The University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources has a catalog of several more resources for your to use.

Link: https://anrcatalog.ucanr.edu/Items.aspx?hierId=1300 

4-H STEM Curriculum (in partnership with Cal Poly)

Cal Poly students have developed and piloted 4-H Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) curriculum created for both in-school and out-of-school use. These curricula are connected to California NGSS standards and are fun, free, downloadable, and easy to use. 

Natural Hazards A Community of Engineers   STEM fun in the Garden

UC 4-H STEM Resource Hub

The University of California has developed a central resource for curriculum focusing on STEM engagement. The purpose of this hub is to provide individuals a collection of informal science education resources to advance science and STEM education efforts. Link: http://ucanr.edu/sites/STEM/

Utah Discover 4-H Club Curriculum

Discover 4-H clubs are step-by-step guides written to help you easily start or run a 4-H club or project. They are written by extension experts, easy to follow, and downloadable, and free. Topics range from computer coding, sewing, robotics, livestock, healthy living, science, outdoor adventure and many more. Link: https://utah4h.org/discover/

UCANR Youth Development Resources Activities for youth, children and families. The University of California 4-H Youth Development Program promotes hands-on, experiential learning for all youth ages 5-19. Many projects can help keep children engaged while school is out.

National 4-H Activity Guide Download the ultimate 4-H Inspire Kids to Do Activity Guide for 60 hands-on, educational activities to help your child continue doing, learning and growing all year long.

4-H Inspire Kids To Do Activity Guide


Career Explorer - (Itunes App is also available)

Description ~ Career Explorer will help you connect the dots between the choices you make every day and the opportunities you could have in the future. At each stage of the game you will be able to enter the workforce, get additional education, or explore training programs. At the conclusion of the game you will have the opportunity to email the results to yourself with tips on how to make that career a reality in your life (Nebraska 4-H).

4-H Mall Curriculum Books Our 450+ Curriculum titles are perfect for 4-H club, school, enrichment, and homeschool settings. From project books to science experiments to skill-building activities, these learning resources are research-based, hands-on, and fun! Select the resource that best fits your individual or group setting and the appropriate level – whether it’s for grades K-12 or beyond. Choose from popular topics such as Biology, Computer Science, Cooking, Electricity, Entomology, Gardening, Honey Bees, Photography, Robotics, Solar Power, and more!

California State PTA Resource Library-California State PTA connects families, schools and communities.

Iowa 4-H

Nebraska 4-H - Living Room Learning

Oklahoma 4-H 

Utah 4-H: Wizarding World of 4-H Series 1.pdf and Wizarding World of 4-H Series 2.pdf