ANR Employees
University of California
ANR Employees

Aug. 18 next deadline in 2014 UCCE positions review process

The public comment period for the 2014 UC Cooperative Extension positions call has been completed, as of July 21. These comments are posted on the 2014 Call for Positions web page, and will be considered by the position review groups, UC ANR Program Council and Vice President Allen-Diaz. A diverse array of the Division's stakeholders actively participated in this process and we appreciate their interest and value their feedback.

The next step in our process is the internal review by UCCE county/multi-county partnership directors, UC ANR program teams, and the deans' offices from ANR affiliated colleges and schools. This process concludes on Monday, Aug. 18, with comments due by midnight. Working in teams, the UCCE CD/MCP directors are to review the advisor positions in their geographic area. The deans' offices for the ANR-affiliated colleges and school lead reviews of the UCCE specialist positions proposed to be located in their respective colleges/school. UC ANR program teams are reviewing position proposals relevant to their program areas, for both CE advisor and specialist positions.

To access the public comments, click on individual position titles at the bottom of More information about the review cycle, including the orientation for reviewers, is also posted on that website. For the complete 2014 call for positions process and timeline, see the 2014 CE positions flowchart.

I want to thank those who have already commented on the position proposals for their time and interest and to thank those of you who are actively involved in ongoing reviews.

Bill Frost
Associate Vice President

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This announcement is also posted and archived on the ANR Update pages.

Posted on Tuesday, August 12, 2014 at 1:52 PM
Tags: Bill Frost (27), positions (27)

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