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Agenda and Presentations 2019

Thursday, 25 April, 2019
La Fundación Botín, Calle de Castelló, 18, 28001 Madrid, Spain

Adapting Water Rights to Face Climate Change Impacts:
A Comparison of California and Spain

A One-Day Workshop Sponsored By:

The Botin Foundation and
Rosenberg International Forum on Water Policy
University of California Agricultural and Natural Resources

Climate change is altering the precipitation regimes in California and in Spain. Water right systems in both States are deeply entrenched in their institutional frameworks, and perhaps not flexible enough. Modifying water right systems requires a careful consideration of hydrological, environmental, economic and legal analysis.    

The Seminar will focus on:

  • Water right systems in both States: degrees of flexibility and adaptability
  • Climate change projections and implications for water allocation
  • Identified needs to change water rights
  • Observed adaptation means with present water right systems
  • Barriers to adapting water right systems
  • Innovative solutions to redefine water rights


0900 - Opening Ceremony

Javier García Cañete, The Botín Foundation

Glenda Humiston, Vice President, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California, Oakland, USA

Soroosh Sorooshian, Forum Chair; Distinguished Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering and Earth System Science Depts.; Director, Ctr. for Hydrometeorology & Remote Sensing, University of California, Irvine, USA

SESSION 1: Framing the Scene—Main Water Policy Challenges

Moderated by: Soroosh Sorooshian, Forum Chair; Distinguished Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering and Earth System Science Depts.; Director, Ctr. for Hydrometeorology & Remote Sensing, University of California, Irvine, USA

0910 - California, USA

Doug Parker, California Institute for Water Resources, University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, USA

0930 - Spain

Alberto Garrido, Professor, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Lucia De Stefano, Associate Professor, Complutense University of Madrid & Deputy Director, Water Observatory, Botín Foundation, Spain

SESSION 2: What Do Climate Change Models Tell Us

Moderated by: Dan Dooley, Principal, New Current Water and Land, LLC, Fresno, California, USA

0950 - Spain

Luis Garrote, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)

1010 - California, USA

Soroosh Sorooshian, Forum Chair; Distinguished Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering and Earth System Science Depts.; Director, Ctr. for Hydrometeorology & Remote Sensing, University of California, Irvine, USA

1030 - Sessions 1 and 2 Q&A

Moderated by Nuria Hernández-Mora, Partner, Fundación Nueva Cultura del Agua

1055 - Break

SESSION 3: Characterizing Water Right Systems and the Foundations for Policy Implementation

Moderated by: Ayman Rabi, Executive Director, Palestinian Hydrology Group

1125 - Spain

Professors Beatriz Setauín & Antonio Embid, Universidad de Zaragoza

1145 - California, USA

Dan Dooley, Principal, New Current Water and Land, LLC, Fresno, California, USA

SESSION 4: Case Studies—Examples of Adapting Water Allocation Systems: Challenges and Opportunities

Moderated by: Ayman Rabi, Executive Director, Palestinian Hydrology Group

1205 - Spain

Jesús Carrera, Senior Scientist, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, CSIC, Spain

1225 - California, USA

David Guy, Executive Director, Northern California Water Association, California, USA

1245 - Sessions 3 and 4 Discussion

Moderated by: Ayman Rabi, Executive Director, Palestinian Hydrology Group

SESSION 5: Concluding Roundtable Discussion

1300 - Roundtable Discussion

Moderated by: Helen Ingram, Professor Emerita, University of California, Irvine, USA, Nuria Hernández-Mora (Consultant, Spain) and Mònica Bardina (Agencia Catalana del’Aigua, Catalan Water Agency)

1405 - Adjourn