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University of California
ANR Employees

Posts Tagged: policy

Comments sought on revisions to Staff Policy 3 – Types of Appointment

The University of California is proposing revisions to Staff Policy 3 – Types of Appointment, which applies to staff employees in the Professional & Support Staff and Managers & Senior Professionals personnel groups and to Senior Management Group members.

The policy has undergone full review and a systemwide workgroup with representatives from UC Davis, UC San Francisco, UC San Diego, UC Santa Barbara and the Office of the President was formed to propose revisions to clarify the various types of appointments at the University. The proposed policy revisions will combine PPSM 3 with PPSM 24 (Per Diem Positions) and PPSM 61 (Release During the Probationary Period or from Limited Casual/Restricted, and Floater Positions) in order to have all relevant language in one policy.

The proposed policy is posted on UCnet:

Employees covered by this policy who wish to provide comments on the proposed revisions may submit them to Robin Sanchez at by May 24, 2017.

Posted on Monday, April 24, 2017 at 9:00 AM
Tags: April 2017 (23), policy (77), Robin Sanchez (19), Staff Personnel (17)

April is National Sexual Assault Awareness Month

April is National Sexual Assault Awareness Month, prompting campaigns on higher education campuses across the nation. This year's theme is “Engaging New Voices.” The campaign calls on new partners and community members to help expand sexual-assault prevention efforts and ensure that the next generation fosters attitudes that promote healthy relationships, equality and respect.

UC Agriculture and Natural Resources is committed to creating and maintaining a community where all individuals who are employed or participate in University programs and activities can work and learn together in an atmosphere free of sexual violence and sexual harassment.

This is a reminder that “Responsible Employees,” which is all UC employees who are not designated as confidential resources, are required to report sexual violence, sexual harassment or other conduct prohibited by the UC Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment. Please review UCOP's FAQs and the letter from Kathleen Salvaty, UC Systemwide Title IX coordinator, to understand your obligations as a responsible employee.

ANR's Affirmative Action Office has brought together the following resources for academic and staff employees to join the Sexual Assault Awareness Month campaign:

 What is sexual assault?

Sexual assault is a term that is used to encompass the multitude of ways in which a person can be violated in a sexual nature against her or his will. Sexual assault is defined as any sexual act directed against another person that is forcible and/or against that person's will; or, where that person is incapable of giving consent. Sexual assault is a crime in all U.S. states and territories.

Sexual Assault Awareness Month Campaign

Did you know that Sexual Assault Awareness Campaigns began in the early 1970s and the 2017 campaign is part of the world SAAM history? The National Sexual Violence Resource Center offers a summary of this history that adds broader meaning to the campaign.

In April 2001, the U.S. began to observe the month of April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Teal ribbons are worn to raise awareness in support of the cause.

Other Sexual Assault Awareness Month resources can be found at

For more information on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment, please visit UC ANR's Discrimination and Sexual Violence Prevention website at

If you have questions, please contact John I. Sims at or David White at




Posted on Thursday, April 13, 2017 at 5:22 PM

FAQ on possible federal immigration enforcement actions on UC property

UC Office of the President has created a website for frequently asked questions on immigration enforcement actions.

Charles F. Robinson, UC general counsel and vice president of Legal Affairs, has issued the FAQ for members of the University of California community who are concerned about immigration enforcement actions occurring across the country and have asked about the possibility of enforcement actions occurring at UC. This document, published online at, answers questions and provides information about how to respond in such a situation. Please keep in mind that Department of Homeland Security policies are in transition and this guidance will be updated as warranted.

A PDF version of the FAQ is available at

The FAQ on immigration is also the first link under “Resources” on UC's Immigration website

Posted on Monday, March 20, 2017 at 7:09 PM
Tags: immigration (2), March 2017 (13), policy (77)

Comments sought on proposed Presidential Policy on Export Controls

UC Office of the President is inviting employees to comment on a proposed new Presidential Policy on Export Controls.

The proposed policy seeks to provide a framework for all university locations to develop further local export-control compliance programs that satisfy federal legal requirements while allowing each location the flexibility to develop its own specific requirements and practices. Compliance with export controls requires the cooperation and is the responsibility of various offices and individuals across the university system. The proposed policy identifies some of those offices and individuals and describes some of their responsibilities to ensure that the University follows export-control laws and regulations.

If you have any questions or if you wish to comment, please contact Lourdes DeMattos, Research Policy Analysis and Coordination, at, no later than June 8, 2017. Please indicate "Export Controls Policy Comments" in the subject line.

The policy draft is posted at

Posted on Friday, March 17, 2017 at 10:19 AM
Tags: export (1), March 2017 (13), policy (77)

UC ANR resources address sexual violence and sexual harassment

UC Agriculture and Natural Resources is committed to creating and maintaining a community where all individuals who are employed or participate in University programs and activities can work and learn together in an atmosphere free of violence, harassment, discrimination, exploitation or intimidation.

Our commitment includes complying with Title IX, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities operated by recipients of federal financial assistance. Sexual harassment and sexual violence are forms of sex discrimination prohibited by Title IX.

To fulfill its obligations under Title IX and other related state and federal laws, including the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act (VAWA), which amended the Clery Act, effective January 1, 2016, the University implemented an updated Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Policy. The updated policy outlines the University's procedures for responding promptly and effectively to reports of prohibited conduct such as sexual harassment and sexual violence, which includes sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking and gender-based harassment. The policy prohibits retaliation against a person for the good-faith reporting of any of these forms of conduct or participating in any related investigation or proceeding. The University of California systemwide Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment is available online at

UC ANR's local procedures have been added to the Administrative Handbook and are available at on page 5. The procedures for reporting incidents are also located on UC ANR's Discrimination and Sexual Violence Prevention website under Reporting Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment.

To further support the UC ANR community, we recently expanded our resources by adding the UC Davis Center for Advocacy Resources and Education(CARE). CARE is the Advocacy Office for Sexual and Gender-based Violence and Sexual Misconduct, and it serves as a confidential resource for UC ANR staff and academics, as well as students, who have experienced any form of sexual violence, including sexual assault, sexual harassment, domestic/dating violence and stalking. CARE provides 24/7 emergency response, crisis intervention and support services for survivors.

All UC employees (except those specifically identified and designated as confidential employees) are required to notify the Title IX Officer if they receive information from a student about a possible incident of sexual violence or sexual harassment. CARE and the UC Davis Academic and Staff Assistance Program (ASAP) can offer confidential consultations without reporting the incident to the Title IX Officer.

Any member of the UC ANR community may report conduct that may constitute sexual violence, sexual harassment, retaliation and other prohibited behavior by contacting the UC ANR Title IX Officer, John Sims, or another Responsible Employee. A Responsible Employee in UC ANR who receives a report alleging sexual violence or sexual harassment must promptly notify the UC ANR Title IX Officer even if the individual making the report requests that no action be taken. Responsible Employees include academic appointees, all personnel of the UC ANR Human Resources Office and directors, managers and supervisors.

Anyone who is aware of an act or acts of violence can anonymously report the incident by reporting the incident to The UC Whistleblower hotline at or (800) 403-4744.

The University will respond promptly and effectively to any report of harassment and discrimination and will take appropriate action to prevent, correct and, when necessary, discipline behavior that violates University policy.

Creating an atmosphere free of violence, harassment and discrimination for everyone to work and learn is a responsibility that we all share. Thank you for helping maintain a safe and comfortable community for UC ANR members and stakeholders.

For more information, please visit UC ANR's Discrimination and Sexual Violence Prevention website at




Posted on Thursday, February 23, 2017 at 6:52 PM

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