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Survey Development Training

Best Practices for Developing Surveys & Basics of Sampling  Methods - November 1, 2022 training
View the training recording


For trainings on how to analyze survey results, please see this Data Analysis webpage.



UC ANR Training_End of Session Survey Template

Follow Up Evaluation Template_20171005

Fin de sesion_End of Session Template in Spanish

Seguimiento_Follow Up Template in Spanish

Combined Sources for Survey Design_Retro Pre Post Follow Up Template and Tips

Creating a Qualtrics survey using an ANR Template (google document)

Creating a Qualtrics survey checklist by Roshan Nayak


Examples of UCCE Surveys that you can use!

Needs assessment using Importance-Performance Analysis: A survey that measures stakeholder important and satisfaction, which can then be mapped to a matrix to identify priorities for Extension efforsts.
Download survey example to use as template: survey using Importance-Performance Analysis
Download publication of results: Farm and IPM Advisor collaboration with CDFA to identify spray application training needs

Post-event: A very short post-event survey that measures outcomes, collects demographic information, and solicits suggestions. Designed by UCCE Advisorsand approved for others to use.
Horticulture event survey (Gerry Spinelli):
-Download PDF in English: San Diego Nursery and Floriculture Program Impact Evaluation
-Download PDF in Spanish: EvaluaciĆ³n de impacto del Programa de Viveros y Floricultura de San Diego
Pest Management event survey (Eric Middleton):
-Download Word Doc in English: Pest Management Small Talks Survey Questions
-Download sample report of findings: Pest Management Small Talk Survey Report

Extension through email/newsletter: Evaluates use of evapotranspiration information emailed to growers. Contact Katherine Jarvis-Shean or Kit Alviz to get a copy of this survey in Qualtrics that can be modified for your use
Link to sample survey: https://ucanr.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cAvwBxa0EyFeZBb 

Multiple-day workshop/seminar:
Evaluates use of rodent management information shared during 3-day workshop. Contact Niamh Quinn or Kit Alviz to get a copy of this survey in Qualtrics that can be modified for your use
Link to sample survey: https://ucanr.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9mlWMHa7SAu9v5H 
-Evaluates North Coast Integrated Pest Management seminar. Contact Cindy Kron: https://surveys.ucanr.edu/survey.cfm?surveynumber=31982

Incentive survey: Separate survey link that can be provided to respondents after completion of another survey to enter into a drawing to receive an incentive for participating (e.g., gift card, book, manual). Contact Kit Alviz to get a copy of this survey in Qualtrics that can be modified for your use
Link to sample survey: https://ucanr.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_ePu0TZqpkDyc1zn 

Student-developed survey: 6th graders at Evergreen Middle School began a youth participatory action research (YPAR) project to change their school's environment to promote physical activity. Using the YPAR 12 step sessions, they collected data, created their own survey, and presented the findings to the school board. The school board agreed to allocate funds for equipment and refillable water bottle stations. CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE looked towards our partners for paint and equipment for stencil application. Students created their own surveys, and a UCCE Advisor collected them from each student, and grouped common questions/themes. The survey was then to the entire 6th grade class. Contact for this example is Mario Monroy-Olivas. Link to survey questions: https://surveys.ucanr.edu/survey.cfm?surveynumber=39682




UC ANR Survey Tool

The Survey Registration and Payment tool is a versatile system that can be used to fit many needs. Common uses for the survey tool range from registration forms utilizing Credit Card payments to complex information acquisition forms.




About Qualtrics Online Survey Software

ANR staff and academics have been using Qualtrics for research, administrative, needs assessment, and program evaluation purposes. Unique Qualtrics features include the ability to create mailing lists and schedule individualized invitations and reminders, create display/skip logic so that questionnaires can be tailored to each participant, and utilize Qualtrics’ many options for response types and scales.

This is not a replacement for the ANR Portal survey tool, and the Qualtrics account does not currently allow for workshop payment processing.

Register for an ANR Qualtrics Account
UC ANR staff and academics can complete this online form to register for a UC ANR Qualtrics account. Qualtrics is not a replacement to the ANR Portal Survey Tool and our Qualtrics account does not currently have the option to add workshop payment. Suggested use for Qualtrics includes for workshop evaluations, needs assessments, data collection, etc. The UC ANR Qualtrics license is managed by Program Planning and Evaluation (contact Kit Alviz, kit.alviz@ucop.edu) and training and technical support are provided by Qualtrics.
Qualtrics Trainings

Qualtrics offers great online trainings that you can take at your convenience.

Visit Qualtrics’ basecamp training webpage, which offers six new user training modules (93 minutes)  for developing, distributing, and analyzing surveys.

Research Core help site has a detailed overview with written instructions, screenshots, keyword searches, etc.  

For technical support, please login to your Qualtrics account, click on the ? icon in the upper right hand menu, and then select Contact Support at the bottom of the popup window.


Privacy and Security

ANR’s Qualtrics license is managed by Kit Alviz and Christopher Hanson in the office of Program Planning and Evaluation (PP&E). Your account, surveys, and data will not be accessed without your permission. Qualtrics has built in several measures to ensure the protection and security of data. For more information and sample language for Institutional Review Board (IRB) applications, please contact Kit at kit.alviz@ucop.edu or 510-987-0027. Recommendations to elevate cybersecurity and protect data that is collected and stored in Qualtrics:

  1. Protect your password (UC Systemwide Information Security Habits – step 3).
  2. Follow the least privilege principle – grant users the least amount of privileges needed to complete their work.
  3. Collect only the data you need – be aware that you and UC ANR are responsible for any data collected.
  4. Collect only the data you need – be aware that you and UC ANR are responsible for any data collected Consider removing data no longer needed - When collecting highly sensitive data, once the analysis and reporting is complete, consider removing the data from Qualtrics.
  5. Keep your devices updated – keep your laptops, phones, and desktops patched and running anti-malware products.
  6. Only access Qualtrics data from trusted devices.
  7. Remove survey access quickly - When employees depart or leave the project, remove their access right away
  8. Do not store or ask for credit card data in surveys
  9. Do not use the credit card payment options
  10. Get approval – Make sure to get Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval when using Qualtrics with human subject data.
  11. Always be aware of you are storing in Qualtrics. Any data in Qualtrics could be subject to a data breach.
  12. When in doubt, ask questions by contacting the UC ANR’s Information Security resource center  to provide feedback on how to keep UC ANR’s data secure.

Separating from UC ANR?

If you intend to separate from UC ANR, please make plans with your teams and supervisors to transfer any data needed out of your Qualtrics account before your last day.

Inactive accounts

To keep the number of accounts within the 500 limit of UC ANR’s license, we will analyze inactive accounts. Accounts that have had no log ins in three years will be considered for deletion. If your account is deleted and you need to use Qualtrics in the future, you may register to receive a new UC ANR Qualtrics account. If you no longer wish to have a UC ANR Qualtrics account, please email kit.alviz@ucop.edu.

Data ownership

All Data is owned and controlled by Qualtrics’ Customers, who are designated as data controllers. Qualtrics is the data processor