ANR Employees
University of California
ANR Employees

Workgroup Directory/Information

To join an existing Workgroup, please email the group's chair or co-chair. Contact information is available on the below Workgroup pages or on individual faculty pages.

Workgroup Directory

Workgroup Information

Linking Research & Education in Agricultural & Environmental Biotechnology

Summary Provide resources and information to foster involvement of campus and county faculty and outside clientele in education and decision-making related to agricultural biotechnology through, for example, publications, videos, workshops and an informational website.
Workgroup Chair Information
Name Kent Bradford (Co-Chair)
Phone (530) 752-6087
Unit: Department of Plant Sciences
Location: Department of Plant Sciences
One Shields Avenue
1210 Plant and Environmental Sciences Bldg
Davis, 95616-8780
Name Peggy Lemaux (Co-Chair)
Phone 925-330-4475
Unit: Plant & Microbial Biology
Location: Plant & Microbial Biology
111 Koshland Hall
Berkeley, 94720-3102
Name Alan Mchughen (Co-Chair)
Phone (951) 827-7532
Unit: Botany & Plant Sciences
Name Shannon Mueller (Co-Chair)
Unit: Madera County
Location: UC Cooperative Extension
145 Tozer St. Suite 103
Madera, 93638
Name Alison Van Eenennaam (Co-Chair)
Phone (530) 752-7942
Unit: Animal Science
Location: Animal Science
One Shields Avenue
Davis, 95616-8521
Membership List
AES Scientist
Bailey-Serres, Julia Botany & Plant Sciences
  Distinguished Professor of Genetics flooding, drought, climate resilience
Bennett, Alan Department of Plant Sciences
  Distinguished Professor Plant association with diazotrophic microbes; cell wall disassembly; intellectual property rights in agriculture
Bjeldanes, Leonard Nutritional Sciences & Toxicology
  Professor   Toxicologist-AES Identification and mechanism of action of cancer protective agents and immune modulators from plants and fungi.
Borneman, James Plant Pathology
  Associate Professor   Associate Plant Pathologist Microbial ecology of soil-borne pathogens
Bostock, Richard Plant Pathology - CAES
  Distinguished Professor, Plant Pathologist-AES Physiology, biochemistry and molecular biology of host-pathogen interaction; diseases of fruit and nut crops
Bradford, Kent Department of Plant Sciences
  Professor   Plant Physiologist-AES   Vice-Chair for Instruction Seed physiology; biotechnology; stress physiology, hormonal physiology; plant and seed water relations
Hyman, Bradley Biology (UCR)
  Professor Nuclear genetic markets, genetic variability
Brown, Patrick Department of Plant Sciences
  Pomologist-AES, Professor of Plant Nutrition Plant mineral nutrition; root soil interaction; rhizosphere dynamics and genetic aspects of plant nutrition; function of boron in plants; sustainable agriculture
Buchanan, Bob Plant & Microbial Biology
  Professor Emeritus Regulatory mechanisms in seed germination, bioremediation of toxic metals
Close, Timothy Botany & Plant Sciences
  Geneticist and Professor, Emeritus Agricultural Plant Genetics
Ellstrand, Norman Botany & Plant Sciences
  Distinguished Professor Applied plant population genetics; especially the role of gene flow in the risks of transgenic crops and plant conservation
Feldman, Lewis Dean's Office CNR
  Professor, Associate Dean Academic Affairs Regulation of development in meristems; root gravitropism
Fletcher, Jennifer Plant & Microbial Biology
  Senior Scientist   Associate Adjunct Professor Genetic and molecular basis of plant stem cell regulation
Focht, Dennis Plant Pathology
  Emeritus Professor of Plant Pathology Bacterial metabolism of xenobiotic chemicals; kinetics and ecology of microbial processes in soil; construction and fate of recombinant bacteria in soils.
Freeling, Michael Plant & Microbial Biology
  Professor genetics and comprative genomics of plants
Gepts, Paul Department of Plant Sciences
  AES, Geneticist, Distinguished, Professor Crop evolution, genetic conservation, gene flow, molecular evolution, genetics and genomics of beans, breeding of dry beans (lima, garbanzo, common)
Gilchrist, David Plant Pathology - CAES
  Professor   Plant Pathologist-AES Genetics and physiology of host-pathogen interaction, diseases of agronomic crops
  Assistant Professor
Huang, Anthony Botany & Plant Sciences
  Professor   Plant Physiologist Cell, developmental and molecular biology of seed oils; synthesis and degradation of storage oils during seed maturation and germination, genetic engineering to improve seed oil quality
Keen, Carl Nutrition
  Professor Maternal nutrition and pregnancy outcome; gene nutrient interactions; trace element biochemistry and metabolism; drug nutrient interactions
Labavitch, John Department of Plant Sciences
  Professor   Pomologist-AES Developmental and regulatory biology postharvest biology of fruits - emphasis on cell wall polysaccharide metabolism and biochemistry of plant-pathogen and plant-insect interactions
Lindow, Steven Dean's Office CNR
  Professor and Executive Associate Dean, CNR Molecular and ecological studies of plant-associated bacteria
Lord, Elizabeth Botany & Plant Sciences
  Professor   Plant Morphologist (Emerita) Botany; developmental morphology; reproductive biology
McCormick, Sheila Plant & Microbial Biology
  Professor Molecular and genetic analysis of pollen development.
Murray, James Animal Science
  Professor and Dept Chair Use of transgenic animals to study gene expression during growth and differentiation, with particular emphasis on post-natal growth and lipid metabolism; genetic engineering of dairy animals to change the properties of milk for human consumption; molecular genetics; cytogenetics; equine genetics.
Parfitt, Dan Department of Plant Sciences
  Pomologist-AES Genetics of fruit crops genetic diversity, germplasm use, pistachio breeding
Platzer, Edward Nematology CAES
  Professor of Nematology & Biology Physiology and nutrition
Rao, A Plant Pathology
  Professor   Plant Pathologist Molecular biology of plant-virus replication; evolution of positive gtrome RNA viruses
Roberts, Philip Nematology Department
  Chair, Nematologist & Professor of Nematology Nematode host-parasite relations, genetics and pest management in field and vegetable crops
Ronald, Pamela Plant Pathology - CAES
  Assistant Plant Pathologist Molecular biology of plant disease resistance to pathogens
Roose, Mikeal Botany & Plant Sciences
  Professor of Genetics Plant breeding, especially citrus; genomics and evolution of citrus and asparagus; UCR asparagus breeding program
Springer, Patricia Botany & Plant Sciences
  Associate Professor of Genetics
Sutter, Ellen Department of Plant Sciences
  Professor   Pomologist-AES Clonal propagation by tissue culture; physiology of adventitious root formation and transformation by Agrobacterium rhizogenes in woody plants plant hormone interactions
Van Alfen, Neal Plant Pathology - CAES
  Professor Department of Plant Pathology Fungal Molecular Biology
Walling, Linda Botany & Plant Sciences
  Professor of Genetics Plant-insect interactions, wound and defense signal transduction
Wilson, Barry Animal Science
  Professor Neurotoxicology; aquatic and terrestrial ecotoxicology; biomarkers of stress and pesticide exposure; growth and development with focus on muscle and nerve interactions.
Wright, Brian Agricultural & Resource Economics & Policy
  AES   Agricultural Economist   Professor   GFAE Commodity market stabilization, agricultural price policy, economic development, public finance, research and development, natural resource economics and industrial organization
Zilberman, David Agricultural & Resource Economics & Policy
  AES, Agricultural Economist, Professor, Specialist in Cooperative Extension Agricultural, water and environmental policies, the economics of technological change, agricultural products, economics
CE Advisor
Baameur, Aziz Small Farm Program
  Retired Emeritus, Farm Advisor Small Farms, cultivar evaluation, nutrient management, irrigation, specialty crops, vegetables, Asian vegetables, Small Farms
Bettiga, Larry Monterey County
  Acting Monterey County Director & Viticulture Farm Advisor Wine grape production, canopy management, pest management, rootstock and clonal evaluation.
Bianchi, Mary San Luis Obispo County
  Emeritus - Horticulture Farm Advisor Horticulture, pomology, subtropicals, water management and water quality. Horticulture in San Luis Obispo County and Northern Santa Barbara County.
Black, Bethallyn Contra Costa County Cooperative Extension
  Lab. tech. Agroecology
Brittan, Kent Sacramento County
  Emeritus Farm Advisor for Field Crops Small grains, corn and biofuel crops
Canevari, William San Joaquin County
  Farm Advisor, Emeritus Weed Control
Donohue, Susan Butte County
  Nutrition, Family & Consumer Sciences Advisor, Emeritus Nutrition, Family & Consumer Sciences, Food Safety
Forero, Larry Shasta County
  Emeritus: County Director Livestock and Natural resources
Garcia, Linda Sonoma County
  County Director / Nutrition, Family & Consumer Science Advisor, Emeritus Nutrition, family and consumer sciences
Harper, John Mendocino County
  Livestock & Natural Resources Advisor - Emeritus Sheep & goat production, range cattle production, rangeland, watershed, water quality, computer applications.
Koike, Steven Monterey County
  Plant Pathology Farm Advisor, Emeritus Plant pathology research and education for vegetable, fruit and ornamental crops; plant disease diagnostics; food safey research and extension.
Laemmlen, Franklin San Luis Obispo County
  Farm Advisor - Emeritus Vegetable crops (leafy greens, parsley, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, celery, carrots, nappa, bok choy, cilantro, spinach, squash, peppers (bell), plant pathology, nematology, entomology, farm safety, plant problem diagnosis, cut flowers
Lazaneo, Vincent San Diego County
  Urban Horticulture Advisor, Emeritus Urban horticulture and pest management education, Master Gardener Volunteer Program
Lobo, Ramiro San Diego County
  Small Farms & Agricultural Economics Advisor Farm management, marketing, agricultural economics, agricultural tourism, small farms, new/specialty crops
Marcum, Daniel Shasta-Lassen Office
  Farm Advisor - Emeritus Irrigation, plant nutrition, salinity, entomology, sustainable agriculture, agronomy, vegetable crops, engineering, plant pathology, integrated pest management, systems management, economics, weed control, nematology, strawberry nursery production, garlic, wild rice, alfalfa, timothy, sugarbeet, pasture, range, biodiversity, peppermint, viticulture
Molinar, Richard Small Farm Program
  Farm Advisor, Emeritus Small farms, vegetable crops, organic farming, insect/weed management, specialty crops, sugar peas, strawberries, eggplant, squash, Asian vegetables such as basil, lemongrass, green beans, long beans, gailon, bittermelons, refugee farmers, Hmong, Lao, fluent in Spanish
Mueller, Shannon Madera County
  Emeritus Agronomy Farm Advisor Agronomy, alfalfa seed, hay production, seed certification, forage crops, pollination and honeybee management, oil seed crop production, and dry beans.
Mutters, Randall Butte County
  Emeritus Farm Advisor Rice, winter cereals, turf
Olin, Paul Sonoma County
  Sea Grant Extension Program Academic Coordinator Aquaculture, marine fisheries, agriculture and natural resources issues
Orloff, Steve Siskiyou County
  County Director/Farm Advisor Conducts research & educational program with alfalfa, small grains, irrigated pasture, and noncrop weed control with emphasis on variety adaptation, pest management, irrigation, and general production practices
Peterson, Nyles San Bernardino County
  County Director & Cooperative Extension Advisor - Dairy Dairy management, waste management, milk quality and milking management
Rilla, Ellie
  Advisor Emeritus Public policy education, natural resource issues, community development
Smith, Richard Monterey County
  Farm Advisor, Vegetable Crop Production & Weed Science Vegetable Crop Production & Weed Science
Tourte, Laura Santa Cruz County
  Farm Management Advisor - Emeritus
Varea Hammond, Sonya Monterey County
  County Director (Emeritus, Retired) Public Policy - Biotechnology Education and Land Use
Yee, Lawrence Ventura County
  Emeritus Youth development, organizational development; Hansen Trust
CE Specialist
Collar, Carol Veterinary Medicine Extension
  CE Specialist Dairy, livestock and forage
Davis, R Plant Pathology - CAES
  CE Plant Pathologist Diseases of vegetable & field crops
Jackson, Lee Department of Plant Sciences
  Emeritus CE Specialist - Small Grains Small Grains; Agronomy; Growth, development and plant breeding of small grains; small grain diseases; pathogen variability host resistance; genetics of host/parasite interaction; integrated pest management;integrated crop management; agricultural systems.
Kaffka, Stephen Department of Plant Sciences
  CE Specialist. Production and resource use efficiency of sugar, oilseed crops and other agronomic crops; Cropping systems and agroecology; biomass, bioenegy, bioproducts and related public policy issues; irrigation, salinity and drainage
King, Nicki Human & Community Development
  CE Specialist Emerita  Youth and Family Development Career and College Choice; Transition to Adulthood;Family Studies; Evaluating Human Resources Programs
Lemaux, Peggy Plant & Microbial Biology
  Professor of Cooperative Extension Research interests focus on using 'omic technologies to understand interactions between plants, microbes and the environment. Efforts specifically focus on understanding abiotic and biotic stresses and carbonsequestration to combate climate change. Outreach efforts focus on communicating about food, agriculture and modern genetic technologies.
Mcgiffen Jr., Milton Botany & Plant Sciences
  CE Specialist and Plant Physiologist Vegetable Crops, Invasive Species, Weed Science, Sustainable Agriculture, and Alternatives to Methyl Bromide
Mchughen, Alan Botany & Plant Sciences
  Professor of CE, Biotechology Specialist and Geneticist Molecular Genetics, Genetic Engineering regulatory policy
Southwick, Stephen Department of Plant Sciences
  CE Pomologist Growth and development of woody plants. Specializing in production of apricots, cherries and prunes. Includes cultivars, rootstocks, orchard systems, plant growth regulation, irrigation, nursery practice and economic assessment of these crops in California and internationally
Townsend, Marilyn Nutrition
  Nutrition Education Specialist Overweight and food insecurity relationship; nutrition education research; theory driven intervention design, implementation and evaluation
Van Eenennaam, Alison Animal Science
  CE Specialist Animal Biotechnology and Genomics Animal genomics, biotechnology, beef cattle, genetic engineering, animal breeding
Other ANR
Filmer, Ann Department of Plant Sciences
  Communications 1) Communications; 2) Floriculture production, postharvest handling of ornamentals
(info only) Frost, William Central Sierra Cooperative Extension
  CE Advisor, Emeritus
Giorgio, Cynthia UCR-College of Natural & Agricultural Sciences
  Associate Chancellor Communications, governmental relations & development
Giusti, Gregory Lake County
  Forests & Wildland Ecology Advisor- Emeritus Forest management, wildlife management, vertebrate pest management, wetlands, watersheds, fisheries and freshwater ecology
Laughlin, Susan G. DANR, Oakland
  Assistant Vice President Group and organizational dynamics, group leadership skills
Nation, Steven
  Executive Director Legislative, governmental relations, statewide news and information outreach, external media and public relations
Warnert, Jeannette Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  Communications Specialist Writing
Clement, Lawrence Solano/Yolo Counties
  County Director
Goodwin, Ben California Beet Growers Association
  Executive Manager Sugarbeet production
Lanini, Sharan Rocket Farms, Salinas, CA
  Farmer, Sales/Marketing Manager Organic foods, production
Van Deynze, Allen Department of Plant Sciences
Other UC
Henry, James Riverside County
  Farm Advisor, Emeritus Turf and landscape, Master Gardener Program
Kjelstrom, Judy UCD-Biotechnology Prog
  Assoc Director Biotechnology outreach
McGloughlin, Martina UC Systemwide Biotechnology Program
  Director Biotechnology outreach
Stratton, Marilyn UCD- Public Communications
  Assistant Vice Chan Public Communications
Swanson, Fred Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  Center Director
Membership Totals
Number of Members92
ANR Members88
Info Only1
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