

Several educational brochures and other publications produced by the LTBWCG and affiliated organizations. They are available for downloading in PDF format, or you may order copies by emailing us with your name, mailing address and the quantity you need at

Invasive Weeds of the Lake Tahoe Basin
Includes invasive plants to watch for and common look-alikes.
Don't Get Burned by Flammable Invasive Weeds
Reduce your risk of fire by inspecting your property for the presence of flammable weeds and removing them!
Know Your Thistles!
Learn to distinguish desirable native thistles from weedy invasive thistles.

Why Should I Care About Invasive Weeds in the Lake Tahoe Basin?
General information on the impacts of invasive weeds.

Spanish Translation (español)

Don't Plant a Pest!
Garden plants that can escape to invade natural areas, with alternative non-invasive replacement plants.

Sweep Broom Out of Your Yard!
Why broom species should not be planted and/or removed in our area.

Don't Plant a Pest! en español
NEW!!! First brochure offered in Spanish and English. Garden plants that can escape to invade natural areas, with alternative non-invasive replacement plants.
Invasive Weeds - Controlling Your Noxious Neighbors
A Lake Tahoe homeowner's guide to invasive weed management, including control methods.